Brian Prowse-Gany and Joyzel Acevedo




    For our fifth and final installment, we talk to 13-year-old Marley Dias of West Orange, NJ. Marley Dias has been in love with books for as long as she can remember, and thanks to some help from Mom and Dad, was exposed to various fables and adventures involving people of diverse backgrounds. One day over lunch with her mother, Marley revealed how she felt about the lack of diversity in the books available at school and how she felt the need to do something about it.


    From the civil rights movement to the Vietnam War protests and the fight for women’s rights, the youth of America have been at the forefront of leading and advocating for social change, and the young people of today are no different. In a new series titled Rise Up: Celebrating Young Leader Activists, Yahoo News profiles five up-and-coming leaders from the Gen Z and millennial generations, with our fourth installment featuring 17-year-old Kian Tortorello-Allen of Mount Kisco, NY. Although he never knew his name, Kian Tortorello-Allen hasn’t forgotten the trans high school senior he looked up to in the eighth grade.


    From the civil rights movement to the Vietnam War protests and the fight for women’s rights, the youth of America have been at the forefront of leading and advocating for social change, and the young people of today are no different. In a new series titled RISE UP: Celebrating Young Leader Activists, Yahoo News profiles five up-and-coming leaders from the Gen Z and millennial generations, with our third installment featuring 22-year-old Zachary Wood of Potomac, Md. As a teenager, Zachary Wood attended a predominantly white high school in Potomac, Maryland, where he says he frequently encountered passive aggressive forms of racism from his peers.

  • Unfiltered: 'This is GWAR…Halloween is the stupidest holiday ever invented!'

    For our special Halloween episode of Unfiltered, we sat down with the world’s first intergalactic Heavy Metal band GWAR! A collection of misfit space warriors and creatures from the planet Scumdogia, GWAR is actually a long-running collective of musicians and artists from Richmond, Va. In 1984, Dave Brockie, lead singer and bassist for the punk band Death Piggy, met Hunter Jackson and Chuck Varga, two art students from Virginia Commonwealth University. The band became a local hit and started playing shows as GWAR, a thrash metal/punk band with a sense of humor that used elaborate costumes and stage theatrics to satirize censorship and media violence.


    From the civil rights movement to the Vietnam War protests and the fight for women’s rights, the youth of America have been at the forefront of leading and advocating for social change, and the young people of today are no different. In a new series titled RISE UP: Celebrating Young Leader Activists, Yahoo News profiles five up-and-coming leaders from the Gen Z and millennial generations, with our second installment featuring 27-year-old Reyna Montoya of Gilbert, Az. In 2003, when Reyna Montoya was 13 years old, her family fled their homeland of Mexico for the safety and security of the United States.


    From the civil rights movement to protests against the Vietnam War and the fight for women’s rights, the youth of America have been at the forefront of advocating for social change. In a new series titled RISE UP: Celebrating Young Leader Activists, Yahoo News profiles five up-and-coming leaders from the millennials and from Gen Z. Our first installment features 12-year-old Naomi Wadler of Alexandria, Va. After watching the horrific Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting — in which 17 were killed and 17 injured — unfold on her living-room TV, Naomi sat down with her mother to discuss the emotions that began building up inside of her.

  • Unfiltered: ‘We’re the psychic twins.’

    Twins Terry and Linda Jamison first learned about their psychic abilities in high school, when they would predict when their friends would get into relationships with boys — and when they would break up. “Where we grew up in a little town, outside Philadelphia, nobody had ever heard of psychics. Now, the Psychic Twins — as they call themselves — are internet stars: With over 750,000 YouTube subscribers and a total video view count reaching 30 million, they’ve accrued a strong, loyal following that seems to grow with each prediction they make, whether it’s on the scale of a natural disaster or a celebrity pregnancy.

  • Unfiltered: ‘There’s a sort of black market in insulin’

    When insulin was first developed as a medical treatment in the early 1900s, it cost the equivalent of about $25 a month. For some of the 7 million diabetic Americans who depend on insulin and can’t afford its hefty price, desperate times have called for desperate measures.

  • Unfiltered: Men 'think it's a weakness to say that you have a weakness'

    Darryl "DMC" McDaniels opens up about his struggles with depression and substance abuse during his time with Run-DMC.

  • Unfiltered: ‘My job is to make women happy’

    The Showtime reality TV show revolves around Garren James's business: A male escort agency for women named Cowboys 4 Angels.

  • Unfiltered: ‘Before you slut-shame a woman, think about your mother.’

    Three years ago, Amber Rose opened her first SlutWalk event with a speech that began, “The first time I ever got slut-shamed I was 14 years old.”. With more than 2,500 attendance in Los Angeles, Rose spoke about how she’s continuously faced shame for her former career as a stripper, her high-profile relationships, and her prominent sexuality. After crying onstage, she said, “I decided to have this SlutWalk for women who have been through s***.

  • Unfiltered: ‘The democratic plantation really is worse than the plantation I grew up on.’

    Black conservative Jesse Lee Peterson is, to put it simply, not afraid to speak his mind. During the 1950s under Jim Crow laws he grew up on an Alabama plantation where his great-grandparents worked as slaves, but today Peterson is regularly featured on major news networks claiming that racism doesn’t exist, the Democratic Party lies to minorities to intimidate and control them, and July should be officially declared as White History Month. Unlike the Democratic Party — their plantation causes you to become dependent on them and not on yourself.

  • Unfiltered: ‘Youth sports is supposed to be innocent ... we need parents to stay outta the way.’

    There were the players leaving the soccer pit, running after their parents and yelling, “Dad, Mom, my prom is tomorrow night. Sports referee Brian Barlow has seen it all — either in person or on video — and has had enough.

  • Unfiltered: ‘It was harder to come out as more right-wing than as trans’

    When Blaire White hit “publish” on her first YouTube video two years ago, she did so because she needed an outlet. Since then, White’s followed it up with videos like “Male Struggles,” “Fat Acceptance Is Stupid” and “Trump IS Your President, Get Over It.” Now 24 years old and living in Hollywood, White has over 450,000 subscribers on YouTube and more than 50 million video views in total.

  • Unfiltered: ‘We ruin the lives of a******s, psychos, pervs, and trolls’

    In Carrie Goldberg’s career as a victims’ rights lawyer, she goes after four different kinds of offenders: “A******s, psychos, pervs and trolls.” An accomplished attorney who has most recently won a $950,000 sexual assault case involving a teen girl in Brooklyn and is currently representing one of the plaintiffs in the Harvey Weinstein case, Goldberg and her firm specialize in sexual assault and sexual privacy violations, including revenge porn, sextortion and other forms of online abuse. Defined as the distribution of sexually explicit images of a person without that person’s consent, revenge porn is a form of abuse that affects approximately 1 in 8 adults — most of them women. Sextortion takes it one step further: “[It’s] when somebody is being blackmailed, and usually their intimate images or videos are used as leverage to get somebody to do more things,” said Goldberg.

  • Unfiltered: ‘The left practices tolerance in the most superficial ways’

    On Nov. 8, 2016, Donald Trump was elected as the 45th President of the United States — and Brandon Straka, a gay man and artist living in New York City, posted a video of his reaction to Facebook. Almost two years later, Straka posted another video that has since gone viral and spawned a movement. It was this disconnect that led Straka to create the #WalkAway campaign in mid-June of 2018, a social media movement that encourages lifelong liberals and Democrats to “walk away” from their party and explore conservative politics with an open mind.

  • Unfiltered: '"I know I'm on welfare, but I'm also an American"'

    There was the teenager who feared she would be left to care for her three younger siblings after watching her mother frantically hide her family during the investigator’s visit. Project 100%, a program launched in 1997 and currently managed by the San Diego County’s Department of Child Support Services, employs investigators to go into the homes of potential welfare recipients in order to further verify eligibility for government aid. A lawyer with 22 years of experience fighting for the rights of low-income individuals and welfare recipients, Joni Halpern believes sole purpose of Project 100% is to falsely unearth evidence of fraud.

  • Unfiltered: 'I got death threats from the left … [and] right'

    Fish, as he prefers to be called, is known for his bold imagery and variation of style, but whether it’s a minimalist “Sunday funnies” parody or a highly detailed, photo-realistic illustration, the one constant of Fish’s work is a? satirical sense of humor that pulls no punches. Raised on some of history’s greatest satirists, from Bugs Bunny to Bill Hicks, Fish developed a sharp sense of humor in order to compete with his siblings. A child of the ’70s, Fish was hopeful that the activism of the 1960s – such as the civil rights, feminism and gay rights movements – would lead to a better society.

  • Unfiltered: ‘If you’re an ICE agent … quit your job’

    On the corner of West Houston and Varick Streets in New York City is a towering beige building. The Varick Street building is home to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) processing center, where immigrants are detained and appear before an immigration court. According to data from ICE, the total number of immigrant arrests in New York City has increased by more than 65 percent in just the last year.

  • Unfiltered: ‘We need to decrease the power that police officers have over black women.’

    There was Mike Brown, an eighteen-year-old who was fatally shot a total of 12 times by an officer responding to a robbery in progress. Perhaps the best-known female victim of police violence, is Sandra Bland: Originally stopped on a highway in Texas for failing to use a turn signal, the interaction escalated, with the officer involved threatening to use a taser, then removing her from her car, throwing her onto the ground and later arresting her. Groups like Say Her Name, a social movement founded in 2015 to bring awareness to black female victims of police brutality, brought Bland’s name to the forefront of the media conversation surrounding police violence and are trying to do the same for other black women whose experiences struggle to make it into the mainstream.