Chris Illuminati

    Chris Illuminati

  • Grieving Husband Has Visited Wife’s Grave Every Day for the Past 7 Years

    Fred Gilland made a promise to his wife on their wedding day that he’d be with her until the end, so he has visited her grave every day since 2009.

  • PSA Brilliantly Shows Why Some Moms Might Choose to Stay Pregnant for 260 Weeks

    An overwhelming majority of workers in the United States — about 86 percent — aren’t offered paid family leave through their employers. The National Partnership for Women & Families hopes the spot will persuade?Americans, and not just those planning on having families, to ask their members of Congress to stand up for a better national paid family and medical leave standard across the U.S.

  • Study Finds Most Women Who Medically Freeze Eggs Never Use Them

    Researchers surveyed nearly 100 women who, between 1999 and 2014, had their eggs frozen as a way to delay childbearing. About 1 in 5 participants became pregnant at some point after freezing eggs. None of the women in the study had a medical reason for freezing eggs.