Courtney Leiva
- Yahoo Life
One woman on coping with blindness and arthritis: 'Joy is a choice'
Despite her health issues, Joy Ross encourages others suffering from health issues to focus on the good. “We all have our struggles, but it’s important to be mindful of your blessings," she says.
- Yahoo Life
What is camel milk, ‘the next best thing in nutrition’?
Camel milk is surging in popularity, but what exactly is it?
- Yahoo Lifestyle
Moon milk is the newest wellness trend - but is it good for you?
The Instagram wellness trend is promising better sleep.
- Yahoo Life
What is moon milk, the Instagram wellness trend promising better sleep?
Moon milk is a popular new nighttime wellness drink. But is it actually good for you?
- Yahoo Life
Luxury nap destinations are the latest wellness trend
Nap rooms (and even napping clubs) are popping up around the country, allowing the restless and overworked to get some necessary shut-eye.
- Yahoo Life
Which workout to try, based on your zodiac sign
To find the perfect workout based on your sign, we spoke to several astrologers and fitness gurus to help you find your spring workout.
- Yahoo Life
What are beauty DNA kits, and why are they popping up everywhere?
The recent at-home DNA boom is also shaping the beauty industry, as new kit options allow you to test the health of your hair and skin, giving you major insight into how soon you'll go gray and how your skin reacts to harmful UVA/UVB rays.
- Yahoo Life
People are dyeing their hair to look like Halo Top ice cream
This wild hair color trend literally has colorists creating whimsical creations inspired by popular Halo Top ice cream flavors such as Birthday Cake, Rainbow Swirl, and Red Velvet.