Daniel Klaidman

    Editor in Chief, Yahoo News

    Daniel Klaidman is editor in chief for Yahoo News. From 2006 until 2011 he was Newsweek's managing editor. Before that, he served as the magazine's Washington bureau chief, Middle East correspondent, and as an investigative reporter. He is the author of "Kill or Capture: The War on Terror and the Soul of the Obama Presidency" (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012).

  • Georgia judge orders partial release of grand jury report showing Trump allies 'may have lied under oath'

    A Georgia judge's ruling Monday raised the prospect that allies of Donald Trump may have lied under oath when giving testimony to a grand jury about their efforts to flip the results of the 2020 election.

  • Georgia GOP bankrolls lawyers for 'fake' Trump electors in Fulton County DA probe

    The Georgia Republican Party is bankrolling the legal defense of most of the so-called fake electors in the state as part of a controversial arrangement that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis charges in a new court filing is “rife with serious ethical problems.”

  • Exclusive: Fulton County DA sends 'target' letters to Trump allies in Georgia investigation

    Fulton County, Ga., District Attorney Fani Willis has sent so-called target letters to prominent Georgia Republicans informing them they could be indicted for their role in a scheme to appoint alternate electors pledged to former President Donald Trump despite Joe Biden’s victory in the state.

  • Georgia DA Fani Willis is confident as her Trump probe takes shape

    Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is taking an unusually aggressive, hands-on approach to her office’s investigation into Donald Trump, personally selecting members of a special grand jury and sitting in on questioning while preparing to wage legal war against all-but-certain challenges from the former president and recalcitrant witnesses.

  • Georgia investigation into Trump's efforts to overturn 2020 election ramps up

    Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is stepping up the pace of her investigation into Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

  • Georgia Gov. Kemp defeats Trump-backed challenger, former Senator Perdue in GOP primary

    In a major blow to Donald Trump’s reputation as the Republican kingmaker, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp trounced former Sen. David Perdue in the GOP primary for governor.

  • Pence breaks with, and avoids talking about, Trump in Georgia

    In a pointed rebuke to Donald Trump, former Vice President Mike Pence aggressively touted the candidacy of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp at a campaign rally Monday.

  • Trump torches Kemp ahead of GOP primary that will provide ‘ultimate test’ of his influence

    Trump’s most caustic comments were aimed at Republican candidates in Georgia who refused to back his many efforts to change the 2020 election results there.

  • Trump rally in Georgia a key test for his political relevance

    Gov. Brian Kemp is ahead in the polls in Georgia's GOP gubernatorial primary, despite former President Donald Trump’s support for Kemp’s opponent, former Sen. David Perdue. That could raise questions about Trump’s political power, not just in Georgia but around the country.

  • Democrat wants Biden to defy Putin by staging a Berlin-like airlift to save Kyiv

    The United States should start planning for a Berlin airlift–style operation to save the people of Kyiv from Russian encirclement and start considering the deployment of NATO troops to western Ukraine, says Rep. Tom Malinowski, D-N.J.,

  • Key witness in Georgia's Trump investigation: I'm 'emotionally torn' about the case

    A critical witness in a Georgia criminal investigation into Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election said he is “emotionally torn” about the case, fearing that a potential prosecution could end up reinforcing the former president’s status as a “martyr.”

  • Exclusive: Biden's spy chief, Avril Haines, on Russian cyberattacks, the climate crisis and the intelligence community's role in domestic terrorism

    National Intelligence Director Avril Haines spoke with Daniel Klaidman, editor in chief of Yahoo News, about the challenges facing the intelligence community during the Biden administration.

  • Exclusive: Biden's top intelligence official says COVID origins may never be known

    Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, expressed considerable caution about the likelihood of the U.S. government solving this vexing mystery.

  • 10 things to know about Robert Mueller

    Robert Mueller was just named special counsel to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Here are 10 things you should know about him.

  • The Comey memo: What will be the fallout for Trump?

    On Wednesday, May 17, 2017, Yahoo News Deputy Editor Daniel Klaidman talks with Rep.?Eric Swalwell, D-Calif.; Yahoo News Chief Investigative Correspondent Michael Isikoff; Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; and political author and journalist Jonathan Darman. The group discusses the implications of the James Comey memo wherein the former FBI director noted that President Trump asked him to back off the investigation into former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn.

  • Trump eyes retired generals Keane and Mattis for Pentagon: Report

    Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis and Ret. Army Gen. Jack Keane are reportedly on the Trump transition team’s shortlist for secretary of defense. Major appointments are coming fast and furious from the Trump transition team, including attorney general, national security adviser and CIA director.

  • General Allen’s call to duty: Saluting Hillary Clinton

    Hillary Clinton on Thursday received the strong endorsement of retired Marine Corps Gen. John Allen, who commanded the war in Afghanistan and more recently was President Obama’s special envoy to the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL. Flanked by a wall of retired flag officers from all of the military’s services and younger veterans of the wars of 9/11, the martial display served as a kind of protective armor for a presidential candidate whom Republican nominee Donald Trump has savaged as weak and feckless on national security. “We stand before you tonight to endorse Hillary Clinton for president of the United States of America,” Allen said of Clinton, who will claim the Democratic nomination later Thursday night.

  • It wouldn’t be a Democratic convention without a Kennedy

    There’s nothing that quickens the pulses of the Democratic faithful like a convention address by a Kennedy. The lore goes back to John F. Kennedy’s presidential acceptance speech in Los Angeles in 1960. In a preview of the sacrifices he would ask of the American people in his first inaugural address, Kennedy said, “The New Frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises — it is a set of challenges.

  • The 'Lone Survivor' brings it for Trump

    In keeping with Donald Trump’s machismo-fueled presidential run, one of the first speakers on opening night of the Republican National Convention was former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, whose mix of Texas swagger and conservative politics have made him a hero among many Republicans. Luttrell, who was the only survivor when his SEAL team was ambushed by Taliban fighters in a 2005 operation, did not disappoint. “I was fortunate in life to be born from a patriotic family,” said Luttrell “[They] taught me to love this country and the people that make it up — unconditionally.

  • CIA Director John Brennan on terror, technology and going ‘outside the fence’: A Yahoo News interview

    CIA Director John Brennan arrives on Capitol Hill in June to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on ISIS. CIA Director John Brennan greeted me in a small waiting room outside his seventh-floor office, with his usual grave demeanor accentuated by the pronounced limp he has developed.