Dustin Burg
My name is Dustin Burg also known as "SuperDunner" and I am awesome. No joke, that's what it says on my business card. I'm a huge fan of the Halos, Gears of War and pretty much anything that's violent, bloody or mind-bending twisted. You can stalk my gaming habits by checking me out on Xbox Live under gamertag SuperDunners.While not gaming, I enjoy chatting it up with cool folks, wrestling bones away from the family dog "Buddy", watching the tele and consuming delicious foods. Cheescake, yum. Been on the blogging job since November 2006, have a degree in marketing and am a Twitter addict. Now that you know a bit about me, isn't it obvious that I'm totally awesome?
- Engadget
Interview: Trent Reznor
var digg_url = 'https://digg.com/arts_culture/Trent_Reznor_and_Rob_Sheridan_talk_games'; Wait. What? Trent Reznor? As in "Mr. I'll Give Away My Music," "Mr. Brutal Honesty," Mr. NINE INCH NAILS? What's he doing on Joystiq? Prior to taking the concert stage this month, The Trent Reznor, along with NIN Creative Director Rob Sheridan, opened up to us about their gaming pasts, the direction they see the industry headed in, and whether or not Trent will have a role in shaping that future.Continue reading for Joystiq's first-ever NINterview ...
- Engadget
Interview: Trent Reznor (Page 2)
What's your take on Microsoft and Sony entering the motion-controlled market? Trent: Me and Rob are both big Nintendo fans for a number of reasons. Nintendo approaches gaming from a prospective where Super Mario Bros. is still a classic and doesn't look dated. Look at any game on the PlayStation 1 that tries to exceed past the terrible 3D graphics, with their look alike, sound alike franchise attempts. With Nintendo, there's this kind of aesthetic that they bring to their in-house games that makes them feel like art. Where they aren't trying to be something else, where they have their own place and are just what they are. I've talked with Rob about this, about why that kind of game is cool, has a timelessness to it and isn't trying to be more than what it is. If I were going to make a video game today I would not put in rendered, 3D characters that try to look human. You know, where when they talk their lips are out of sync and have this weird aliased thing going on. There's that Shadow Complex game, which does looks cool. Every cut scene has the eyes rendered pretty well, but there's that terrible voice acting and the characters look like Fembots. Rob: The characters usually look better stylized in a way where it lends itself to the media as opposed to trying to look like the latest 3D-animated movie, which can create things super-realistically. When it's done only half way ... well, it's just kind of weird. Trent: How that applies to Nintendo, and I'm not saying they haven't fucked up a few times too, but they have this sense of here's this game, we're aware of the limitations, but we're going to make the game great with taste and integrity. Being honest, I'm not a huge fan of Sony. Their entire strategy behind the PlayStation is to focus on gaming as an experience last and getting a Blu-ray player in your living room comes first. Now, three years later they're trying to release a motion controller that's a little bit better than the Wii's. You're aware you're flamebaiting Sony fanboys right now. Trent. I don't care. I'm used to controversy. I make a living off of it. [Laughs.]The point is, do I think motion controlled gaming is the next big thing? No. It's an interesting concept, it's cool to have, but it's an input thing where I don't think that's the future of gaming. The fact that the Wii came out and has been wildly successful is because they picked up on the thing I've been saying all along. They made something simple and fun. It's something that doesn't compete with "Halo: Whatever-The-Fuck," but is actually fun and can resonate with a bunch of people in a low brow way where they didn't focus on how many buttons they could pop into the controller. Rob: Waving the Wiimote does get boring after a while, and after a bit you say, "Just give me a button!" So, when I see Microsoft's new motion controlled Natal and I see people play it, I say to myself, "Wow, that technology looks amazing, but how many people really want to stand there and flail about all the time?" I'm used to controversy. I make a living off of it. The nice thing about the Wii is that, if you want, you can sit back like a fat-ass and just barely wiggle your wrist to get the same gameplay effect. With all this motion-controlled stuff, there's nothing tangible anymore, you aren't touching anything, you aren't getting force feedback of any kind, and it all just seems like a tech demo. Something where you use it for a while, then go, "Just give me the controller back!" Trent: The strength of motion controllers will be if there's a killer app that makes a person go, "Fuck yeah, all right!" That's always what it comes down to. I'm glad there's innovation in that field and maybe something great will come of it, but I'm not holding my breath that the technology will redefine gaming. Rob: There's a difference between praising the Wii as an important step and saying that motion controls are the greatest thing in the world. What was great about the Wii is that it proved that they could do something that goes back to having just pure fun, that opens up the doors to people like my mom playing. This is something the fanboys cry about, "But who cares?" Those casual gamers aren't playing Halo, they aren't bothering you in your deathmatches. The Wii is just opening up the medium to so many more people using simple, pure fun. Something that original arcade games were all about. That doesn't mean it's the future necessarily, it just means that Nintendo found a tool to open the door to others and it could go a million different ways from there. Trent: I remember the first time I played Wii Tennis, my immediate reaction was, "Whoa!" Then there's the sound coming out of your hand and I'm all, "How the fuck?" When you show it to your mom or to your friends who come over and you see their faces light up -- that's one of those whoa-moments. One of those moments when you hear a great song or watch a great movie and get chills. That can be attained. Rob: The strength of the Wii isn't so much the motion controller it's that, regardless what it is, you can hand it over to your girlfriend. She'll go, "How do I play this?" You just show her, "Swing it, like this, see?" Two seconds later you're playing a heated game of tennis. Are you fans of Rock Band or Guitar Hero? Rob: I suck at those games. Pure and simple -- I just suck. Trent: I dabble around in them and I actually think those games are fun. As a gamer, it's interesting, fun and surprisingly rewarding when you get it right. As a musician, who's watching the record industry look at these games as a type of salvation ... it's laughable. That's just desperate people in the record business thinking. "Man, we finally have a way to turn people onto music."In a good way, a friend of mine who is my age, he has a couple kids under ten years old who now really like AC/DC and other classic music. Music they may not have discovered at their age. It's kind of fun to walk into Best Buy and hear people get excited about trying to play a Beck song and I don't think that's a bad thing. I'm kind of excited to see how they did on Beatles: Rock Band. I read about that in Wired, and it sounds like they did an A-list job in creating the depth of the experience. How are your Rock Band skills? Trent: I'm not bad, but to be honest with you, I haven't allowed myself go too deep down the path of perfection. If I were to set up a rock-off, a game of Rock Band between you and a band like ... say, Coldplay. Who would win? Trent: I don't know, but if it descended into physical violence, we'd probably win. Those guys strike me as having a lot of time on the bus tweaking or stringing some riffs together. [Laughs.]I'll tell you one thing I can't do that just amazes me is watching the masters of the Dance Dance Revolution game while I was in Japan. I got to see some asian kid, where his feet are moving faster than I can see shit coming down the screen. That's amazing. Will we be seeing anymore Nine Inch Nails DLC releases for Rock Band or Guitar Hero by year's end? Trent: No. Is there a reason? Trent: I just really never thought about it. When Rock Band first came out there were a couple songs involved and they asked for more in a content pack. I just said pick some of the hardest material we have, like "The Perfect Drug," which has some difficult drums. Then I asked them to make it as hard as they could possibly make it. That led to me seeing a couple YouTube videos of people getting high scores and, well ... that's really it. I feel we did all we needed to do with it. #ninbutton { border-style: solid; border-color: #000; border-width: 2px; background-color: #BBB; color: #000; text-decoration: none; width: 100px; text-align: center; padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px; margin: 2px 2px 2px 2px; } .buttontext { color: #000; text-decoration: none; font: bold 14pt Helvetica; } #ninbutton:hover { text-decoration: none; color: #BBB; background-color: #000; } << BACK COMMENT NEXT >>
- Engadget
Interview: Trent Reznor (Page 3)
What do you think of the upcoming Rock Band Network? Will you support the service? Trent: I think that's an interesting idea, but I'd have to think about it some more. Would I do it for Nine Inch Nails? No -- and I'll tell you why.At the end of the day, I don't mind putting my song in a movie I like. Something like where JJ Abrams calls asking to use a song in "Fringe." I say, "I like what you do, I know it'll be used tastefully." Music isn't a game, it's supposed to be an emotional kind of experience. If someone hears it in that context, well, okay, that's cool. Again, at the end of the day, my concern is to write music and that's what it is. Music isn't a game, it's supposed to be an emotional kind of experience.When I heard about Rock Band and was asked to put some music on it, I did that. Then I thought, what if, with our next record, we release it on Rock Band first? The entire album. But then I thought about it some more and decided no, because I don't want people remembering it that way. I want it to be an album, a piece of music and not a game. There's a balance there, but music should have its own place, because it is not just about how many people can get it in whatever form. Activision released special band-specific Guitar Hero games, like Metallica and Aerosmith. Have you ever been approached about a NIN edition? Trent: Not that I know of. I'm not saying this to be modest, but we aren't in the same demographic or audience size as those bands. NIN doesn't really fit that mold, because there is no guitar in a third of our songs and, to be honest with you, I wouldn't want to do that anyway. If you had to pick one video game character to identify with, who would it be? Trent: Umm, that's a tough one. [Long pause.]I really can't think of shit right now. Rob, you got one, I know you do. You're thinking Samus, but she's a chick and you don't want to say that. [Laughs.]It's that or Link. Rob: Yeah, I'd go with Link, actually. That's a good one, because I was the loner kid who just wanted everyone to leave me alone so I could play Zelda. It's that lone person experience that kind of defined who I am. Trent: Yeah and I can't think of anything. What about Mario? You said you liked Nintendo. Trent: No, he's too common. Too bourgeois.Well, now that you're moving on from NIN, do you have any interest in putting your creative energy into video games? Whether it be development or creating a soundtrack for a game? The idea of making a cool game ... now that's wildly exciting to me! Trent: Yeah, again, Rob and I are working on a project together that's moving forward and focuses on the creation of content from a developer's perspective. Would I do music for an everyday game? Meh. I'm not thrilled about the idea, but if someone cool came to me and had this great game, then I'd consider it. Just like if a great director came to me and said, "I'm doing a film would you want to do the music?" I'd consider it.That's not my dream job, to be honest with you. The idea of making a cool game or making a cool software platform, now that's wildly exciting to me! Content creation is where me and Rob are headed. That's sort of a direct result of what we did with Year Zero, in terms of the ARG and presenting it. That was, from my perspective, the most rewarding creative experience, musical or not. Being able to take this world and present it to people in a creative way. It wasn't a game, it wasn't a website, it was kind of all those things in one. It was an experience where it was fun to use all the different kinds of mediums that are available now and, in the end, kind of creep into people's minds.I like playing shows, and I can play shows. I've played big shows and I've played shitty shows. I've played where people show up and played where people don't show. But what excites me is working on stuff like the Year Zero project more than my current thing. I could keep doing shows. I'm pretty good at it, but I want to fucking start something that I might suck at and try that. You know, to see what it's like to suck for once. #ninbutton { border-style: solid; border-color: #000; border-width: 2px; background-color: #BBB; color: #000; text-decoration: none; width: 100px; text-align: center; padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px; margin: 2px 2px 2px 2px; } .buttontext { color: #000; text-decoration: none; font: bold 14pt Helvetica; } #ninbutton:hover { text-decoration: none; color: #BBB; background-color: #000; } << BACK COMMENT
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Joyswag: Halo Wars Mega Bloks [update]
Update: This giveaway is now closed. Winners are being notified, so be sure to check your email including your junk mail.The generous builders over at Mega Bloks were kind enough to send over a few cases of the company's recently launched Halo Wars brick collection. Seeing as we aren't the greedy types, we decided to share our Blok bounty by holding one of our famous Joyswag giveaways.Up for grabs are five complete sets of the entire Halo Wars Mega Bloks collection. Those lucky enough to win will receive enough bricks to build a spectacular Halo display that could rival the legendary Halo 3 Believe diorama. If that level of awesome is achieved: pics or it didn't happen. Leave a comment telling us what your favorite vehicle is from the Halo universe. You must be 18 years or older and a resident of the US or Canada (excluding Quebec) Limit 1 entry per person This entry period ends at 1:00PM ET on Thursday, August 20 At that time, we'll randomly select five winners to receive a Halo Wars Mega Bloks bundle that includes: Aerial Ambush, UNSC Scorpion, UNSC Warthog, UNSC Hornet, UNSC Turret and Covenant Ghost ($129.94 ARV) For a list of complete rules, click here
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Swag Saturday: Gears of War Jacinto's Remnant [update]
Update: Entry into this giveaway is now closed. Winners are being notified via email, so be sure to check your inbox and your junk mail.Today is the day that comes after Friday, which means one thing here at Joystiq: another fun filled (and librarian approved) Swag Saturday!This week, we're giving away ten copies of the recently released Gears of War Jacinto's Remnant novel. While we can't be sure how entertaining the copy reads, we are certain that the novel's Marcus Fenix artwork oozes badass. He has an intimidating glare that can both kill his enemies and make women weak in their tree limb-sized knees. (Get a room, you two! -Ed.) Leave a comment telling us who your favorite character is within' the Gears of War universe. You must be 18 years or older and a resident of the US or Canada, excluding Quebec.(Nous sommes désolés, Québecois!) Limit 1 entry per person. This entry period ends at 3:31 pm ET on Sunday, August 16. We'll randomly select ten winners at that time to receive: one copy of Gears of War Jacinto's Remnant (ARV $15). For a list of complete rules, click here
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Avatar Marketplace - All Items
Tops | Headwear | Dress Up | Glasses | BottomsShoes | Props | Gloves | Rings | Wristwear | Earrings Tops A LIST KNIT TOP - 80 Adi Tee Trefoil - 160 Adios Star Tee - 80 B-Boy Pose Tee - 80 BioShock 2 Logo Tee - 80 Blazer and Sweater - 160 Bow Tee - 80 Brown Jacket and Bustier Combo - 160 Bullet Candy Tee - 80 Cactus Dog Tee - 80 Cargo Jacket and Vest Combo - 160 Clone Trooper Shirt - 80 COG Tee - 80 Conviction Logo Tee - 80 Corset - 160 Crimson Omen Hoodie - 160 Crimson Omen Tee - 80 Crop Top Jacket - 160 Cult of Rapture Tee - 80 Cup Tee - 80 D - HF Stripes - 160 Don't Wait - Incinerate! Tee - 80 Double Skull Logo Tee - 80 ENOUGH SAID WOVEN SHIRT - 160 Explorer Shirt - 160 Fable Tee - 80 Firebird Jacket & Trefoil Bag - 160 Firebird Track Jacket - 160 FUTURE SHOCK JACKET - 160 GOW Hoodie - 160 Graphic Trefoil Hoodie - 160 Halo Camo Top - 80 Halo Crossed Swords Tee - 80 Halo Hand Tee - 80 Halo Hoodie - 160 Halo Legendary Tee - 80 Halo Long Sleeved Tee - 80 Halo Medals Tee - 80 Halo Stuck Tee - 80 Halo Tee - 80 Incinerate Guy Tee - 80 Jedi Order Shirt - 80 Lion Pappa Tee - 80 Logo Shirt - 80 Logo Tank - 80 Mo Massive Tee - 80 Mountain and Wave Tee - 80 Mummy Tee - 80 Nancy Rocks Tee - 80 Obi-Wan Shirt - 80 OT-MA - 160 Prototype Big Daddy Tee - 80 Red Bustier - 80 Reliance Windbreaker - 160 Republic Symbol Shirt - 80 Rondine Tee - 80 SANDy Tee - 80 Shirts and Suspenders - 160 Sleek Logo Tee - 80 Sleek Supergirl - 160 Spire Guard Coat - 160 Splicer Mask Tee - 80 Split Decision Tank Top - 80 Street AOP Firebird - 160 Striped Jacket Combo - 160 Thickness Sweatshirt - 160 Third Echelon Logo Tee - 80 Treasure Hunt-ery Shirt - 80 TURN AROUND HOODIE - 160 Unicorno Tee - 80 Vest and Tank Top - 80 Yoda Shirt - 80 Headwear ACOUSTIC FEDORA HAT - 80 Adios Star Hat - 80 Americano Hat - 80 Bandit Mask - 160 Baseball Cap - 80 Bouncer Big Daddy Helmet - 160 Bowler Hat - 80 Brim Hat - 80 Brown Bowler Hat - 80 Clone Trooper Helmet - 160 COG Helmet - 160 Conviction Logo Baseball Cap - 80 Crimson Omen Baseball Cap - 80 Crimson Omen Skull Cap - 80 Fedora Hat - 80 Flight Hat and Goggles - 160 Halo Beret - 80 Halo Military Cap - 80 Herman Toothrot Hat - 80 Highwayman Hat - 160 LeChuck Pirate Hat - 80 Locust "Cyclops" Helmet - 160 Logo Hat - 80 Newsboy Cap and Goggles Combo - 160 Newsboy Hat - 80 Prototype Big Daddy Helmet - 160 Republic Symbol Baseball Cap - 80 Rosie Big Daddy Helmet - 160 Rush Hour Hat - 80 Skull Logo Hat - 80 Stan the Salesman Hat - 80 Top Hat - 160 Tref Trucker - 80 Dress Up Clone Trooper Armor - 400 COG Armor - 320 Elaine Marley Suit - 240 Elites Outfit - 400 Guybrush Threepwood Suit - 240 Highwayman Boots - 160 Highwayman Coat - 240 LeChuck Pirate Suit - 240 Locust Drone Armor - 320 Obi-Wan Tunic and Armor - 320 Sam Fisher Outfit - 320 Shirt and Vest Combo - 160 Splinter Cell Outfit - 400 Stan The Salesman Suit - 240 Swordmaster Suit - 240 UNSC Marine Armor - 400 Glasses Aviator Glasses - 80 Ballroom Mask - 160 Ferris Sunglasses - 40 Goggles - 80 Meat Hook Pirate Eye Patch - 40 Metal Goggles - 80 Recession Glasses - 80 Tortoise Glasses - 80 Bottoms Breeches - 80 Cuffed Denim - 80 Cuffed Denim Jeans - 80 Cuffed Trousers - 80 FREESTYLE CUFFED DENIM PANT - 80 Gypsy Skirt - 160 Halo Cargo Shorts - 80 Highwayman Trousers - 160 Hot Pants - 80 Leather Pants and Belt Combo - 160 Mega Bleeker Board Short - 80 Mo Massive Boardshort - 160 Reflex Boardshort - 80 Skirt and Petticoat Combo - 160 Striped Trousers - 80 Supergirl Trackpant - 160 TURN IT UP DENIM SHORTS - 80 Tweed Jodphur Pants - 80 Shoes Bandit Boots - 160 Belize High Top Sneakers - 160 Black Boots - 80 Black Combat Boots - 80 Black Lace-Up Boots - 80 Brown Ankle Boots - 80 Cool Out Sandals - 80 Crimson Omen Skate Shoes - 160 Game Mid - 160 Gray Shoes - 80 HARP PLAID HIGH TOPS - 160 Highwayman Boots - 160 NIZZA HI LJACK - 160 Sailing Light - 160 Samba - 160 Shoes - 80 Socks and Boots Combo - 80 Superstar - 160 Unlaced Combat Boots - 80 Props Basketball - 160 Big Daddy Doll - 240 Camera - 160 Chicken with Pulley - 160 Cotton Swab - 160 Dumbbells - 160 Eyeball Necklace - 160 Guitar - 160 Halo RC Warthog - 320 Inferno Skateboard - 240 Lightsaber - 400 Mobile Phone - 160 Moofia Skateboard - 240 Pirate Telescope - 160 Pom Poms - 160 Popcorn - 160 Seltzer Bottle - 160 Soccer Ball - 160 Gloves Gloves and Wristbands - 80 Highwayman Gloves - 40 Rings Halo Laser Kill Ring - 40 Wristwear Adios Star Watch - 80 Bubble Watch - 80 Earrings Earrings - 80
- Engadget
Let's go shopping in the Avatar Marketplace!
You'll find screenshots of every single item that's purchasable via the newly launched Avatar Marketplace conveniently placed in a few galleries below. Not only did we diligently snap photos of each and every item, but we also catalogued each item's name and pricing information and even put together a text-based list of all collected information. We were bored, okay?Feel free to browse the virtual clothes racks, take a gander through our hand-picked 20 Most Interesting Avatar Items and (if you're daring) navigate through photos of all 190 Avatar items. Fun fact: if you were to purchase every single item available, the total damage would amount to about 17,680 24,720 or roughly $309. [Update: We've added an additional 58 female-only Avatar items to both our screenshot and text-based catalogs.] 20 Most Interesting Avatar Items Gallery Avatar Marketplace - All Items Gallery Avatar Marketplace - All Items List %Gallery-69789%
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Joyswag: Gears of War 2 'Dark Corners' DLC [update]
Update: This giveaway is now closed. Winners are being selected and will be notified via email. So, be sure to check your inbox.Gears of War 2 just received fresh downloadable content this week with the release of the Dark Corners expansion and we're on a mission to share the DLC love. So, that's exactly what we're doing by giving away five copies of Dark Corners -- complete with its seven new multiplayer maps and Road to Ruin deleted chapter -- to five lucky readers. Be sure to enter the giveaway and we'll be sure to randomly select the winners in time to benefit from this week's double XP event. Leave a comment telling us which of the new Dark Corners maps you're most excited for. You must be 18 years or older and a resident of the US or Canada (excluding Quebec) Limit 1 entry per person This entry period ends at 11:00PM ET on Wednesday, July 29 At that time, we'll randomly select five winners to receive an Xbox Live redemption code for Gears of War 2 Dark Corners ($15 ARV) For a list of complete rules, click here %Gallery-51731%
- Engadget
New dash update enables color choices for select Avatar apparel
click to super-duper sizeAfter having the weekend to explore the upcoming Xbox 360 dashboard update, we came across a very welcome addition to select Avatar clothing: the choice of color!Within' the new dash update, the classic Avatar "Power Tee" (which is currently available in both green and red flavors) can now be color customized. A small color palette icon can be seen attached to the tee and, once chosen, offers the option of nine different colors. Don't believe us? Check out the video footage of the color choosing process, embedded after the break.From what we can tell, the "Power Tee" is the only item that offers a color choice, but we hope more items (if not all) will receive this option in the future. Having the ability to change the color of Avatar clothing has been a popular request among the community and is a feature that adds an extra layer of customization. We encourage Microsoft to keep these color options coming!%Gallery-68760%
- Engadget
The 360's new (and improved) Netflix experience
Come August 11th, Xbox Live gold members will be treated to a new and improved Netflix, something we're calling the "New Netflix Experience". Catchy, no? Click through the gallery to learn more about the new features including movie parties, privacy settings and the ability for Avatars to express love, hate and laughter.%Gallery-68686%
- Engadget
A fashionable look at the new Avatar Marketplace
Seeing as we just got our mitts on the new Xbox 360 dashboard, we figured we'd share the dash love with a preview of the upcoming Avatar Marketplace. Click through the gallery to experience Avatar shopping, view the stylish pirate apparel and, if you're daring enough, take a peek after the break for a look at Avatar cotton swabbing. Yes ... cotton swabbing.%Gallery-68679%
- Engadget
Celebrate July 4th with adorable Kodu fireworks
Today is the day of independence for Joystiq readers in the United States, which also means it's a day full of aerial explosions of light. You know, fireworks. For those not lucky enough to be in an area where one can witness this colorful spectacle, we figured we'd bring the explosive excitement to the internet, for all to share, with the help of the recently released Community Game, Kodu.Enjoy the show and have a boom-tastic July 4th!
- Engadget
Joyswag: Rare Alan Wake goodies from E3 [update]
Update: Congratulations to Joyswag winner heyo007! Sweet dreams ...After emptying our pockets post-E3, we came across some nifty Alan Wake swag that was tucked away in the side pockets of our carpenter jeans. And, in Joystiq tradition, we're giving it all away to one lucky reader.Up for grabs is an exclusive (and quite rare) Alan Wake E3 faceplate that's numbered 477 out of 500 and an attractive Alan Wake t-shirt (sized XL, of course). If you think about it, the swag pairing makes logical sense: the faceplate covers your Xbox 360 and the tee covers your buff, naked self. To enter, leave a comment telling us about your most recent nightmare. You must be 18 years or older and a resident of the US or Canada (excluding Quebec). Limit 1 entry per person. This entry period ends at 11:59 pm ET on Thursday, June 11. At that time, we'll randomly select 1 winner to receive a Alan Wake E3 faceplate and t-shirt (ARV: $50). Please check your email! For a list of complete rules, click here
- Engadget
Seen@E3: TMNT pose for E3 photo op
Eager to promote their upcoming Wii title TMNT: Smash-Up, today, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo made a special appearance at Ubisoft's E3 booth. The reason? A photo op, of course. They probably figured they'd swing by the convention to help spread the way of the ninja, meet with their fans and try to get into as many tabloids as possible. Turtle power!
- Engadget
45 Second Booth Tour: EA
Continuing our 45 Second Booth Tour coverage, here's a quick looksy at EA's E3 2009 booth, which features plenty of game stations, a few helpful EA reps and hundreds of feet of wrap around video screen. Click and enjoy your 45 second booth tour.
- Engadget
45 Second Booth Tour: Microsoft
We're privileged enough to get the chance to walk around and view the numerous multi-million dollar E3 booths, so we figured we'd share the experience. Albeit, condensed into 45 seconds. View Microsoft's E3 booth in the 45 Second Booth Tour vid that's embedded above and click through the photos below. If you can spot Cliff Bleszinski, we award you a (virtual) scrumptious brownie.%Gallery-64888%
- Engadget
Joystiq and Bungie call truce, peace declared (for now)
That picture pretty much says it all: the whole Joystiq vs. Bungie quarrel has been squashed and the competitive tiff has been settled. Let it be known that both the streets of New Mombasa and around the Joystiq Towers metro are, once again, safe to stroll without fear of being caught in the crossfire.
- Engadget
Burgers and fries at Xbox Live's E3 meetup
With stomachs full of In-N-Out's fatty burger goodness, we're happy to present photographic proof that we were in attendance at Xbox Live's E3 reader meetup. Not that we need any photos to do that, the ketchup stains on our pants and our bloated bellies should be proof enough. Go ahead, take a gander through the photo gallery below to experience Xbox Live community at its greasiest finest!%Gallery-65061%
- Engadget
Visuals from the MS E3 2009 briefing
Microsoft's E3 2009 keynote wrapped a few days ago. Plenty of Xbox goodness was revealed, various celebs took the stage and a few Wii insults were served. And what better way to reminisce about this year's BIG Microsoft announcements than with photos! So, here's some keynote photography for you.Know that both we and John Schappert give this photo gallery two thumbs way up!%Gallery-64692%
- Engadget
Seen@E3: Spartans can drum too
Dragging our sleep deprived selves through the convention center, today, we came across a Halo'riffic surprise. An unidentified red Spartan - one that sorta resembled the hue of Red vs. Blue's Sarge - was seen drumming his lil' Spartan heart out at the Lego Rock Band booth. He was thumping to the beat of "The Final Countdown", four starred the tune and we're pleased to report that no drum set victory tea-bagging was performed. It's all about self control, kids.