Frances Gatta
- Yahoo Life
How — and when — to perform CPR on infants, kids and adults
About 90% of people who experience cardiac arrests outside of a hospital die. But CPR can double or triple a person’s survival chances.
- Yahoo Life
Why do we hiccup — and how do we stop? Experts weigh in.
Hiccups are common and typically harmless, but that doesn’t make them any less frustrating. Here's how to stop them.
- Yahoo Life
Why do we cry? Experts explain the purpose of tears.
There are actually different types of tears. So what are they and why exactly do we cry? Experts explain.
- Yahoo Life
What are the symptoms of a Strep A infection? Here’s what parents should look out for.
Strep A is a type of bacteria that causes strep throat, but it can also lead to more serious infections.
- Yahoo Life
Why do we yawn — and why is it so contagious? Experts explain.
Merely thinking about or seeing someone yawning can make you yawn. But why?
- Yahoo Life
Why do we get brain freeze? Experts explain
Some call it brain freeze. Others call it an ice cream headache. But there's no mistaking that brief, intense head pain. Here's why it happens.
- Yahoo Life
Is cracking your joints a harmful habit? Here’s what the experts say.
There’s even a medical name for that crackling, clicking or popping sound your joints make: crepitus. Here's what causes it.
- Yahoo Life
Why do we get goosebumps? Experts explain
Why exactly do we get goosebumps when we're cold or experiencing strong emotions? Here’s what experts say.
- Yahoo Life
What causes pins and needles? Experts explain.
Numbness and tingling — called pins and needles — is a common problem. Here, experts explain why it happens in the first place.
- Yahoo Life
What is PCOS and why is it so hard to diagnose? Doctors explain.
PCOS is a common reason why women have difficulty getting pregnant. Here are the symptoms to look out for.