Garance Franke-Ruta

    Senior Politics Editor

    Garance Franke-Ruta is the Washington editor of Yahoo News. Previously a senior editor and Voices columnist at The Atlantic, she has also worked at the Washington Post, The American Prospect, Washington City Paper, TNR, and National Journal. Born in France, Garance grew up in San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas, Mexico, New York City, and Santa Fe, N.M. She has resided in D.C. since 1997.

  • Democrats dissect Lamb's win with an eye to November's races

    "I think most Republicans realize we're running into a very serious headwind — hurricane-force wind,"?Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa.,?said?of the improbable victory.

  • Guns, Trump and steel: Next week's Pennsylvania special election a referendum on 2018's hot-button issues

    The March 13 election has the potential to upend expectations about how safe even the reddest of Republican congressional districts will be in the 2018 midterms.

  • Resistance activists look past Trump's State of the Union speech to November

    In NYC and D.C. and online, women’s groups, immigration activists and others in the resistance came together around the SOTU to rally for the midterms and beyond.

  • Resistance activists look past Trump’s State of the Union speech to November

    In New York and Washington and online, women’s groups, immigration activists and other elements of the resistance came together before, during and after the State of the Union to celebrate their unity and plan for the midterms and beyond.

  • Trump's State of the Union will be answered by a cacophony of resistance voices

    The official Democratic response to the State of the Union will be by Rep. Joe Kennedy III. But others will join in, live and online, including celebrities and resistance groups.

  • 'Grab 'Em by the Midterms': The Women's March on Washington rallies for the 2018 elections

    The Women's March on Washington returned, one year after President Trump's inauguration. This time, women came organizing for the 2018 midterm elections.

  • The resistance is organized and ready in district where Trump is visiting

    Democrats, especially women, have been organizing ever since last year’s election. And they think they have a chance to take the seat in this heavily Republican district.

  • 10 promises Trump kept in 2017

    Donald Trump in 2017 moved from being a chaos candidate to a chaos president. He shoots for the moon (literally), routinely says things that aren’t true, and often makes pledges that generate enormous attention but very little follow-through. Many of his signature policy efforts have been tied up in or blocked by the courts, his campaign is under investigation by the FBI, and his approval rating is at historic lows for a first-year president.

  • Democrats energized for uphill fight to reclaim state legislatures

    After years of neglecting state legislative races, Democrats are now energized to contest even strongly Republican districts in 2018, hoping to take control of key statehouses as redistricting looms.

  • A partisan split on harassment charges: Dems resign, GOPers deny

    The growing chorus of Democratic lawmakers calling on Sen. Al Franken to step down Wednesday opened up a dramatic partisan divide in how the two major parties are responding to their members and candidates accused of sexual harassment or abuse. By the day’s end, 30 lawmakers — and well over half the Democratic Senate Caucus — had weighed in to say that Franken should resign. The pressure on Franken to step aside has an element of political calculation, as Democrats seek to create a contrast with support by President Trump and the Republican National Committee for Alabama’s Roy Moore, who has refused to give up his bid for the Senate despite allegations by numerous women that he sexually pursued or even molested them when they were in their teens.

  • Women's anger transformed the 2017 elections. Get ready for 2018.

    Women candidates and voters — often in districts that Democrats had given up contesting — helped the party to its extraordinary gains in Virginia. In the year since Donald Trump was elected, thousands of women across the country have expressed interest in running for office, and new organizations are springing up to help them.

  • Democrats make huge gains in Virginia House

    As of 9:30, Democrats had picked up 13 seats and had a 47-46 edge in called races, with seven contests still too close to call, putting them on the cusp of a majority in the 100-seat chamber.

  • Democrats are upping their game in local races this year

    The Democratic Party has mounted the most intense, coordinated national effort in modern party history to elect its candidates to down-ballot state and local offices.

  • Facebook, Google won't commit to stop taking foreign cash for U.S. political ads

    Facebook and Google declined under repeated congressional questioning Tuesday to commit to stop taking Russian rubles and other foreign currencies as payment for American political advertisements, despite federal election law prohibiting payments from foreign nationals.

  • The #MeToo hashtag has reached nearly half the Facebook accounts in America. The consequences have just begun.

    This week Facebook came through as a forum for truth as women across the country unspooled their tales of sexual harassment and abuse under the #MeToo hashtag — and the movement is already having real-world consequences.

  • How Harvey Weinstein got away with it for so long

    Only a small percentage of sexual assaults result in criminal charges, and even fewer with convictions. As a result, many victims don’t even bother filing complaints. And powerful men, from the president on down, face few lasting consequences.

  • Ban Trump from Twitter? Debate erupts anew online

    As the president’s tweets have grown increasingly belligerent and erratic, and with social networking companies facing congressional scrutiny over their use by foreign governments to influence elections, the once-outlandish notion seems to be gaining traction.

  • Senate intel leaders won't release Russian-linked Facebook ads

    “We don’t release documents provided to our committee, period," said Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., the chair of the committee.

  • Graphic eyewitness reports from Las Vegas show terrifying scene

    Videos recorded by concertgoers at a Sunday country music festival outside the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino on the Strip in Las Vegas reveal a scene of stunning terror as a gunman let loose with a stream of bullets that police say killed at least 58 and injured more than 489.

  • Trump calls Las Vegas shooting 'an act of pure evil'

    President Trump offered words of praise for the courage and quick actions of first responders during the Las Vegas shooting and sought to provide words of comfort for grieving families.