Kayla Jardine


    Kayla Jardine is a producer for Yahoo News, frequently covering politics and breaking news. Previously, she worked at Radio.com and The TODAY Show. When she's not on the hunt for a good story, you can find her obsessively listening to Malcolm Gladwell's podcast or eating french fries.

  • No one can breathe: The view from the streets of Brooklyn, N.Y., as protests roil the nation

    In cities across the U.S. on Saturday, chants and shouts — and breaking glass and sirens and gunshots — filled downtown streets in a fifth night of protest over the death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who died in Minneapolis after he was handcuffed and pinned down by a police officer.

  • Online College Board tests are planned if lockdowns extend to fall. How would they work?

    With schools and testing sites closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, testing companies are scrambling to make alternative arrangements for administering exams such as the SAT and the ACT.

  • Colorado health care workers block anti-quarantine protesters amid coronavirus pandemic

    In states such as Texas, Indiana, Nevada and Wisconsin, demonstrators are disobeying social distancing orders and gathering to call for a reopening of their states and the economy.?When protesters tried to do the same in Denver on Sunday, they were met with health care workers blocking their path.?

  • Animal shelters say in coronavirus lockdown people are looking for new friends

    Kelsey Pierce, a musician and songwriter in New York City, had always wanted to foster a dog with her roommate, Allyson Backus, but because of their busy schedules it was never a real possibility. Since all of New York is currently on a stay-at-home order because of the coronavirus pandemic, the pair were finally able to take on a furry friend.?

  • First he had brain cancer. Then the coronavirus struck his city. One patient’s perilous journey.

    When Ronnie Krensel went in for his most recent checkup following chemotherapy on March 21, it wasn’t anything like the ones he’d had before. Upon his arrival at the Southhampton Stony Brook Hospital in Long Island, N.Y., a doctor met Krensel in a hazmat suit in a large tent outside the facility, where he was asked “a series of rapid-fire questions” and then sent to a negative-pressure room, which prevents cross-contamination, for his visit.?

  • Yahoo News Explains: Can Republicans restrict Democratic power in Wisconsin and Michigan?

    Democrats won governorships in Wisconsin and Michigan last month, and now Republicans are trying to limit the power of the new governors.

  • Yahoo News Explains: Fact-checking Trump's claims about asylum-seekers

    According to Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.” But President Trump has frequently called those rights and those seeking them into question. The president also retweeted a post claiming that “illegals can get up to $3,874 a month under Federal Assistance program.” Immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally don’t qualify for most government benefit programs, including food stamps, Medicaid, cash assistance and public housing. While asylees are eligible for cash assistance, they must meet certain requirements to be considered.

  • Yahoo News Explains: The cost of Trump’s tariff war

    General Motors recently announced its plan to cut more than 14,000 jobs. Earlier this year, the car manufacturer warned the Trump administration about the cost of his tariff war. Trump lashed out at GM after its job reduction announcement and allegedly told its CEO that she “better” reopen plants in the U.S. soon.

  • Yahoo News Explains: How Trump has hindered climate change policies

    The White House just released a harrowing report on the potentially deadly consequences of climate change. Why does President Trump contradict the report? In the past, Trump has frequently called climate change a hoax and in 2017, he pulled the U.S. out of an environmental action accord signed by 195 nations to help stop climate change.

  • Yahoo News Explains: What’s next for Brexit?

    The United Kingdom has taken another step towards securing a Brexit deal with the European Union. “This deal delivers what people voted for and it is in the national interest,” U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May said.

  • Yahoo News Explains: Why do we call it Black Friday?

    Does it mean retailers will turn a profit, or get “in the black” for the year, or is the meaning a lot less positive?

  • Yahoo News Explains: Who were the first Pilgrims in America?

    If you remember anything from history class, you already know a small group of people boarded the Mayflower in 1620 in hopes of a better life in America. A couple of the crew members had actually been to America before to fish or to explore. A man on the Mayflower, Stephen Hopkins, had tried to settle in the New World 10 years earlier but got shipwrecked in Bermuda. ?Shakespeare’s renowned play “The Tempest” was allegedly based on that wreck.

  • Yahoo News Explains: Is Nancy Pelosi going to be House speaker again?

    Nancy Pelosi is running a fierce campaign to be elected speaker of the House of Representatives. The current minority leader of the House — and only woman to be speaker — has been in the political sphere for more than four decades. Pelosi, who started as a member of the Democratic National Committee in 1976, slowly worked her way up to the House after a 1987 special election.

  • Yahoo News Explains: What’s next for the U.S. in space?

    From Space Force to space flights, where will the next generation soar? In 2017, tech giant Elon Musk announced that his company SpaceX would send humans to Mars by 2024. According to the Mars One website, 100 candidates of the 202,000 people who applied remain in the application process.?But in a recent interview, Musk said he wasn’t sure?whether he’d be aboard or not.

  • Yahoo News Explains: Can Trump quash the White House press corps?

    CNN’s Jim Acosta is reporting at the White House again after a judge ruled that the Trump administration overstepped the law in revoking his access. You are a rude, terrible person,” Trump told Acosta. Lawyers for the administration argued, “The President and White House possess the same broad discretion to regulate access to the White House for journalists that they possess to select which journalists receive interviews.

  • Yahoo News Explains: Could the U.S. lose a war?

    A new report from a bipartisan commission asked to evaluate the Trump administration’s defense strategy isn’t encouraging.

  • Yahoo News Explains: Is North Korea breaking the missile agreement with Trump?

    North Korea is reportedly continuing to develop its ballistic missile program. Following a summit with the U.S., North Korean leader Kim Jong Un agreed to dismantle his country’s main nuclear site. North Korea reportedly continues to make improvements to more than a dozen other sites that could launch conventional and nuclear missiles.

  • Yahoo News Explains: Is the Vatican doing enough to address sexual abuse in the church?

    The Vatican halted a plan by U.S. bishops to address the age-old sexual abuse issues plaguing the Roman Catholic Church.

  • Yahoo News Explains: The deadliest wildfires in California history

    At least 59 people have died from the raging wildfires consuming parts of California, making them the deadliest fire disaster in the state’s history. State officials say a prolonged drought created a “recipe for destruction,” especially for the town of Paradise, north of Sacramento. Fires have already burned over 110,000 acres and destroyed thousands of homes, including those owned by celebrities?like Miley Cyrus and Gerard Butler.

  • Yahoo News Explains: How a Democratic House can cause trouble for Trump

    President Trump warned Democrats that it would be a “warlike posture” if they used their newfound House power to investigate him. But what can Democrats actually do?