Liz Goodwin
Liz Goodwin covers Congress and national politics for Yahoo News. She reported on Hillary Clinton's campaign during the 2016 elections. Before joining Yahoo News, Liz worked at the Daily Beast covering politics.
- Yahoo News
A Roy Moore victory would put Senate GOP in a tough spot
A victory for Roy Moore means the Senate majority leader will be able to hold onto his slim two-vote majority, but the former judge brings to the Senate a toxic mix that few Senate Republicans are keen to accept.
- Yahoo News
Congress tax conference to tackle individual mandate, corporate tax cut
The House and Senate must now form a committee to work out the differences between their tax bills. President Trump calls the committee a “mixer” and says lawmakers will come out with something that’s “perfecto.” But the process is likely to be messy.
- Yahoo News
Supreme Court wedding cake case asks whether baking is protected speech
The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case Tuesday that asks whether a baker in Colorado can legally ignore his state’s non-discrimination law by refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.
- Yahoo News
Pelosi: 'Conyers should resign'
Four days after she was panned for calling Rep. John Conyers an “icon” in the wake of sexual harassment allegations against him, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called on him to resign.
- Yahoo News
Republicans move tax bill, putting objections on hold
Two Republican critics of the Senate’s tax reform legislation voted to advance the bill out of committee and send it to the Senate floor without adding their desired changes to it.
- Yahoo News
Franken backs ethics investigation after woman accuses him of groping her
Sen. Al Franken apologized to radio anchor Leeann Tweeden after she said he groped her in 2006. She posted a photo of the incident.
- Yahoo News
Sessions angrily rejects Dems' perjury charges
Attorney General Jeff Sessions angrily rebutted House Democrats’ suggestion that he had perjured himself in congressional testimony and on an application form for security clearance on Tuesday.
- Yahoo News
Could Roy Moore become the first U.S. senator expelled since the Civil War?
Sen. Cory Gardner said the Senate should expel Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore if he's elected. Could Moore be seated if he manages to win despite the growing number of sexual misconduct allegations against him?
- Yahoo News
GOP figures call on Moore to leave Alabama race after allegations of sexual misconduct
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and a slew of other Republicans called on Senate candidate Roy Moore of Alabama to “step aside” if new allegations that he had sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl — in 1979, when he was 32 — are true.
- Yahoo News
Republicans explain why they're retiring: 'You've got this administration that's taken the fun out of dysfunction'
The number of departing members is still within historical averages, but one source says more House Republicans are waiting until 2018 to announce their retirements.
- Yahoo News
GOP senators already want changes to House tax reform bill
A handful of Republican senators are already asking for significant changes to the House’s sweeping $1.51 trillion tax reform bill released Thursday that lowers income and corporate tax rates while eliminating some popular deductions.
- Yahoo News
'Are you kidding me?': Terror expert reacts to president's Gitmo idea
Terror prosecutions expert Karen Greenberg called Guantánamo’s military commissions a “quagmire,” and said Americans will be explaining to their grandchildren why the 9/11 plotters were not tried and convicted.
- Yahoo News
Sen. Jeff Flake announces retirement in dramatic anti-Trump speech
Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., announced in a speech in the Senate that he will not seek reelection next year and launched an excoriating attack on President Trump, saying his brand of conservatism is endangering the United States.
- Yahoo News
GOP senators back Obamacare stabilization as Trump sends mixed messages
Twelve Republican senators signed on to a bill that would stabilize the Obamacare individual markets despite mixed messages from President Trump.
- Yahoo News
Sessions: U.S. not doing enough to stop future election interference
Attorney General Jeff Sessions conceded Wednesday that the U.S. government is not doing enough to prevent future interference in elections by Russia and other foreign adversaries.
- Yahoo News
Senators reach bipartisan deal to restore Obamacare payments
?Sens. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Patty Murray, D-Wash., on Tuesday announced a deal to stabilize Obamacare markets that President Trump has tentatively blessed
- Yahoo News
Democrats scramble to prop up Obamacare amid Trump 'sabotage'
As the Trump White House administers blow after blow to the Affordable Care Act, congressional Democrats are planning to take steps on their own to try to prevent or delay the demise of individual marketplaces where 12 million Americans buy insurance.
- Yahoo News
Paul Ryan faces a hard-hat-wearing, Latino Democratic challenger
Randy Bryce, who’s lived in southeastern Wisconsin his whole life, is running as a blue-collar populist who would be a voice for the state’s workers in Washington. In the viral ad that launched his candidacy in June, he challenged the speaker while wearing a hard hat: “Let’s trade places, Paul Ryan— you can come work the iron, and I'll go to D.C.”
- Yahoo News
Senate Republicans say it's too soon to examine gun laws after Vegas shooting
Two days after the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, Senate Republicans said it was “inappropriate” and too early to discuss any gun reforms in response to Sunday’s attack in Las Vegas.
- Yahoo News
Las Vegas, a 'soft target,' long feared an attack
Las Vegas officials and security experts insisted that so far it seems there’s nothing the city or its hotel magnates could have done to prevent the attack, the largest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.