Maggie Stamets

    Maggie Stamets

  • Email Template: How to Cold Email Someone for Coffee

    Informational meetings, or the oh-so-famous coffee meeting, are great ways to get your foot in the door, learn more about an industry, or simply grow your network. The problem? You can’t get these meetings unless you ask.

  • Email Template: How to Write a Stand-Out Thank You Note

    We spend a lot of time talking about how to prep for the interview (which is super important)?—?but the follow up is actually crucial to landing the job. Crafting a stand-out thank you email is simple once you break it down.

  • Email Template: How to Craft the Follow-Up

    There are a handful of emails that a professional should be able to whip up at any time, one of the most important is the follow-up email. Sending a good follow up is key to networking, interviewing, replying to a new connection, or honestly just about any professional interaction.

  • Email Templates: Reach Out to Your Mentor

    The connections you’ve made with past managers and mentors are long-lasting. It’s easy to fall out of touch, but don’t let a lapse in communication keep you from reaching out. As you wait for your next opportunity, make a plan to reach out to your previous matches—especially the ones you haven’t heard from in a while. And emailing is a tool you can use to your advantage.

  • Get Your Resume on Top of the Digital Pile

    Hiring managers can get hundreds or even thousands of applicants?—?so to get to the top of the pile, you must have a spotless resume that is relevant to the role.

  • The Argument for Crying at Work

    Have you ever cried at work? Because I have. Many times. Sometimes in the middle of a meeting, sometimes I save it to the end and go to the bathroom, my cubicle, or even a walk around the block as I feel the prickle of tears rushing to the surface and all the deep breathing in the world isn’t going to stop the inevitable. And lately? I just do it at my desk as I work from my living room. Does this make me weak? Is this what they were talking about with women being too “emotional” to hold positions of leadership? I’m here to tell you no. Having feelings is human, and using our emotions and empathy helps make us stronger leaders.

  • Why Being Your Authentic Self at Work is Important

    Why Being Your Authentic Self at Work is Important

  • How to Prep for Networking Events as an Introvert

    How to Prep for Networking Events as an Introvert

  • How to Prepare for an Interview

    How to Prepare for an Interview

  • How to Talk About Your Experience When You’re a Student

    How to Talk About Your Experience When You’re a Student

  • Stop Burnout Before it Starts

    Stop Burnout Before it Starts

  • Stay Busy At Your Internship

    Stay Busy At Your Internship

  • How To Find a LGBTQ+ Friendly Workplace

    How To Find a LGBTQ+ Friendly Workplace

  • Great resignation: How to land a new job that's right for you

    The number of people in the U.S. voluntarily leaving their jobs recently soared to a record high. The so-called great resignation raises the question of how workers can find new gigs they actually enjoy.