10 Women Tried Kylie's Black Lip Kit and It Was an Experience
You've probably lost track of Kylie Jenner's Kylie Lip Kit shades at this point (18 total, in matte, gloss, and metal finishes), but in spite of the fact that the budding beauty mogul releases what seems like a shade a week, a frisson still went through the Cosmopolitan.com office when her new black matte shade, "Dead of Knight," went on sale.
"This shade is for you guys," Kylie wrote on Instagram when she announced the new color. "When I asked what lip kit you would love to see next for Kylie Cosmetics the majority of you surprisingly said BLACK!"
Kylie looks great in it, because it's probably a prerequisite of every Lip Kit that she births, but would the rest of us? Ten Cosmopolitan.com staffers gave the liner and gloss a spin to see what the fuss was all about.
1. Maya
"After putting this lipstick on, my initial reaction was 'Whoa,' but now I'm really into it. I'm loving the goth girl vibes this shade is giving. I think it works well with my skin tone and I would def wear this out. It also doesn't feel as drying as the other Lip Kit shades did."
2. Brooke
"Black isn't my color, but I liked how it looked on other people. I would probably hack it and use the liquid lipstick as a liquid eyeliner in the future because it stays on really well and was really hard to get off with a makeup wipe."
3. Carly
"I love dark lipstick shades, so I was into this color. I probably wouldn't wear it out on a normal Saturday night unless I was wearing a full-on look. It also wasn't as drying as some of her other formulas and I continue to love the way her lip kits smell - vanilla meets fruity! Plus, it was easier to wipe off compared to past Lip Kits I've tried, so that was nice."
4. Tess
"Coming from someone who tried to look #emo for one-fifth of her life and failed, I loved this Kylie color! It made me feel pouty and vampy and ~dark~ in a good way. The problem with this color (and all Kylie colors) is that once they're on, they're on, so I was stuck with a lopsided black pout … and then smudgy black lines all over my face when I tried to remove it."
5. Caitlin
"I have never tried Kylie's Lip Kit before, so I was jazzed to finally get the chance. My expectations were sky-high, because they sell out in seconds every time. I was a little nervous about trying black (err, "Dead of Knight") but it's Kylie, so I did it anyway. My first thought was, Wow, this shit smells good. I love the smell. I want to bottle up the smell and wear it as a perfume every single day of my life. The liner and gloss felt, like, fine, I guess. But it wasn't like angels spreading a magic potion across my lips like I thought it would be. When I looked in the mirror and saw the final look, I knew instantly that I would take it all off in five minutes because I looked like a goth teen who ate coal for breakfast. Also, I wanted to eat lunch and I didn't want to turn my food black. Overall, I'm happy I tried it, but I want a lighter shade for my next go 'round."
6. Alex
"I loved it! I was super surprised to feel the way I did about it considering I'm not a lipstick person. I usually wouldn't feel comfortable wearing anything on my lips, let alone something that dark, but I thought it looked so great."
7. Eliza
"I actually liked this. I don't know where I would wear it, but it went on more smoothly than the last Lip Kit I tried. You really cannot make a mistake when applying though, because it's extremely hard to get off. That's probably a strength once you've got it sitting where you want, but until then I looked a little bit like a kid who'd just eaten mud."
8. Emily
"It felt a little weird. I would never choose black lipstick for myself. It felt a little like I was wearing Halloween makeup. Definitely a bold look that I don't know if I can pull off. But it applied nicely and would look really cool on the right person."
9. Eve
"I was really looking forward to trying the Lip Kit for the first time because I'd heard it was really good, but mostly because I'm obsessed with Kylie Jenner and the whole Kardashian fam. I usually don't do such a bold lip, but the Kylie Lip Kit had me momentarily consider going goth! It was pretty laborious to apply, so I probably won't be frequently wearing it, but I'd save it for an occasion in which I want to look intimidatingly dark. I would not pay $40 for it but her product is good."
10. Helin
As for me, the struggles started right when I tried to outline my lips. Was I drawing on a mustache? It felt a little like I was drawing facial hair on my mouth. When the black started to really take hold of my lips, I felt like I was trying to be a member of the Insane Clown Posse except everybody else in the Insane Clown Posse would immediately know I was a fraud. My Lip Kit problems only multiplied when I was putting on the liquid lipstick and smeared it all over my face, which made me look like I had stepped out of a fireplace. Trying to get it off my mouth was another fiasco; it took four makeup remover wipes and a lot of scratching before I went back to being my pre-"Dead of Knight" self. Also, PSA: Don't wear the shade with bright orange anything. The two don't really go.
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