Happy Birthday, Notorious R.B.G.!


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg at age 21 in 1953. (Photo: Reddit)

March 15, 2015 was Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s 82nd birthday. She is currently the oldest Supreme Court justice sitting on the bench, and she’s not planning to leave anytime soon. After all, she recently told The New York Times, “John Paul Stevens didn’t step down until he was 90.”

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the 2015 State of the Union address. (Photo: Bill Clark/Getty)

The former twirl team dancer stays healthy by working out twice a week with a personal trainer and doing Canadian Air Force Exercises on a daily basis. More importantly, she’s anticipating to still be on the bench when the Supreme Court makes a decision on national gay marriage and the future of the Affordable Care Act. At 82 years old, her celebrity fame keeps rising as a role model to young women and men (her former clerk recently wrote about what she taught him about fatherhood in The Atlantic). Justice Ginsburg has great brains, great beauty, and great brawn—and we can’t wait to see what she does in her 82nd year.


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