Jennifer Aniston on Injectables: “It’s a Slippery Slope”


Jennifer Aniston on why she’s happier now than in her 20s, the latest technology she’s using to look great, and tequila. (Photo Peggy Sirota Trunk Archive)

Last year, I had the opportunity to interview the amazing Jennifer Aniston. It was one of my first big celebrity interviews and I was actually a little nervous. But I didn’t need to be. Jennifer is the opposite of a guarded star and she made it all totally easy. She couldn’t be more fun and open. I loved that she didn’t hold back, talking candidly about why she wished her friends would stop doing injectables, how her fiancé, Justin Theroux, would feel if she went under the knife, and why she thinks aging is a positive not a negative. So I could not have been happier to get the chance to continue the conversation. Aniston is a spokesperson for Aveeno and promoting their new Unscripted Beauty campaign, which celebrates life’s messy, unscripted moments. This time around we talked about why she’s happier now than in her 20s, the latest technology she’s using to look great, and tequila.

Bobbi Brown: Hey Jen, how are you? It’s so nice to talk to you again.

Jennifer Aniston: It’s nice to talk to you, too! That was a great conversation we had. Was that a year ago?

Yes, and it was definitely the highlight of my year. I was pretty blown away with all the pickup from the interview. The things you said — you were so candid and truthful. It was incredible.

I’m so glad! That’s what happens when you are in a really great conversation with someone. You don’t feel like you’ve got a gun to your head and you are answering questions, like interviews can feel sometimes.

When you said you weren’t going to “inject s*** into your face” that went viral because women need to hear that it’s OK to not look like that. 

Not only is it OK, it’s better. It just doesn’t help. It’s a slippery, slippery slope. And like we were saying before, they just start to lose perspective, it’s their new normal, so it’s a hard one to come back from.

How do you deal with it growing up in front of the public from your early 20s?

Maybe because ignorance is bliss, but I don’t feel much different than I felt in my 20s, except I feel physically better. I also love myself more. That’s the most beautiful thing that reflects out is inner confidence and inner sort of love. Our generation knows what we should put in our bodies, and that we shouldn’t be trashcans putting all sorts of crap in there. We know all the benefits of eating organic fruits and clean foods. We learned that smoking and sugar are the enemy. Our generation knows these things. We knew to take care of our skin from an early age. We also have all these technologies that come out. There are things that we can do to avoid any drastic, clown-making looks — microcurrents and stuff that keeps you exercising your muscles in your face. There are 83 muscles in your face, from what I understand.

Who knew? I know we share a passion for exercise. I love to try everything. I just left this slow burn class — it’s a half hour where you do the heaviest weights you can do, and the trick is to go as slow as you possibly can with the heaviest weights. What are you into these days when it comes to fitness?

Usually, my love is running. I like to do a good trifecta, where I do the bike for 15 minutes, elliptical for 15, and then I run for 15. On the elliptical I kind of do sprints for 90 seconds, take it back to a jog for 30 seconds, and do intervals for the last minutes. Then I mix a day of yoga. Lately, because of my injury, I’ve only been able to do Barre method. Boy, I forgot how much that really hurts and kicks your butt.

Yes it does. By the way, I loved your movie “Cake.” I thought it was so powerful, and you look so beautiful without makeup.

I actually thought she was, too. It was so fabulous not to wear a lick of anything. At first I was, of course, a little terrified to be out on the streets knowing I might get a photo taken and no one knows you’re doing it for a movie. But it felt so amazing. Even this one scene, when I actually did put on makeup to make an effort, I hated it. Even the director of production was like, “I like you so much better without makeup.”

You are lucky, you have beautiful skin. 

Yes, that is a blessing. I’m really good with my skin. I think it’s the luck of having a mom who was a model and was always obsessed with her skin. She always taught me to moisturize and wash my face every night, drink lots of water. It’s probably been the same routine since I was a kid. I use a Neutrogena face cleaning bar, then I use the Aveeno Positively Radiant moisturizer. Every once in a while, I bring in some toners or serums from my facialist. And did you see the new products from Living Proof?

I love them, especially for the beach. I don’t know if I have the newest ones, but they have been really incredible for my hair. 

Night Cap is my new favorite one. It’s amazing. You put it in your hand and it looks like a cream. At first, I was like, “Why am I going to put cream in my hair at night and ruin the sheets?” But as it turns out your hair absorbs it, it wakes up fuller and bouncy and shiny.

So, what’s next? What would you do if you had the opportunity to create any kind of product or category?

I would like to do a lifestyle thing, for people who struggle with dieting. I could just make anything for a diet taste delicious.

Are you a good cook? 

Yes, I’m a good alchemist. I can mix certain things together that are all very healthy, but you don’t feel like you’re depriving yourself in any way.

Is there a cookbook? 

I’m working on it!

That’s amazing. So you’re doing more, I am trying to do less. Do you ever relax? 

I try! The minute I stop working and I’m relaxing and I’m doing what I beg for, which is to have a break, I want to start working again.

Well, that’s good for the rest of us who get to watch your movies. So nice talking to you, Jen. We have to meet in person. 

We really have to! One of these days when I get to New York, I’ll find you and we’ll grab some… find a Mexican restaurant.

No chips! We will order slices of cucumber with avocado and have a tequila. What’s your favorite brand of tequila?

I love Patrón. I also love Don Julio 1942 as a nice sipping tequila. It’s so yummy, it has a little sweetness to it, which I usually don’t like. Justin actually makes the perfect margarita with it, because there’s no agave, no sugar, no mix. It’s pure tequila, lime juice, a squinch of Cointreau. It’s delicious.

That’s how I drink it, too. I haven’t tried the Cointreau, but I put fresh lime because I figure it’s cleaning my liver as I’m drinking the tequila. (laughs)

That’s exactly correct, as your tequila is killing the bacteria in your gut.

Perfect. Let’s definitely do that. Loved talking to you Jen.

Thanks so much Bobbi. Can’t wait. Bye hon.


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