The Science Behind Why 1 Eyebrow Is Always Better Than the Other

Actress Margaux Hemingway poses for a portrait on the set of "Lipstick," circa 1976. (Photo: Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)
Actress Margaux Hemingway poses for a portrait on the set of “Lipstick,” circa 1976. (Photo: Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

Whether you have eyebrows like Cara Delevingne or not, everyone’s eyebrows are asymmetrical.

Just like our faces are uneven, so too are our brows, and there’s always one that looks like perfection and one that looks … special.

Luckily, it’s not just in your head — there’s actually a scientific reason for why your brows are not the same.

“Sometimes this is caused by what side [of your face] you’re sleeping on, [which can make] the muscles on one side weaker than the other,” expert Tonya Crooks tells Popsugar. She says it’s also “due to how you naturally show expression.”

Those bushy brows might not be as perfect as you think. (Photo: Getty Images)
Those bushy brows might not be as perfect as you think. (Photo: Getty Images)

Little do we realize that when we talk, laugh, or even cry, we flex our eyebrow muscles in different ways, which can contribute to one arch looking higher than the other.

Also, when you try to raise a single eyebrow, one is always more up to the task than the other, so you naturally favor the stronger brow before you even get to compare them in the mirror.

Putting aside the fact that we’ve been grown up to think symmetry equals beauty, no one’s — not even celebrities’ — facial features are equal, despite how Photoshop makes them appear.

But if symmetrical brows are your thing, Crooks says you can even them out like scales. “Balance the brows by giving a little to one and taking a little from the other over time to create a more symmetrical effect.”

Related: Four Sneaky Tricks For Faking Thicker Brows

This doesn’t mean you need to go and hack off all your uneven hairs; just step back from the mirror a few times after filling them in to make sure they look like twins.

“You have to look at your face and adjust the steps slightly per brow,” she said.

But don’t let your asymmetrical brows get you down, because most of us have uneven breasts, feet and, eyes to deal with too.

Nobody is perfect, and that’s the beauty of life. So continue to flaunt your bad brow, because you never know when uneven brows might just become the next beauty trend.

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