Plum Wine & Prada, A Fashion Week Survival Guide

There is no typical day at work for makeup artist Maki Ryoke. She’s on set with Elle, Allure, or Vogue in the afternoon anddoing a smoky-eyed look on Kate Mara or a bold brow on Lily Collins for a red carpet appearance at night. For the next few days, however, Ryoke is busier than ever thanks to New York fashion week. Working with, she’s already led makeup teams for Adam Selman and Creatures of Comfort—and the week isn’t even half way through. We asked her how she thrives during fashion week.  Turns out it involves the right beverages and a bit of Japanese literature.

My go-to outfit is… Prada.

The only shoes I’ll wear are… high heels.

I snack on… healthy juice.

The night before, I… sleep at least eight hours.

In the morning I eat… yogurt and my favorite black tea.

If I have a minute to work out, I… do Ballet Beautiful.

You’ll catch me reading… Haruki Murakami.

The only way I can clear my mind during Fashion Week is… to take a nice long bath with lavender oil.

My coffee shop order is… black tea.

My favorite part about fashion week is… right before all models walk out to the runway.

But I can’t handle the… running around to get to another job between shows. It’s such a pain to find a taxi with my huge suitcases.

I wind down with a glass of… plum wine.