This Woman Put Flowers in People’s Afros to Celebrate Natural Hair


Stunning. (Photo: Twitter/Dazhaneleah)

Whether it’s tight braids, weaves, or damaging relaxers, people can go to extraordinary lengths to hide their natural hair, and that’s totally OK. However, one woman has decided to redefine the perception of Afros by creating a photo project in which flowers are Photoshopped onto the natural hairstyle, creating stunning images.

The photo series, called Afro Bloomin’, was created by London-based Dazhané Leah, who used her social media platforms to explore what “black power” really means to various people in her community. “I asked everyone what the phrase ‘black power’ meant to them,” Leah said in an interview with BuzzFeed. The answers she received were surprising, to say the least, with a few examples being “understanding that our hair is meaningful” and “being unapologetic about our features, culture, and background.”

From these responses, Leah’s photo project was born. See the incredible images for yourself below:


Photos: Instagram/Dazhané Leah

“Flowers are usually symbolic of life, beauty, vibrancy — the list goes on — whereas for a long time, natural hair and Afros were, and still are, looked down upon,” Leah said. Since this is only the first part of Leah’s Black Power Series, we can’t wait to see what she has in store for us next.

Read This Next: Viola Davis on Stylists and Black Hair: ‘It’s Almost Like They Need to Be Educated’

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