Blake Lively Is Shutting Down Preserve


They’re dimming the lights in Bedford, New York, tonight: Blake Lively is shuttering You’re going to have to find somewhere else to purchase your favorite antebellum South-themed artisanal wears, because Preserve’s last day is October 9.

It’s been just over a year since Lively launched her Goop-ish online store or lifestyle website or blog or… to be honest, it’s super unclear what Preserve actually is. But here’s a $50 egg tray. (That’s the sale price.) In June, Lively told Time that “the site’s not close to what I want it to be.” So now, as she tells Vogue she’s shutting it down until she can relaunch with something she’s proud of.

“I haven’t created something that is as true and impactful as I know it can and will be,” Lively says. “And I’m not going to continue to chase my tail and continue to put a product out there that we, as a team, are not proud of.”

Fret not though, at some day in the near-ish future, Blake will be back to sell you $95 wooden crates.

“I’m going to take this hit, and the only way I can prove all the negative reactions wrong is to come back with a plan that will rock people. And I have that plan,” Lively said. “And I’m so excited about it, and that’s what gave me the courage to do this, to say, ‘You know what, I’m going to give myself one more shot at this, and I really have to do it as well as I can do it this time.’”

As for what the new plan is, Lively’s not saying. Here’s hoping it’s more blogs about bee attacks. She will say this though: “Our goal has always been to touch millennials through storytelling, and the idea is to create a shoppable lifestyle.” That sentence probably means something to… someone?

Anyway, here’s a $50 apron.