Ireland Baldwin Tells Off Body Shamers While Posing in Bra and Underwear

Ireland Baldwin loves her body. (Photo: David Crotty/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)
Ireland Baldwin loves her body. (Photo: David Crotty/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)

Ireland Baldwin isn’t here for haters.

Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger’s daughter is sending a message to body shamers, while keeping it real about not feeling confident all the time. The 21-year-old model posted a photo in her and bra and underwear to Instagram on Thursday with an inspiring message.

“This is who I am, take it or leave,” she begins. “I am not going to be body shamed for being pale or not stick thin. I’m not going to spend hours photoshopping my authenticity away. I’m not going to beat myself up for not looking like someone else.”

Baldwin continues, “I’m not going to be told that I’m damaged goods because of my tattoos. Most days I’m self conscious, but today I love every curve and edge. Your body should be treated with the dignity and respect it deserves.

“I want to be as real as possible with everyone that follows me because to be quite honest, what the is even the point of social media if you can’t be who you truly are? I’m not here to mindf*** all of you into believing I am something that I’m not,” she shares. “I’m forever on a journey of finding my better self and I will continue to work as hard as I can to make MYSELF proud. Today I hope everyone is proud of who they are and can recognize what they can accomplish!”

Baldwin was met with a flurry of positive comments from her followers. “You are perfect just the way you are,” wrote one person.

“Anyone shaming you for having that figure is… Well, just wrong,” another Instagram user commented.

In 2015, Baldwin checked herself in to rehab for “emotional trauma,” but she came out stronger than ever as evidenced by her Instagram page:


A post shared by Ireland Basinger-Baldwin (@irelandbasingerbaldwin) on May 31, 2017 at 6:28pm PDT

Ireland shares many confident photos on social media:

… @fleurswim ???? @trevorfloresphoto @marla_mua

A post shared by Ireland Basinger-Baldwin (@irelandbasingerbaldwin) on May 25, 2017 at 11:17am PDT

And she doesn’t care what negative people have to say about it.

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