11 Reasons "Book Of Love" Is The Rom-Com You Need This Weekend
1.For starters, our two main characters couldn't be more different...and in rom-coms, we know that's a good thing. Failed author Henry (Sam Claflin), and the Spanish translator of his book, María (Verónica Echegui) — who, unbeknownst to Henry, rewrote the entire thing, making it actually good —pretty much clash from the get-go.
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Henry is sent to Mexico to do a book tour since it's the *only* place where it's actually selling, and he doesn't speak a lick of Spanish, of course. So then María drives him around Mexico in a car that barely runs with her entire family on board, because also, of course.
2.María's family, her son Diego (Ruy Gaytán) and grandfather Max (Fernando Becerril), are totally adorable BTW.
They're just so wholesome!
3.In Mexico, where Henry's originally lame but now saucy book is a bestseller, his fans aren't shy about displaying their enthusiasm, which makes for simply hilarious moments.
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Like, they're cray.
4.Henry's most devoted fans follow Henry and María as they trek around Mexico, consistently delivering comedy gold.
Again, CRAY.
5.Side note: the book's eccentric publicist, Pedro (Horacio Villalobos), is also just a joy to watch.
He helps María and Henry push forward when they need it most.
6.But not everything is silly and hunky-dory all the time...María's car doesn't exactly fall apart (somewhat miraculously), but they do pop a tire. This gives way to a super-cute bonding moment between Diego and Henry.
Henry tries really hard to speak Spanish using a dictionary, and Diego is not impressed but appreciates the effort. CUTE.
7.Tensions rise between Henry and María. He is understandably upset that she changed his entire book, but she defends her work — and we're here for it.
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María claims she rewrote "only the boring parts of the book." Whoops.
8.María is a strong single mom who works as a bartender yet dreams of becoming a writer, and she slowly charms Henry with her authentic, unapologetic personality.
The final day of the book tour, they actually hang out, like normal humans! And guess what? It doesn't suck for either of them.
9.And yes, maybe there's a little tequila involved in this "smoothing things over between them" thing. But what are two cute people to do in the middle of the Mexican jungle? Drink water? Cheers to them.
The evening concludes with Henry staring at María as if she were an angel sent straight from heaven.
10.So, even though María and Henry are, yeah, total opposites...the heart wants what it wants...right?
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Even if Henry doesn't know what love is and María simply doesn't believe in it. ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ ...OR SO IT SEEMS.
11.But once both of their hearts are open, we see some truly magical moments. Because ultimately, opposites attract. And these two...are magnetic.
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Let the fireworks begin!