12 Incredible Moments in TV Feline History for National Cat Day
While the Internet is where cats were first invented [citation needed], television has done its part to glorify all that is wonderful about the animals. In honor of National Cat Day (yes, that’s really a thing somebody thought was necessary), we present to you a dozen times cats clawed their way onto the small screen.
Kitten Mittens, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Awkward, hilarious, and awful but, ultimately, harmless. That could describe Charlie’s Kitten Mittons [sic] or Always Sunny itself. If you’re stranded on a desert island and can only have one GIF, make sure it’s a Kitten Mittens GIF.
You’re welcome:

RIP Bandit, The Office
“Save Bandit!” should be the rallying cry of cat lovers everywhere. When faced with certain doom, Angela does everything she can to make sure her cat (inexplicably lounging in a file cabinet) gets out safely. He doesn’t.
Sphinx Cat, Friends
If you’re describing a cat with words like inside out, a hand, a defrosted chicken, or “some kind of snake,” chances are something’s gone horribly, horribly wrong. Friends says what we were all thinking: Hairless cats are creepy.
Evil Cat, Broad City
Sure they look adorable and cuddly, but cats have a darker side too. Especially if you’re super high and paranoid like Abbi and her boyfriend (played by Seth Rogen). Then, cats are evil, brooding sentinels whose penetrating gaze… no, you know what? Still adorable and cuddly.

Random Loser Cat, The Mindy Project
That’s the thing about cats: The line between loving, fluffy pal who’s there for you when you need emotional support and a trash-grubbing, disease factory of a stray is razor thin.
Meat Cat, 30 Rock
Meat Cat (clearly a close cousin of MC Skat Kat from the old Paula Abdul video) is a tasty reminder that Liz Lemon is an excellent role model except for her eating habits. And her work habits and her relationship… OK, she’s a terrible role model, but absolutely the best to watch.
Cat Funeral, How I Met Your Mother
Sometimes cats on TV are a source of tragedy, not comedy. Like the time Marshall agreed to help Lily’s mom and an open window turned cat-sitting into a cat funeral. Fortunately, Marshall’s photo-montaging skills were able to turn tragedy into art.
Injured Kitty, American Dad
Cats are complicated creatures — especially when they’ve been run over. Gratitude isn’t a particularly feline trait at the best of times and, at the worst? Just keep walking, Steve, keep walking.
Toonces, the Cat Who Could Drive a Car, Saturday Night Live
Speaking of tragedy: Toonces is responsible for more onscreen kitty fatalities than any single recurring sketch featuring a puppet feline in late-night comedy television history. Somebody should probably organize a boycott or something.
Kittens, Scrubs
They say that laughter is the best medicine, but “They” never say anything about kittens. What is Big Pharma trying to hide from us? We demand kittens! In pill form! STAT!
Cat B&B, Parks and Recreation
There are a lot of red flags that let you know The Quiet Corn Bed and Breakfast is not a fit place for human habitation. The biggest is that Jerry seems perfectly content there. If you see that, follow Ben’s lead: RUN!

The Crazy Cat Lady, The Simpsons
What can be said about the accomplished Eleanor Abernathy that hasn’t already been said? Only, “AAAAHHHRRGRBBBBGGHH! [Throws cat.]”