17 Changes Fans Wish They Could Make To "Stranger Things 4"
A little while back, we shared the changes that Redditors wished they could make to Stranger Things' fourth season. The BuzzFeed commenters chimed in with their own thoughts, feelings, and theories about the show, so here are 17 of their pitches for a new and improved Season 4.
Suggestions have been edited for length and/or clarity. Also, there are a ton of spoilers ahead, so if you haven't watched every episode of Stranger Things Season 4, proceed with caution!
1."It’s kinda a small thing, but I hate it when a bad guy, in this case Jason, is just immediately killed. I want him to see how wrong he was and how he was hunting a good guy who was trying to stop the evil monster. And then be killed by the evil monster, lol."
2."There was too much time spent on the Russia storyline and Hopper hopping along on his miraculously healed ankle. Also, Eleven's storyline this season was plain boring. The bullying seemed a weird addition, and the whole Papa and Nina storyline was unnecessary. It was so boring that any time El was onscreen, I thought, "Not again." It's evident Millie is getting bored of it, too, and it shows. So much time wasted when it could have been used to make Will and other characters' stories more worthwhile. Some of the old characters were wasted this season for the sake of unnecessary storylines.
"I genuinely wished El was killed off by Vecna, or at least injured. It is a shame that Eddie's death was so predictable and Jason was just used as a filler for the sake of adding to an easy character death count. They really need to tighten the characters next season and concentrate on the emotional impact the events have, not skipping with 'Two Days Later.'"
3."It’s a little thing, but I had a problem with the scene where the guys find El in the desert: Jonathan’s greeting. She’s like his step-sister — he calls her his sister at one point — but upon finally finding her, his response is, “Let’s go, guys,” when Mike and Will hug her. Isn’t he glad to see her, too? Not even a hug? A hello? Nope. Nothing.
"Also, I HATED that Jonathan didn’t admit to Nancy that he wasn’t going to college with her at the end. UGH. This was not a good Jonathan season."
4."The only thing I would change is maybe remove Argyle, because he has almost no use in the season, and LET EDDIE LIVE. HE DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE!"
"I didn’t find Argyle funny at first, but his whole 'Nina is a small woman' bit was so funny to me; I don't know if I’m the only one."
5."I really think they should have killed off Nancy. Seeing Steve and Jonathan's reactions and then eventually moving on would have probably done more damage to the audience than seeing someone like Steve die. Then, they could bring in how El can't save everyone and Mike realizing that he should stop being such a bad boyfriend to El. It also would make it a bit more, like, human in a way, bring the parents into it, and leave a good hole in the main cast without one of the beloved kids dying."
6."Kind of scared to share this, but...I didn't love the way they used Will being gay and in love with Mike just for some extra drama and angst. Like, the boy's been through enough? Also, there's more to the gay experience than just pain and sadness."
7."And where's Murray? He disappeared with Enzo/Dmitri and Yuri. I thought he was a solid character and doesn't get hardly any love. That being said, not sure what I would change, except Eddie not dying, like everyone else would want to see. I could use a lot less Jonathan, maybe. I hope Will gets a better story arc next season; he was almost nonexistent this season, and I feel awful that his character always seems to get the short end of the stick."
8."Fix Nancy’s hair, for the love of god."
9."I genuinely thought Steve was going to be killed off this season, since they kept showing Nancy reflecting on 'Jonathan or Steve,' and it would've been interesting for Steve to die and for her NOT to choose Jonathan after, or something like that. I initially was really suspicious of Eddie, but I think that with how he went from being a 'coward' to stepping up at the end, he could've replaced Steve functionally in the group (i.e., the 'nanny')."
10."Everything after the 'Two Days Later' jump should have been pushed to the beginning of Season 5; I'd rather have Season 4 end on a cliffhanger with the ground splitting as the gates open and Max 'dying.' The tone was off after the time jump, and it just felt rushed, and the fact that Dustin was the only one in the group to acknowledge Eddie’s death didn’t sit right."
11."I think Max should have died. It would have added emotional weight: El failed, and she wasn't ready. I was sad at first, but got really annoyed when El revived her. As one of the posts said, it seems the original cast has plot armor and can't die. Let one of the main characters die. It'll add stakes to the fight and show that this is a big deal."
12."They really need to stop saving the characters. There's no drama. Like, Max made it out of Vecna's spell alive, which is awesome, but some main character should've died. NOT Eddie; he's brand new. I agree with the 'Steve dying and Eddie living and becoming Dustin's new role model' idea.
"I think they should have had Will be someone important, same with Robin and Dustin. I also NEED more Mommy Steve. Nobody is going to like this, but I feel like El needs to die or something. Maybe have, like, Six come help or just have the normal kids save the day. I don't know, it's just getting pretty monotonous and lukewarm. Not like the other seasons' plots, which were pretty good and had great build-up. But the fact that this season had SUCH a great villain with so much build-up and potential and then just kinda fell flat is disappointing."
13."Absolutely agree that Hopper should’ve died. His note to El was absolutely perfect, and I think it would’ve been great for her character development."
14."I really loved this season. One thing I would change (as it’s still bothering me) is in the “Papa” episode. I wish Eleven had grabbed the remote from Papa and unlocked herself instead of having him unlock her during his never-ending death scene. She had fully grown to a place where she was capable of freeing herself and didn’t need her abuser to do it for her. All-in-all, though, a really great season of television."
15."The Mike/Eleven relationship doesn’t make any sense anymore. I mean, sure, they went out of their way to make El a Carrie-type weirdo, being bullied by hilariously one-dimensional evil teenagers, but she is way out of his league, and I think the more she got the chance to live a normal life, the more she would grow as a person and find her own way and discover that her and Mike have nothing in common. It worked in Season 1, but by Season 3, I found it unrealistic that no other guy would be interested in her and Mike wouldn't have to fight for her. And let’s be honest, Mike wouldn’t win that fight."
16."Here's something that should've changed: The timing. How long were Nancy, Robin, and Steve in those vines for? And did the Mind Fight really need to be that long?"
17.And finally, a positive note to end on: "Season 4 needs no changes. Aside from Season 1, it was the best, start to finish."
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