17 Kid Characters Who Made The Show Or Movie They Were In Insufferable
A lot of people try to be polite and downplay bad behavior by kids that can be uncomfortable or irritating. The BuzzFeed Community is not full of those people. We asked them about the child characters in movies and TV shows them you find high-key annoying.
Columbia Pictures / Via giphy.com
We may have gotten some of the biggest offenders in our first post, but here are the little terrors they think we missed.
1.April Nardini from Gilmore Girls
Warner Bros. Television / Via giphy.com
"April from Gilmore Girls, anyone?"
"April Nardini from Gilmore Girls absolutely needs to be on this list."
"How did April from Gilmore Girls escape this list?"
2.Rachel Ferrier from War of The Worlds
Paramount Pictures
"I’m still annoyed about War of the Worlds. Dakota Fanning’s constant screeching made this movie unwatchable for me."
"The daughter in War of the Worlds really was awful. The actor did her part, but it was the part of a horrible little monster."
3.Meelo from Legend of Korra
Nickelodeon / Via giphy.com
"He wouldn't be so bad if...he wasn't the physical embodiment of toilet humor (seriously the fart-bending really took me out of the show)."
4.Maddie Conrad from Nashville
ABC Studios / Via giphy.com
"I stopped watching Nashville because of Maddie's character. So awful."
5.Bella Swan from Twilight
Summit Entertainment / Via giphy.com
"I'm shocked no one mentioned Bella from Twilight. She's one of the most insufferable characters ever."
6.Charlie Harding from Dead To Me
Netflix / Via tenor.com
"He doesn’t ruin the show for me but he is such an obnoxious jerk and it annoys me how cool he thinks he is."
7.Theo Saville from A Million Little Things
ABC / Via giphy.com
"On A Million Little Things, Eddie and (Queeeeen) Katherine's son (can't be bothered to look up his name) is the single most annoying portrayal of a child I've ever seen. They try to make him seem wise-beyond-his-years or something, but he's just THE WORST. Especially compared to the other young boy on the show, Danny, who is an actual ray of sunshine."
8.Miley Stewart from Hannah Montana
Disney / Via giphy.com
"Can we please include Miley from Hannah Montana? There was a whole episode about her being pissed that grandma paid some attention to Jackson...and grandma had to explain to her 'honey, the whole world revolves around you literally every other second of our lives, let me show your brother some love.' I mean, okay, Robbie is a horrible father that encourages her spoiled attitude by neglecting Jackson, but still. Most of her problems could be solved in like two seconds (or would not even exist) if she weren't such a whiny, bratty baby."
9.Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls
Warner Bros. Television / Via giphy.com
"Rory Gilmore should be on this list! As a prep school teenager, Rory Gilmore is basically my worst nightmare. She goes around bullying people the whole show and thinks she's better than everyone. All the girls who try to genuinely enjoy high school and have normal friends in the show are displayed as superficial and shallow. The only girl who was really career-focused besides Rory was Paris, and she was supposed to be a bossy try hard. Rory's the classic 'not like other girls' girl."
"Rory is the WORST, and the Netflix series just reinforced that. She's a predictable by-product of 'mom is my best friend' parenting. Emily Gilmore, however, turned out a responsible, hardworking, creative daughter who owned her choices, so maybe she did something right?"
10.Justin Suarez from Ugly Betty
Hulu / Via giphy.com
"Justin from Ugly Betty really got on my nerves towards the end of the series, they basically turned a nice character who you could sympathize with into the worst campest stereotype."
11.Ben Gellar from Friends
NBC / Via giphy.com
"This list is invalid because Ben from Friends is not on here.
I'm sure these other characters and actors outgrew their precociousness, but he seems still as annoying."
12.Both kids fromThe Purge
Universal Pictures / Via tiatalksmovies.wordpress.com
"I just re-watched The Purge and both kids are equally annoying."
"I love the movie but I can’t sit through it anymore because of how annoying the kids are."
13.Peppa Pig from Peppa Pig
Entertainment One / Via giphy.com
"I'm surprised Peppa Pig wasn't on [the list]. What a brat."
"I can’t stand Peppa Pig, she thinks she’s better than everyone, constantly talks down to her brother George and even her parents sometimes. I know she’s a fictional character, but she gets on my damn nerves. Every time my toddler watches it, you can hear me mumbling in the back, hahah."
14.Mateo Villanueva from Jane The Virgin
Poppy Productions / Via giphy.com
"How was Mateo from Jane the Virgin not on the list!? He was by far the most annoying child ever."
15.All of the Baker kids (except Charlie) from Cheaper By The Dozen
Disney+ / Via giphy.com
"The kids in Cheaper by the Dozen. Tom, the father, has been turning down job offers because he doesn’t want to upset the family but when his dream job comes with a big raise and a new and bigger house it’s an opportunity to be a bit more prosperous with things like less need for hand me downs. Understandable the eleven kids (the twelfth and eldest one having since moved out) aren’t happy and miss their old home, but they make things absolute hell for their father. They destroy parts of the house, ignore a grounding to go to a birthday party where they cause more trouble, humiliate Nora’s boyfriend for being he boyfriend (he is more than a bit self-absorbed, but that gets shown later) and tease Mark so much he runs away from home. They’re walking, talking, and trouble-making adverts for birth control!" —jbmasta
"How can someone grow up one of twelve kids and be such a spoiled brat? No pitching in, no sacrifices. Heck, I was one of four and I had chores and understood there was no point in whining over not getting my way. Seriously, half the 11 kids still living in that house were older than I was when I stayed home alone, and the dad was hiring babysitters. It’s not fair to make older kids raise younger ones, but the SAH mom was out of town for a couple of weeks. Suck it up and pitch in, or at least don’t be destructive jerks. Those movies make me seriously ragey."
16.Most of the kids from Game Of Thrones
HBO / Via giphy.com
"Honestly surprised Joffrey, Olly and Bran from Game of Thrones didn’t make this list."
17.Jenny Humphrey from Gossip Girl
Paramount Television / Via giphy.com
"Is Jenny Humphrey too old to count? She was like 13-14 when Gossip Girl started. So annoying."
18.Who else would you add to the list?
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