You Won’t Believe The Wild Texts These People Got From Their Roommates
Recently, I asked the BuzzFeed Community to share their roommate horror stories and text messages. The responses came in hot and heavy.
1."'I borrowed your toothbrush.'"
2."'Do you swallow?'"
3."Roommate sent me this photo with the text: 'Your rabbit chewed through my MacBook power cable. This is happening.'"
4.“'I don’t think I want to be roommates with you,' immediately after signing lease papers."
5."'Looking forward to seeing you. I prepared a vegan carrot cake for you.'"
6."'Nice panties.'"
7."'Wait until he's asleep, let's haze the new roomie at dawn.'"
8.“'This place has smelled amazing since you moved in. My nose is positively titillated when we trail you around the apartment. Goodnight.'”
9."The worst text I got was on the day of the final. 'Where the hell are you?' I woke up to it....after the final was over. I'd slept through the entire time block allotted for the exam. Thankfully, the professor was cool and gave me the exam as a 'take home' test."
10."'Your dildo is on the top shelf to the right. I tested it for you.'"
11."'Hey, sorry about your mattress, it was a spur of the moment thing.'"
12."My final straw was a message that called me delusional and immature for asking for the front door to be locked when guests leave. She said she should be able to leave the door unlocked 4 times a month. (This was after she had left her keys in the front door’s external lock overnight.) And 70+ reminder messages to lock the door over the course of the time we’d lived together – I counted them in therapy, which I started going to because she had gaslit me into thinking I was being unreasonable and I needed an outside perspective."
—23, Georgia
13."'You smell different when you're awake.' Old one, but a good one."
14."My roommate had a plant rotting with white mold in our living room but refused to throw it away. Other issues kept piling up so I finally threw her plant away. The next day she texted us and said she was moving out. Good riddance!"
—23, Wisconsin
15."'The sink is blocked, can whoever blocked it unblock it because I'm not doing it.'"
16."'I can’t shut my bedroom door when I’m having sex because my coats are draped over the door.'"
17.“'We should really watch how we are using the power.' But then proceeds to plug in a lamp to grow a succulent when he could just open the door, and walk three steps and put it in the sun."
18.And finally, "'She's open to living with us as long as you respect that she would be the matriarch of the household.'"
Do you have any other roommate horror text messages you'd like to share? If so, please comment below!
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