23 "Gossip Girl" Burns That Still Sting All These Years Later
4 min read
Gossip Girl is one of those shows that lived in the time where teen shows were pRoVoCaTiVe and soapy levels of wild. There was actual parental outrage about its premiere, which seems outrageous in the age of Euphoria High.
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Granted, many aspects of the OG series have not aged well. It's actually surprising they got away with what they did considering it was on the CW, unlike its HBO Max counterpart which does feel every-so-slightly more grown up.
The CW / Via tenor.com
One of the things that made GG so great was the absolute savagery that these characters exhibited. At any given time, in any given place, they were REA-DY to chew each other out.
The CW / Via tenor.com
I took a trip down memory lane to remember some of Gossip Girl's greatest burns and they're just as good as you remember.
1.Serena comes in hot when she calls out Chuck for being a skeeze.
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2.She keeps that same energy when she finds out her mom is dating Chuck's dad.
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3.Serena has to take what she dishes out when Blair thinks she told Jenny about her fling with Chuck.
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4.That's not to say Blair didn't have to ensure being disrespected a number of times, like when everybody thought she was pregnant with either Nate or Chuck's child.
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5.Serena knocked Blair down a peg when dating a lord got to her head.
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6.And when that lord's mom was thirsting after Nate? She let her know it wasn't all that surprising.
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7.There were some classic Blair and Serena power struggles, like this next-level sniping during college tours.
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8.It wasn't just friends dragging friends, either. There were some big family dragging throughout the show, like when Eric told Lily that Serena wasn't exaggerating how absent she was as a mom.
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9.Oh, and he had something waiting for his long-lost dad when he reappeared too.
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10.Chuck could even hear his father roasting him from the grave, which is why he didn't want to read the letter he left him when he died.
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11.Jenny had to check Chuck about their past during his dark mourning period too, (and rightfully so).
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12.Blair did some of her best work opposite Georgina Sparks.
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13.But there's no denying Blair had those best friend digs ready for Serena when she wasn't doing right by herself.
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14.Nate's not too easy on her either when he's plotting with her and Blair to keep Jenny from losing her virginity to a jerk.
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15.And when Jenny sets all her friendships ablaze, Blair isn't hesitant about letting her know what she's done.
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Warner Bros. Television
16.In that same episode, Blair is on fire and also drags Dan for questioning himself over "signs".
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17.AND Blair also completely dragged Serena for her hot mess gap year.
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18.She kept on Serena's neck over her constant indecisiveness about guys.
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19.Blair also had some choice words about Nate's girlfriend, Juliet.
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20.Dan and Blair show-offs were an interesting match when it came to verbal spats.
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21.When Dan started getting a little too comfortable with the Upper East Siders, Vanessa knocked him down a peg.
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22.When Bart came back from the dead to let Chuck know he was still disappointed in him for caring about Blair.
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Warner Bros. Television
23.Toward the end of the series, the burns were darker and more introspective, but just as juicy.
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Warner Bros. Television
What epic Gossip Girl moments were your favorites? Let's hear it in the comments!
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