25-50-100 Years Ago -- Oct. 8
Oct. 8—100 Years Ago
Oct. 8, 1923
New York, Oct. 7 — Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, fugitive from justice, now in Germany, intends to return to this country and serve his sentence for draft evasion., his mother, Mrs. Emma Bergdoll, declared on her arrival from Germany, where she visited her son. His return, she said, will have to await the conclusion of court proceedings, following the alleged attempt to kidnap him.
Crowds, estimated to number about 5,000 persons, on Sunday afternoon attended a community band concert given on the high school grounds at Mt. Airy, under the auspices of a business men's committee, of which Edgar Rudy, Mt. Airy, is chairman. A program of sacred and popular music was presented by five concert bands — Middletown and Harmony, Frederick county; Browningsville and Laytonsville, Montgomery county, and Taylorstown, Carroll county.
50 Years Ago
Oct. 8, 1973
After returning from an antique car show rally near Hershey, Pa., Sunday, Mrs. Charles Cullison remarked to her husband that she detected an odor of gas in their home north of Emmitsburg. The two-story brick home is heated with bottled propane gas, and Mr. Cullison went to the basement to check out the system. Shortly after he entered the basement, the 500-gallon tank blew up, totally devastating the home and severely burning Mr. Cullison. Mrs. Cullison and the family were outside at the time and escaped injury. Emmitsburg Fire Chief Guy McGlaughlin, one of the first on the scene, reported "the house was based with bricks and after the explosion there were none standing. The house just buckled." Mr. Cullison was transferred to the Harrisburg Hospital, where he was listed in "uncertain" condition Sunday night.
Five hundred and seventy-seven Frederick Countians walked 10 miles Sunday, earning an estimated $9,400 to feed hungry people around the world. CROP, the 25-year-old program of Community Response to Overseas Poverty, is sponsored annually by the Church World Service.
25 Years Ago
Oct. 8, 1998
Even if voters reject a November ballot question, the way Frederick County selects its school board members will face vast changes next year. A majority of "for" votes on Question A would authorize the creation of an elected school board, an issue that seems rooted in the county's political prehistory.
Frederick city officials on Wednesday informally decided to move forward with plans to turn a one-way section of East Patrick Street to two-way between Carroll and East streets. When the idea was initially considered in 1995, a study found that the major problem involved was the about $260,000 to remove utility poles. The idea was shelved. But recent research by city attorney Lynn Board showed the cost of removing poles is the utility company's responsibility.
Snacking raccoons will satisfy more than their mid afternoon munchies from the cookies at Fort Detrick's Area B. They'll also help the county cut down on the number of rabies cases here if all goes as planned. Fort Detrick and Frederick County officials are expected to announce an experiment to vaccinate wild raccoons in an effort to eliminate Frederick County's dubious distinction of being ranked highest in the state for rabies cases.
(Editor's Note: The News-Post does not have access to archives from 20 years ago for April 16 through December 2003. The "20 Years Ago" summary will return Jan. 1, 2024.)
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