28 Wild Outfits In "Twilight" And "New Moon," Ranked From "Okay, Alright" To "I Need To Wash My Eyes"
I don't know much about the Twilight series, but I do know that the first two films — Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon — are filled with fascinating fashion.
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I'm sure the other movies are filled with fascinating fashion as well, but I haven't watched them recently...yet. (Does that sentence make sense? Let me know in the comments below!)
Here are 28 of the most wild outfits from the first two Twilight movies, ranked.
28.New Moon: Laurent's suit.
Yeah, this is nothing but cool. I don't even have anything to say about the lack of shirt because it works.
How bad it is out of 10: 0/10.
27.New Moon: Edward's jacket attire.
This screams, "Don't ask me how I have all the money I do that's not family money from being a Chevrolet." And I enjoy that.
How bad it is out of 10: 0/10.
26.New Moon: Aro's black suit with necklace.
This is absolutely WILD, but good wild. If Michael Sheen wore it out in the real world, it would be the major pop culture event of the year. The Britney-and-Justin-jean-duo moment for Welsh actors.
How bad it is out of 10: 0.2/10.
25.Twilight: Edward's peacoat outfit, which he wears multiple versions of throughout the movie.
This is pretty good out of context, but in context, it succeeds in highlighting the alarming age difference between Bella and Edward because it's very adult. This is the peacoat of a killer, Bella.
How bad it is out of 10: 0.75/10.
24.New Moon: Edward's casual clothes.
I think it's the fit that makes this nonchalantly slightly ugly to me, but, also, that seems unreasonable because it's fine and normal and not bad, LOL.
How bad it is out of 10: 1/10.
23.Twilight: this fairly ordinary ensemble Edward wears.
This is a guy you sit next to on a train who never looks up from his phone the entire journey, and you're like, "Jesus Christ, the guy I'm sitting next to on the train has never looked up from his phone the entire journey." His jacket is a teeny-tiny smidge bad, but not in any sort of memorable way. What's memorable about the guy you sit next to on the train is that he never looks up from his phone the entire journey.
How bad it is out of 10: 1.5/10.
22.Twilight: Alice's sweater garb.
No teen looks like this, and the idea that one would is hilarious, but the clothes themselves are sort of fine enough. Not my taste, but I see it's someone's style.
How bad it is out of 10: 3/10.
21.Twilight: Bella's gloves situation.
The sole reason this is a 3/10 bad is the gloves. How are her hands that cold but no other part of her body needs winter clothing? Her jacket isn't buttoned up all the way, but she needs high gloves?
How bad it is out of 10: 3/10.
20.New Moon: Alice's party dress.
This is probably as weird as it is because, to quote David Mitchell, it's "so unnoteworthy as to be in itself noteworthy." The top part of the dress is nice, though.
How bad it is out of 10: 4/10.
19.New Moon: Jasper's casual school getup.
If an English teacher put this on, it would be business as usual. I don't like it as much as I can without caring about it either way.
How bad it is out of 10: 4.2/10.
18.Twilight: Jasper's outfit that sometimes has a jacket.
OK, so with the jacket, it looks fine, but without the jacket, I can see those jeans, and oh my god.
How bad it is out of 10: 4.5/10.
17.Twilight: Emmett's jeep look.
It has so many top layers, and yet, no backpack.
How bad it is out of 10: 4.5/10.
16.New Moon: Bella's attire at the party at the Cullens' house.
Is it me, or is Bella way too old for this? Bella's, like, 17, and this is super "I'm in fifth grade and I'm going to a nice event with my parents, and I will be uncomfortable the whole time."
How bad it is out of 10: 4.75/10.
15.New Moon: Edward's "I want to die" garb.
Edward, what's going on with you? Get it together.
How bad it is out of 10: 5/10.
14.New Moon: Alice's scarf ensemble.
This is better than I am capable of giving it credit for because of the way it shows up in the movie with no warning, making zero sense because Alice and Bella were just on a plane they went to while Alice was wearing something entirely different. Did Alice change into this on the plane? That's a movie.
How bad it is out of 10 (with context): 5/10.
13.Twilight: Jasper's totz typical fully done-up white jacket outfit.
God, I hate that jacket. What do you think he's keeping in those pockets? More plates with only lettuce and carrots on them?
How bad it is out of 10: 6/10.
12.New Moon: Rosalie's party look.
The intention was nice, but it didn't turn out well, my friend Rosalie. I'm surprised your necklace didn't warn you of that. I'm assuming it can predict the future with its magical powers.
How bad it is out of 10: 6/10.
11.New Moon: Emmett party clothes.
I know people dress like this, but I don't understand why anyone would chose to wear this unless they're in a crunch for time and they've already got a vest and a giant watch in their bag.
How bad it is out of 10: 6.5/10.
10.New Moon: Alice's whole...thing.
You think you at least have a visual grasp on all that you're seeing, and then you spot those arm leg warmers. But you know what? Alice is going for something, and it all goes together, so it's a bad I tip my hat to.
How bad it is out of 10: 6.75/10.
9.New Moon: Alice's white extravaganza.
Don't wear short-sleeve jackets over long-sleeve shirts. Better yet, don't wear short-sleeve jackets unless you're in an adventure movie with Vin Diesel set in the desert. And if you're in that movie, let me know because I want to watch it.
How bad it is out of 10: 7/10.
8.Twilight: Bella's prom outfit.
The dress is fine enough; it's the leggings and the small jacket I can't stand.
How bad it is out of 10: 7.5/10.
7.Twilight: Emmett's baseball attire.
I could stare at this for hours. How long did he think about the angle of the plaid cap? Does the zipper's placement mean something? Do the black and blue bracelets add or severely take away from it? What does the lack of shirt imply? Can I get my sister this for her birthday, or is that too much of a dick move?
How bad it is out of 10: 8/10.
6.Twilight: Emmett's assault on the senses.
Tim Gunn would hate this.
How bad it is out of 10: 8.5/10.
5.Twilight: Rosalie's regalia in the baseball scene.
Though I admire the boldness, imagine how violently it would murder your ego if you were looking at old pictures and saw that you wore this once. Oh my god, she has a watch on over her glove — I just noticed that. Oh no.
How bad it is out of 10: 8.5/10.
4.Twilight: Alice's cardigan and dress.
This is hard to look at.
How bad it is out of 10: 9/10.
3.Twilight: Rosalie's very normal school clothes.
Ooooooof. This is unforgivable unless it's a double-dog dare. No, even then, take the shame of not fulfilling a dare over wearing this.
How bad it is out of 10: 9.5/10.
2.New Moon: Jacob's shorts look.
How bad it is out of 10: 9.5/10.
1.And finally, Twilight: this Rosalie outfit.
What happened to lead to this, to those shoes with those jeans and that shit with that jacket? What happened? Why are we here? I don't want to be here.
How bad it is out of 10: 10/10.