50 Subtle Details From "The Office" That Prove It's One Of The Smartest Shows Of All Time
1. Dunder Mifflin has won the Rain Forest Harvester's Association's "One Million Cut Trees Award."
In The Office, Dunder Mifflin has been given The One Million Cut Trees Award by the Rain Forest Harvester’s Association. from TVDetails
2. You can see Michael's face when he infiltrates Jim and David Wallace's meeting inside the cart.
3.Stanley's New Year's resolution is: "Be a better husband and boyfriend."
4.The George Foreman grill that Michael burns his foot on in Season 2 — because he likes to wake up to the smell of bacon — appears in the Season 4 episode "Dinner Party."
5. When Roy becomes furious and violent inside the bar, Kevin is fully prepared to protect Pam.
I just noticed that, slightly off-screen, you can see sweet Kevin ready to defend Pam when Roy loses his shit. from DunderMifflin
Here he is:
6. The Schrute Farms flag has only 15 stars, which is consistent with the makeup of the US when Schrute Farms was established.
In the Office, Shrute Farms displays a flag with 15 stars. The 15 stars flag represented the original 13 colonies plus Vermont and Kentucky, used from May 1, 1795 to April 12, 1818. Schrute farms was established in 1812. from TVDetails
7.Michael says that he is separating the trash into "whites and colors" for recycling. In an earlier season, you can see that Dunder Mifflin Scranton has different recycling bins for whites and colors.
8. The big board in the office is filled with "colorful hooey."
S4:E1 “Fun Run” - I for one, did not notice until now that there’s a lot of colorful hooey on this board! from DunderMifflin
9. Michael writes a note telling Oscar to meet him before lunch, but he puts the note in Oscar's sandwich, which he obviously wouldn't get to until lunch.
Just noticed that in “Two Weeks” Michael hides a note in Oscar’s sandwich that says, “meet me in the parking lot BEFORE lunch.” from DunderMifflin
10.One item at the garage sale is the stuck-to-the-wall painting from when Jim buys Pam their house. So they finally got it off the wall.
11. Michael swallows his toothpaste.
Just noticed this after my seventh watch - Michael not spitting, but swallowing his toothpaste ?? from DunderMifflin
12.During Pam and Jim's tour of Michael's condo in "Dinner Party," pop art of Jan is visible on the wall.
13."Absolutely, I do" is consistently the right way to respond when Dwight asks you to do something in secret.
14.Michael has an Italian flag on his desk for St. Patrick's Day.
15.Also for St. Patrick's Day, the water in the office watercooler is green.
16. After Michael drives his car into a lake, he opens the door to let the camera operator out.
On Season 4 Episode 2 of the office, Michael opens the door to let the cameraman out of the sinking car from TVDetails
17.Dwight tells us a very ominous Schrute wedding tradition, and he and Angela do it when they get married seasons later.
18.Michael, Dwight, and Jim drive to the Utica branch, and Michael and Dwight try to steal the copier. Later, in Season 5, it's clear that the Utica copier is padlocked.
19. Andy dresses like Dwight — the then-acting manager — in order to become the number-two person in the office.
In the office US when Dwight is acting manager Andy can be seen wearing short sleeve shirts like Dwight to further his plan to become his number 2. from TVDetails
20.This one isn't suuuuuuuper subtle, but Angela's babies-as-adults poster that Oscar hates — and complains about to Toby — was, in fact, a Christmas gift from Toby.
21. When Creed translates a bottle for Andy, he reads, "Do not consume with alcohol," which Andy does, and then gets sick.
In The Office when creed “translates” the Chinese for Andy, he actually reads out “do not consume with alcohol”, which is exactly what Andy does that makes him sick from TVDetails
22.When Jan hands Michael their relationship-disclosing agreement for the company, he says he's going to frame it. He does.
23.Dwight and Kevin absolutely love fireworks in Season 2, and they're outraged by a potential lack of firecrackers in Season 6.
24.After Michael puts his face into the cement outside, there is some cement above one of his ears.
25.Pam uses the teapot Jim gave her for Christmas much later in the Finer Things Club.
26. "Here Comes Treble" is Andy's gamer tag.
27. And Karen's name is "KarentheJimSlayer."
28. Michael wears the same tie in multiple Christmas episodes.
29. The Michael Scott Paper Company printer is the old Dunder Mifflin printer.
I lost count of how many times I've watched the greatest show ever, but I'm still noticing things I didn't see before. The Michael Scott Paper Company is using the copier that got dumped when Pam set up the new one. from DunderMifflin
30. Jan and Michael have enough wine glasses for everyone to have two at the dinner party, even though Dwight was told that one of the reasons he couldn't come was a deficit of wine glasses.
In The Office’s “Dinner Party” episode, one of the excuses Jan used to keep Dwight away was that there weren’t enough wine glasses. Later, it’s shown that Jan has so many wine glasses that she serves water in them, too. from TVDetails
31.The lawyer Michael hires in Season 2 is the same lawyer Michael mentions when he and Dwight throw a watermelon off the roof and it hits a car in Season 3.
32. Kevin brings a ski mask on the booze cruise because Michael told him to.
In the "Booze Cruise" episode of The Office, Michael instructs everyone to bring a swimsuit, a toothbrush, rubber-soled shoes and a ski-mask. Kevin Malone can be seen multiple times as the only employee who actually wore a ski mask. from TVDetails
33. Turns out Dwight gets a chair just like the one he adores at David Wallace's house.
The Office Season 3 - Dwight admires a chair at David Wallace's house and wants to get one for himself. In Season 9, he has the chair. from TVDetails
34. When Michael falls down the stairs while running after Pam, he has a bloody nose.
S5 E1: I never noticed Michael had a bloody nose after he falls down two flights of stairs because he's running after Pam when she's leaving for art school from DunderMifflin
35.The employees of Dunder Mifflin are often just playing Solitaire.
36.In Season 3, Michael tells Jan about the kind of love he wants, and it includes "ketchup fights." He puts a ketchup fight in his movie Threat Level Midnight.
37.Creed gives Jim a shirt for Christmas, but Creed actually wore that shirt to Jim's barbecue.
Here's Jim receiving the shirt:
38. Dwight's bobblehead is of a real baseball player named Michael Scott Lieberthal.
39. Three episodes before "Lazy Scranton," Kelly talks to Michael about "Lazy Sunday."
The Office: Michael's 'Lazy Scranton' video is based on SNL's 'Lazy Sunday', which Kelly was describing to Micheal just three episodes earlier while waiting for pretzels. from TVDetails
40. Dwight grows a beet at his desk at one point.
41.Michael's girlfriend Carol — who breaks up with him because he photoshops himself into pictures of her family — has a tiny cameo in Threat Level Midnight. She's the realtor of the real-life house Michael Scarn lives in.
You may definitely already know this detail, but it's amazing.
42. Charles uses a mug from his old company, Saticoy Steel.
Just noticed Charles is using a Saticoy Steel mug from his former company. Nice little detail. from DunderMifflin
43. The bottle Michael throws out of his car window is still dented later.
In an episode of the Office, Michael can be seen holding a dented bottle that he had previously thrown out his car window, cracking Stanley’s windshield. from TVDetails