The Acolyte's Jedi Are Stronger Than What We've Previously Seen In Star Wars, But There's A Reason For That

 Sol in The Acolyte.
Sol in The Acolyte.

Warning! The following contains spoilers for The Acolyte's first two episodes. Watch them now with a Disney+ subscription, or read on at your own risk!

Highly anticipated show The Acolyte is live on Disney+ and, for many Star Wars fans, it's likely their first time getting a look at The High Republic era. There's a lot that sets  this time in the fictional universe apart from what's been seen before, including the Jedi. Some might assume the wild powers showcased in the first two episodes are just a sign of the creative team showing what it can do with SFX. However, there's a reason why we're seeing some of the most powerful Jedi ever to be featured in a live-action production.

Anyone thinking it doesn't make sense that the fascinating new characters in The Acolyte are performing feats we never saw Anakin or Luke Skywalker do should pump the brakes. There are a couple of reasons why we're seeing Jedi read minds, create impenetrable force fields and hold people in place for long periods of time. And it all goes back to what's been divulged about The High Republic thus far in the novels and comic books.

The Jedi Of The High Republic Worked With Other Force-Sensitive Groups

One important factor for readers to understand is that The High Republic was a relative time of peace, during which the Jedi Order was allowed and able to flourish. There were conflicts, but the Light Side of The Force was so overwhelmingly strong that the Jedi were able to dedicate more time to training, and even learn from other Force-Sensitive groups.

As time went on, the Order became more closed off, and with that came less interaction or exchanges of secrets with other Force-Sensitive organizations. As such, the Jedi limited themselves when it came to the knowledge they could obtain about the Force. So, because they cut those ties, Jedi seen in the prequel trilogy don't have that knowledge and as a result, are unable to use some of the wild abilities seen in The Acolyte.

The Jedi Had Next To Zero Political Oversight And Operated Independently

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Amandla Stenberg in The Acolyte
Amandla Stenberg in The Acolyte

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Much like how embracing the Dark Side makes someone more in sync with it, the same is true of the Light Side. During The High Republic, the Jedi were in complete control of their own order and had the trust of the galaxy to operate autonomously and serve as its protectors. This means they were able to do what is most in line with the Light Side at all times, which made them much more in tune with it and powerful as a result.

In the prequel era, the Jedi Order was bogged down by politics and as such, was forced to compromise its beliefs and work for the "greater good" than "absolute good." In the time beyond that, Jedi were forced into hiding and were not able to safely train, leaving them to merely witness many injustices at the luxury of remaining in hiding. The argument could be made that Jedi of the latter era were more skilled fighters but, without question, they were largely weaker in the Force. As such, it's no surprise that Yoda was ultimately the most powerful Jedi of the movies, given that he was alive amid The High Republic era. (And, before anyone asks, Yoda will not appear in The Acolyte.)

What Else Might Fans See Jedi Do In The Acolyte?

As far as what other feats the Jedi may perform during the show's run, I would wager we could see even more impressive acts than those present in the first two episodes. In the book The Light Of The Jedi, for example, Master Avar Kriss guides several Jedi through a space battle telepathically. Later, she and Master Elzar Mann use their combined abilities to create rain clouds, which then shower some overheated droids and allow them to keep working. It's one of the many elements from The High Republic I'd love to see in a TV series, so I hope The Acolyte delivers some of those Jedi-centric elements.

Catch new episodes of The Acolyte on Disney+ on Tuesdays at 9:00 p.m. ET as part of the 2024 TV schedule. I'm sold after just two episodes and already believe this may become my favorite Star Wars series.