Amber Mark Enjoys a Perfect Saturday

Amber Mark’s vibrant and bubbly personality transcends beyond the stage. While dreaming of A Perfect Saturday and walking Billboard through her Getting Ready routine, the Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter took a moment to answer a few questions from some lucky fans. In case you missed it, here’s a recap of some answers from the Billboard IG takeover featuring Amber Mark, brought to you by Aperol Spritz.

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What is your favorite song on Three Dimensions Deep?

My favorite song on Three Dimensions Deep is always changing. But I would say right now it’s probably, “What It Is.” It’s my long running favorite song. I’m very proud of that one and I hold it in a very special place in my heart. Its deals a lot with trying to understand the meaning of life. It gets really philosophical. But I feel like I try to approach the writing in a very lighthearted way, and I hopefully it comes off that way. Make sure to check it out.


What’s something you love to enjoy during the summer?

My favorite food to enjoy in the summer is probably prosciutto and melon. It’s so delicious and it pairs really with an Aperol Spritz, the perfect summer drink. Can’t wait to enjoy one myself.

When do you feel inspired to make music?

I feel most inspired to write songs when I’m going through any type of intense emotion, it could be a positive one, a negative one, one that involves a lot growth. I feel like music is a form of therapy for me and I definitely try to use it as such.

What’s the best part about performing?

In terms of performing, I think seeing the fans and hearing them scream the lyrics back to me and dance to the music and I think we feed off each other. So that’s probably the most exciting and joyful part of being an artist and being able to perform.

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