Ana Navarro slams Mike Pence for 'humiliating himself' following former VP's remarks on the insurrection

CNN contributor Ana Navarro didn’t mince words when talking about former Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday's Cuomo Prime Time. A night earlier, Pence went on Hannity and downplayed the insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, claiming the media was only still reporting on the fallout to distract from President Biden’s shortcomings and to demean supporters of former President Trump.

“I know the media wants to distract from the Biden administration's failed agenda by focusing on one day in January,” Pence said. “They want to use that one day to try to demean the character and intentions of 74 million Americans.”

Navarro believes Pence is debasing himself, and ignoring the fact that the crowd was chanting, “Hang Mike Pence,” for a shot at a political future that is now a lost cause.

“He’s groveling, he’s humiliating himself, he is showing complete lack of dignity and self-respect for nothing,” Navarro said. “Because if he thinks the people who wanted to hang him from [the] gallows. … We all heard the chants, ‘Hang Mike Pence.’ If he thinks those people are ever going to believe that he did the right thing in allowing — in legitimizing the election results, he's grossly mistaken. They're never going to forgive and they're never going to forget.”

Pence also told Sean Hannity that he and Trump parted amicably, despite Trump blaming Pence for losing reelection, simply because Pence was going to do his constitutional duty and certify the election, putting Pence in real danger as the mob stormed the Capitol. Navarro finds Pence’s continued fealty to Trump less than respectable.

“It's beyond pathetic. And I’ll tell you, to me, probably what I think is the worst thing, it’s not even the lack of self-respect to himself. If somebody should want to get to the truth of what happened on January 6th, it should be Mike Pence,” Navarro said. “But it's the lack of respect to the Secret Service and to the Capitol Police who saved his skin that day. He was within hundreds of feet of those protesters that wanted to hang him from a noose they had built. And he owes them, he owes them wanting to get to the truth and the bottom of what led to Jan. 6. So shame on him.”

Cuomo Prime Time airs weeknights at 9 p.m. on CNN.

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