Anne Hathaway slams 'complicity of the white women' supporting abortion bans

A new wave of anti-abortion legislation has prompted outcry from several celebrities, with Alyssa Milano calling for a sex strike in protest and even Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren decrying Alabama’s new near total ban as being “too restrictive.”

While stars like Pink have lashed out at the white male Alabama state senators who passed a bill making it illegal to get an abortion after 6 weeks, even in cases of rape or incest, Anne Hathaway is reminding her fans that two white women also helped usher in the controversial legislation.

As the Oscar winner noted, the bill was sponsored by Alabama state Rep. Terri Collins (R) and signed into law on Wednesday by Gov. Kay Ivey (R).

“As we’re resisting, let us also call out the complicity of the white women who made this awful moment possible, and which — make no mistake — WILL lead to the unnecessary and avoidable deaths of women, a disproportionate number of whom will be poor and/or black,” she wrote. “Speak up. Show up. Don’t give up.”

Her post included a photo of a protest sign and screenshots of statements slamming the ban, including a tweet from Sen. Bernie Sanders and an interview writer Lindy West gave on The Daily Show, arguing that criminalizing abortion would “keep people trapped in poverty for generations.”

Hathaway’s pro-abortion-rights post divided her fans. While many lauded her for speaking up — “YOU ARE A QUEEN AND I LOVE YOU! Thank you for using your platform to stand up for our rights!” one supporter wrote — followers with anti-abortion views objected to her words.

“A baby isn’t a ‘woman’s body,’” one man wrote.

“You are so wrong,” read another comment. “I am educated. I am a woman. I believe an unborn baby is a life that is being taken. Have you ever heard of a woman dying because she didn’t have an abortion?”

“I am so sorry I cannot be idolizing someone who is anti-life,” added a commenter. “If your mother decided to abort you when you were still unborn, then you will not be here enjoying your God-given life.”

Another angry commenter called the Devil Wears Prada star “another actor who thinks thats being famous gives them right to give an opinion on something they have not a bit of understanding.”

Some commenters were offended that Hathaway pointed out that Collins and Ivey, as well as the male state senators who passed the anti-abortion bill, are all white.

“I don’t see the point of highlighting the color of the skin of senators or people ... doesn’t matter!” complained a follower. “Why you separate as black or white ... I don’t think racism played a big role in signing the law.”

“Who the hell cares if they are white or not, why is it highlighted?” fumed another critic. “Racism all around.”

Hathaway isn’t the first star to single out Gov. Ivey. “Shame on you,” Rihanna told the politician in a heated Instagram post of her own last week.

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