'Glee' scoop: Details on tonight's pivotal, emotional, and epic 'Break-Up' episode
Jordin Althaus[/caption]
Tonight’s Glee, titled “The Break-Up,” is one of the most emotionally wrenching episodes in the series’ history. The hour focuses on the strained relationships of four of McKinley’s favorite couples: Finn/Rachel, Kurt/Blaine, Will/Emma, and Santana/Brittany. Without spoiling too much, EW got an early glimpse at the episode and here are some of the [MINOR SPOILER ALERT] highlights from tonight’s cant-miss installment.
Viewers will get a brief peak into Finn’s military experience and learn that there was another Rachel in his life
Kurt, Blaine, Finn, and Rachel reunite in New York City and take a pivotal trip to NYADA students’ favorite karaoke bar, Callbacks
Santana returns home and has a couple very sweet moments with Brittany
Will gets news that will alter both his job and his relationship with Emma
One of these characters will reveal that they’ve cheated on their significant other
McKinley’s musical this year (last year’s was of course West Side Story) is revealed
Jake makes a big decision regarding his relationship with Marley and Kitty
Rachel almost solely wears short shorts and boots
Blaine’s stripped down, emotional version of “Teenage Dream” is one of the highlights of the episode and Gleeks should be prepared for major tears
That moment, though, may be topped by a climactic, moving speech by Rachel, which is arguably the best acting Lea Michele has done on the series
The hour culminates in a flashback-heavy cover of Coldplay’s “The Scientist”
It’s safe to say the Glee world gets turned upside down after tonight’s shocker of an episode. Get ready, Gleeks.
Read more:
‘Glee’ scoop: New Directions to perform ‘Call Me Maybe’ in season four premiere — EXCLUSIVE
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