Axl Rose on possibility of new Guns N’ Roses music: “You never know”

Guns N Roses

It’s extremely hard to pin down Axl Rose for an interview, but apparently the Guns N’ Roses frontman gets a bit chattier when he’s in Iceland. GN’R played the largest concert ever to be held in Iceland on Tuesday in Reykjavík, and Rose took some time to speak with Iceland Magazine.

While not completely opening up, Rose did answer the question every GN’R fan has had since the release of Chinese Democracy in 2008. Asked whether new music is on the horizon, Rose responded, “Right now our focus is on touring and the shows but everyone seems to be getting along so you never know.”

Regarding the band’s highly successful “Not in This Lifetime Tour,” which features the return of Slash and Duff McKagan to the lineup, Rose said, “We just want to do a good job for the fans, that after the show they leave feeling they had a good time and maybe make some new fans that just came to see what the fuss was about.”

As to whether he has come across any Icelandic music that he enjoys, the GN’R frontman replied, “I’d imagine Bj?rk’s the most well known and I’m a big fan.”

The Iceland show marked the end of Guns N’ Roses’ summer touring, but the band will be back on the road in November for dates in Mexico, Asia and South Africa, among other stops.

While the wait is still on for new GN’R music, Slash just released the new song “Driving Rain” with his band Slash ft. Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators, while Duff McKagan’s band Walking Papers just premiered a video for their track “This Is How It Ends”.