'Bachelorette' fans are rejoicing over Hannah Brown and Luke P.'s explosive breakup

On The Bachelorette Monday night, the moment we've been waiting for did not disappoint.

However, before we get to Hannah Brown's explosive, yet extremely gratifying, breakup with Luke Parker, we did finally find out who Hannah had sex with in the windmill – sweet Peter Weber, the pilot. "I just feel so secure in what we have and, after last night, I'm just like, mic drop. Game over. Hannah's mine," said Peter. Now, back to the good stuff.

Last week, Hannah made an unprecedented decision, when she decided to take all four men from hometown dates to fantasy suite week. One of which was Luke P. We've been bewildered by Hannah's obsession with Luke and have been patiently waiting for him to finally be sent home. So, when Luke's craziness started to show during their dinner date in Greece, Hannah finally had a long overdue moment of clarity.

It all started when Luke brought up the topic of sex, and told Hannah, "There's so many things that, you know, I want for myself in my future wife. I want it the way I want it, you know what I mean?" No, Luke, we don't know what you mean. Luke continued to explain, by saying things like, "I want to make sure that, from now on, things are known how they're supposed to be," and "I am very confident that we're on the same page with, you know, our morals. And I just, I want to hear it from your mouth," as he insinuated that she not sleep with the other three Bachelorette men.

"I don't believe that's something that you should be doing. And I just want to make sure you're not going to be, you know, sexually intimate with, you know, the other relationships here," Luke told Hannah, who was clearly offended. Luke told Hannah that he trusted her but, at the same time, if he found out she was having sex with one or more of the guys, he would want to go home, "one hundred percent." Hannah then went beast mode.

"Some of the things that you said, like, I don't agree with at all," Hannah told Luke. "Honestly, like, I'm, like, kind of mad, because, like, the way that you just said that is, like, why do you have the right to do that? Because you're not my husband." Luke attempted to interrupt or cut Hannah off a couple times, but got shut down by Hannah, who was not done. And we're so glad she wasn't.

Luke, not knowing that Hannah had an intimate night with Peter (in the windmill!), changed his tune and told Hannah that in "a crazy scenario," if he found out she had slept with one of the guys, or all of them, he would be "willing to do or work through anything." But it was too late. Hannah responded that she is "a grown woman" and can make her own decisions because she is "not strapped to a man right now." That's right, Hannah!

At that point, Luke started to refer to a possible hook-up she may have had as a "slip up," which did not sit well with Hannah and only infuriated her more. "Honestly, like, what you're saying, the words that you're saying are just like really not okay. They're just not okay," Hannah told Luke. "Honestly, like, you have already broken my heart through this, like, truly. And I have broken my own heart 'cause I've allowed everything. And to ignore all the red flags for how I feel, to have this and to have you say this about me…" Hannah continued to crush Luke as she told him that she could have eliminated him so many times throughout the season over things that she wants in a relationship that don't align with him. "You don't own me. You don't get to decide what I can and can't do," said Hannah, who was finally done.

"There have been so many times that, like, I have wanted to say, 'I'm done with you,' but my heart has just not allowed me to let you go. And I prayed so much for clarity, and I feel like I've finally gotten clarity on you. And I do not want you to be my husband," stated Hannah. What was it that Peter said? Oh, yeah – mic drop.

Hannah was so over Luke that she wanted him to leave immediately. The only problem? He wouldn't go. Hannah basically had to beg Luke to stand up and walk out with her. Luke refused to leave because he said that Hannah "owed" him a minute to speak. Hannah lost it.

"Oh, my God. I cannot believe you just said that. I'm so mad. I'm so mad. I don't owe you anything at this point. Do you not understand that? I have, like, bent over backwards for this relationship. So I don't owe you anything. Please, get up," Hannah screamed at Luke.

Before getting into the van, Luke still refused to go home, so Hannah did what she had to do and broke the windmill news to him. "I have had sex," Hannah told to Luke, who was utterly shocked and instantly beside himself with rage. "Yeah, and Jesus still loves me," Hannah continued. Hannah then revealed that she "didn't just go to the Fantasy Suite," she "f***ed in a windmill," twice.

Bachelor Nation was rejoicing. Here are some of the best tweets:

Luke, not surprisingly, threw out one last Hail Mary as he asked Hannah if he could "pray over here," but it was a no for Hannah.

Unfortunately, this isn't the last we'll see of Luke P.

Just when we thought it was finally over, The Bachelorette teased next week's episode, in which Luke decides that, despite what Hannah told him, she's "mistaken," and it isn't over for him yet. Oh, boy.

The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on ABC.

Check out Hannah Brown’s shocking and unprecedented ‘Bachelorette’ rose ceremony decision:

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