Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 4 Recap: Birthday Cake Catastrophe
We’re back with the recap for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 3. Last week, Gary got frustrated with deckhand Emma, whose inexperience is showing. Daisy realizes that Danni is hypersensitive and easily overwhelmed. A misunderstanding with the chef left Daisy feeling he was trying to “throw her under the bus.” And Cloyce’s decision to hang out with the guests resulted in an angry captain wondering if the chef understands that he’s here to work. Here’s exactly what went down in BDSY Season 5, Episode 4: “Mer-made a Big Mis-cake.”
What happened in Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 4?
In this week’s episode, because he was playing with the guests rather than prepping their meal, Chef Cloyce is late with their lunch and the captain’s not happy. Daisy hires a mermaid and a DJ to celebrate the primary guest’s 60th birthday, even though Cloyce’s birthday cake is a disaster. And Danni and Diana bicker over who does cabins and who gets to do service. Daisy’s got her hands full with those two. Here are some of the highlights from BDSY Season 5, Episode 4.
Daisy feels like she’s wrangling toddlers on Below Deck Sailing Yacht
For some reason, Cloyce is out playing in the water rather than prepping lunch. When Captain Glenn finds out Cloyce is not on board, he nearly blows a gasket. He insists Gary get the chef back to the boat ASAP. When the guests get back, they’re going to want lunch. How is he going to have lunch ready for them when he’s playing in the water?
When Captain sends Gary back to pick up Cloyce, Daisy comments, “I feel like a mom trying to get my toddler out of the f*cking jungle gym. Come on, Cloyce … You’ve got a cake to bake. [The primary] ain’t turning 60 again.
It’s a big night. Not only is the primary celebrating her 60th birthday, but the captain is also joining the guests for dinner, and Daisy has mermaids coming to entertain them.
In addition, Daisy notices that one of her stews, Danni, takes every little correction very hard, as she’s very sensitive. Daisy knows she’s direct, but she doesn’t have time to coddle anyone.
“I want to make people feel good,” she says, “but I don’t … have the energy to constantly be like, ‘You’re doing an amazing job, and I’m sorry I hurt your feelings.’ I don’t like fluffy bullsh*t … The only person who should be crying on this boat is me.”
Cloyce admits he “underestimated his timing”
Sadly, when the guests return and are immediately seated at the table, Cloyce is not ready with lunch. “I’m infrequently wrong,” the chef admits, “but I did underestimate my timing.”
When they finally get their food, though, the ladies are all very happy. But when Daisy finds out the chef ordered a cake from a bakery – something that looks like a pound cake with nuts sprinkled on it – she’s not impressed.
“It’s her 60th!” Daisy interviews. “Make her a cake!” Their tip depends on the food being fabulous. I wouldn’t consider that a fabulous dessert if it were my 60th birthday.
Glenn told the guests about a “haunted island” that nobody lives on, Es Vedra. He said there are supposedly mermaids that live there. Hence, the mermaid they hired to swim around the boat.
The mermaid, whose name is Carla, dons her sparkly green outfit, and Gary carries her to the swim deck, where she greets the guests. They’re all so excited to see her, even more so when she jumps into the water and splashes around.
When Daisy tells Danni she’s doing cabins and Diana will be serving dinner, the girls start bickering about whose turn it is to be in the cabins. “I’m not going down without a fight,” Danni declares. “I’m gonna go down kicking and screaming.”
I can’t believe Daisy’s allowing this negotiation. You’re in charge, Dais. Just tell them what to do, and that’s the end of it.
Chef Antoinette says, “Let them eat cake”
“After the Floatopia situation … the stakes are even higher,” Chef interviews. “Tonight has to be absolutely flawless.”
In the kitchen, he’s unwrapping the bakery cake. “I decided to order a cake for this charter just because I f*cking hate making cakes,” he interviews.
“As an older woman, I’m expecting she wants her birthday to consist of mostly drinking,” he adds. “Nobody in their 60s is super-stoked to blow out candles. You just want to go party.” That’s so offensive. She deserves to be fussed over on her birthday.
The chef microwaves the store-bought cake, but when he takes it out, it falls apart. “He tried to take a shortcut,” Daisy interviews. “He was lazy and ordered a sh*tty cake … It looks like a pile of dog sh*t. It’s horrific.”
“We can’t serve that,” Daisy says. He already tried to throw her under the bus before, so Daisy’s not taking any chances. She suggests they get the guests up to the sundeck, where the DJ is waiting. They’ll bring out the cake and champagne a bit later.
“This is not how I want to end the meal,” Cloyce interviews. “But call me Chef Antoinette, and let them eat cake.” He tries to hide the mess with lots of whipped cream.
Gary takes a magnum of champagne up to the sundeck for the birthday party. By the time the cake arrives, they’re probably all so drunk from drinking straight from the bottle that they probably don’t even care about the cake.
When one of the guests asks the DJ to join them in the hot tub, Daisy says, “Look, if they want DJ Elliot in the hot tub, I am all for it. He’s the perfect distraction from this poo cake catastrophe.”
Gary gets frustrated with one of his deck crew
Since Gary was reportedly edited out of a lot of this season, we’re not seeing much more than his interactions with his deck crew. He’s having particular problems with deckhand Emma, who doesn’t seem to be as experienced as he would like.
The next morning at docking, Emma has trouble tying up her line. Gary gets impatient with her. “Just pull it as tight as possible,” he says. “Put your whole body weight into it.”
“This is the first thing you learn working on boats,” Gary says in a confessional, “and she’s worked on boats for years … Does she not care? Does she not know? Am I a bad teacher? It’s so frustrating.”
Emma is also frustrated and discouraged. She just can’t seem to please Gary. “Docking is another thing to add to my list of f*ckups,” she says dejectedly.
Daisy voices her concerns about the chef
After the guests say their goodbyes, Daisy asks to meet with Captain Glenn. “I think the chef’s gonna be an issue,” the chief stew tells him. “I do really like him, and I really want him to succeed. But I feel like there’s a little bit of, like, the bare minimum. You know, he wanted to go to the beach yesterday, and I was like, ‘What about lunch?’”
“It’s not really his place to be out there,” Glenn responds.
“You could have been making bread for breakfast,” she continues. “You could have been making her 60th birthday cake.”
But Glenn thinks Cloyce can do it. Daisy offers to try and handle it herself. If by the next charter, he hasn’t improved, Glenn can step in.
At the crew meeting, Glenn reminds Cloyce, “Keep in mind [your] professionalism. You’re here to give the guests five-star meals and not play on the water toys … You could have made better use of your time.”
“It’s a bit harsh,” the chef interviews. “But I f*cked up. It’s good to be humbled and to have a little wake-up call.”
Diana takes an attitude with everyone
To give her girls some practice at making cocktails, Daisy allows the crew to order one cocktail apiece at the bar and have the stews make them. Diana makes a Bloody Mary (my fave!) for Gary and decides she’s done.
“I’m not going to do anymore,” she says. “I love you all, but I actually would like to rest as well.”
“Where the f*ck is she going?” Danni interviews. “Diana needs to be at this cocktail-making class more than I do.”
“Why do I have to work?” Diana complains. “It’s just dumb.”
Then Diana gets pissy when Daisy scolds her for not doing what she was asked to do. “I made one drink. Why do I have to make more?” Diana’s a little bit of a diva.
Emma tells Daisy, “I think she was upset because she had to make drinks.”
“Can I just throw myself overboard?” Daisy sighs. “The girls are so sensitive.”
Emma thinks Diana’s attitude is “f*cking bullsh*t,” while Cloyce says, “I’d just tell her to grow the f*ck up.”
When Daisy goes down to check on her pouty stew, Diana says, “I’m actually mad.”
“Normally, I’ll do anything for my girls,” Daisy interviews. “But this is sensitivity I haven’t experienced before … To be a yachtie, you need to have thick skin because you’re working with bitches and serving assh*les.”
Daisy’s got a lot more patience than I do. I’d throw Diana overboard already. Perhaps Daisy’s raw feelings following the Season 4 Reunion were distracting her from being tougher on her crew.
Below Deck Sailing Yacht airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.
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