Biden dogs star in charming Christmas video; Trumps recount Christmas 'miracle' in theirs

If you're looking for entertaining evidence of the differences between President Donald Trump and President-elect Joe Biden, look no further than their Christmas Eve videos posted Thursday, showing Champ and Major Biden goofing off vs POTUS and FLOTUS recapping the New Testament.
The dogs always win.
The Biden video, posted on incoming first lady Jill Biden's Twitter account and on Instagram, shows the Bidens' two German shepherds, who are set to debut as the first pooches in the White House since the Portuguese water dogs, Bo and Sunny Obama, departed with former President Barack Obama in January 2017.
Champ, the elder dog at 12, who sometimes goes by the affectionate nickname Biden Sr., bestowed by the Biden grandkids, lolls in the video, relaxing under a Christmas tree surrounded by pillows and blankets and plush toys. He blinks sleepily as a Muzak version of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" plinks in the background.
Quick cut to Major at the top of the stairs, dashing down, racing around the room, zipping past Champ, shaking a toy in his mouth and generally acting obstreperous as an electric-guitar version of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" plays.
Major, by the way, is the dog Biden was playing with when he fractured his foot in November. The Biden family adopted the black-and-white rescue shepherd from the Delaware Humane Association in 2018, 10 years after acquiring Champ.
"No matter how you celebrate, Merry Christmas," from Champ and Major Biden, the screen reads, fading to a blue-and-white Biden-Harris Transition screen.
Michael LaRosa, Jill Biden's campaign press spokesman, tweeted a red heart emoji with the video, adding "these Biden boys."
It's clear the Biden transition team is savvy about social media – the dogs have their own Instagram account – and well aware of the potent power of pooches to charm all and sundry. The couple also shared a bittersweet but hopeful Christmas message, in which Jill Biden gave thanks to frontline and essential workers. Joe Biden also asked Americans to consider limiting their travel and the size of their gatherings.
The Trumps are not dog people. Donald Trump's first wife, Ivana Trump, said in her 2017 memoir that Donald, an admitted germaphobe, doesn't like dogs.
More: Joe and Jill Biden want to unite America. They'll start by adding a cat to family dogs Champ, Major
More: The White House has been without dogs for four years – that's changing with Joe Biden
"How would I look walking a dog on the White House lawn?" the president scoffed at a Texas rally in February. "I don't know. Feels a little phony, phony to me."
The Trumps' Christmas video features the first lady heaping praise on Americans battling the coronavirus pandemic, and the president's declaration that "we are delivering millions of doses of a safe and effective vaccine that will soon end this terrible pandemic and save millions and millions of lives."
"It is truly a Christmas miracle," he says.
The video shows the two standing in the White House in front of Christmas lights; he's in a dark suit and red tie, she is wearing a dark jacket over a white blouse.
"@POTUS & I send our warmest wishes to all as we celebrate #Christmas. May the love we share with our family & friends fill our hearts with peace & joy!" the first lady tweeted on her account. The president also posted the video on his account, in between continuing to rage against the election results, Democrats and some Republicans and Twitter itself.
The president, who has not been a regular churchgoer before or during his presidency, recites (or read from a teleprompter) excerpts of the familiar New Testament story of Christmas intoned every year by priests and pastors around the world as the camera pans over a creche and inspiring music swells.
"During the sacred season Christians celebrate the greatest miracle in human history," he says. "On behalf of Melania and the entire Trump family, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year," he concludes.
The first lady also tweeted wishes Friday "to all who celebrate this wonderful time of the year. Let’s remember our brave service members, elderly & others who may not be able to be with their loved ones today."
The Trumps left Wednesday to spend Christmas and New Year's at their Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach County, Florida. The Bidens are expected to spend Christmas at their home near Wilmington, Delaware.
This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Biden dogs star in Christmas video; Trumps star in theirs