‘Big Brother 25’ episode 18 recap: Did the Veto save Felicia or Izzy on September 13? [UPDATING LIVE BLOG]
Heading into the Week 6 Veto episode of “Big Brother 25,” Head of Household Cameron Hardin had just nominated Felicia Cannon and Izzy Gleicher for eviction. Cam kept his noms a secret because he didn’t want anyone in the house to get a heads up on his master plan. He smartly realizes that Cirie Fields is the “president” of her group, but that in order to take her down he’ll first need to eliminate her closest allies. So did the Veto save either Felicia or Izzy this week?
Below, read our minute-by-minute “Big Brother” Season 25, Episode 18 recap/live blog to find out what happened Wednesday, September 13 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT. Then be sure to sound off in the comment section about your favorite “BB25″ houseguests on CBS’s reality TV show, who annoys you the most and who you think will ultimately join the “Big Brother” winners list. Julie Chen Moonves once again hosts the guilty pleasure series.
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Here are the 12 houseguests still in the running to win the $750,000 grand prize: America Lopez, Blue Kim, Bowie Jane, Cameron Hardin, Cory Wurtenberger, Felicia Cannon, Izzy Gleicher, Jag Bains, Jared Fields, Matt Klotz, Mecole Hayes and Cirie Fields.
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Keep refreshing/reloading this “Big Brother 25” live blog for the most recent updates.
8:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 17th episode, the entire house was annoyed that Cameron won HOH, except for Bowie who was the only person to vote with him to keep Red Utley. Cam lied to everyone by saying he was going to nominate Jag and Blue (the same pair he put up two weeks ago when he was Head of Household). But when it came time for the nominations ceremony, he threw a pie in the face of nine people that were safe, leaving just Felicia and Izzy pie-less … and nominated. How will the Veto shake up the game tonight? Let’s go!
8:04 p.m. – Following his nominations on Day 38, Cameron declared the Legend 25 alliance “dead” with his naming of Izzy and Felicia as his nominees. He sees Cirie as “the president,” but knew that he couldn’t go straight for her and instead had to make a strike at her number twos. Izzy and Felicia both responded to Cameron’s move with a “game on” mentality to take the week head-on and fight for their spots in the game. On the flip side, Jag and Blue were surprised that they weren’t nominated because they were the ones he was telling everyone he’d be nominating this week.
8:07 p.m. – When Felicia got a chance to speak to Cameron privately, she clarified that she took out Hisam because everyone wanted him out of the house. She also wanted him to know that they originally were voting Jag out last week, but that hours before the eviction they realized that Red “might be a liability” so they decided to change the vote to take him out instead. Cameron knew that if he continued to let Felicia speak that she’d throwing her allies under the bus, which he could use against them later. Felicia went on to explain the she didn’t say anything about the Red vote because she knew that they were close. Cameron eventually told Felicia that she’s not his target this week.
8:10 p.m. – In her conversation with Cameron, Izzy pretended to not have her “skin crawl” in his presence despite that being how she truly feels. Cameron was also lying, telling her that he wants to work with her in the future, so ultimately they fed each other a lot of lip service before Izzy suggested that she, Cameron and Cirie all work together. Cameron said that he loves Cirie and would like to work with her, but Izzy could tell by the way he said it that he was already considering making Cirie a backdoor target.
8:13 p.m. – Elsewhere, America and Cory were celebrating the nominations because America has been wanting to see Cirie, Izzy and Felicia called out for being the power threesome. Later, Cirie went upstairs to thank Cameron for not nominating her because she knew that she’d have to put in work to make sure she wouldn’t be a replacement nominee. Cirie told him that “there are people out there gunning for you” and she’d work to protect him, but Cameron knew she was just trying to save herself.
8:16 p.m. – When Izzy and Cirie were able to put their heads together, they agreed on the impression that Cameron’s plan is to put Cirie up as a replacement. Izzy vowed to Cirie that if she wins the veto that she wouldn’t take herself down because that would mean that Cirie would go up.
8:20 p.m. – Jag was next to have a one-on-one conversation with Cameron where the two of them affirmed their deal for Cameron to keep Jag safe for the week. Cameron asked that Jag keep their deal between the two of them because no one would expect them to be working together. Cameron was also using it as a test to see if Jag would spill the conversation to anyone else because if he did he’d put him on the block as the replacement. Jag was not impressed by Cameron’s threats and it didn’t make him feel better about working with him in the future.
8:22 p.m. – A bit later, Jag met with Matt where they solicited their two-person alliance as “The Minutemen” to play off of Derrick and Cody’s “Hitmen” alliance. Jag feels good about working with Matt all the way to the final two and they decided that if either of them win the veto they should keep the nominations the same. Matt felt like it would be best for his game, especially with Jag, if his other alliance members remained on the block and one of them went home.
8:24 p.m. – Cameron bonded with Jared over his decision without knowing that Jared was hiding the truth that he doesn’t trust Cameron at all. Cameron felt like Jared only nominated him as a pawn, supported by his impression that Jared was also blindsided by Red’s eviction. Feeling comfortable with Jared, Cameron informed him of his ultimate plan to make Felicia and Izzy think they’re each pawns and that there’s more to his plan he’ll let him in on later. Jared understood clearly enough that the fact that there’s more to the plan means that he wants to nominate Cirie as a backdoor option.
8:32 p.m. – When it came time to pick the players for the Veto Competition, Cameron selected Matt’s chip, Felicia pulled Jared’s chip, and Izzy picked the Houseguest Choice chip. Izzy knew she needed a strong competitor so she chose Jag to play alongside her. Izzy’s decision made Jag feel like she’s someone he can trust going forward and was relieved that now he’d have the opportunity to ensure his own safety from becoming a backdoor target.
8:35 p.m. – Following the selection, Jared touched base with Jared to check where his head is at in case he wins the veto. Both Jared and Matt said they wouldn’t use it, but Jared wanted it for himself just so that Cameron would have to reveal his full plan to him. Elsewhere, Cirie and Izzy shared a bonding moment where Izzy was vulnerable about her insecurity as a player and in life, but Cirie boosted her by saying that she’s her favorite person in the house aside from Jared. Cirie said she “walked into Survivor” with the same feelings she has now and that it worked out for her in the same way she sees it working out for Izzy in this game. In the Diary Room, Cirie was emotional over the genuine connection that her and Izzy were developing because they had an understanding in the game and were on the same trajectory.
8:45 p.m. – Ahead of the Veto Competition, the houseguests got a sneak peek at the new show “Buddy Games with Josh Duhamel” that served as inspiration for their next comp. The big surprise was that Josh was waiting for them in the backyard to host the comp. Josh explained that the show is about taking on “crazy activities” like they’d be doing by getting dizzy in a lawn chair before taking three shots on a slanted skee-ball wall to score the highest. Each player would earn a prize, but anyone eliminated after them would have a shot at taking a previously won prize if they so wanted.
8:48 p.m. – First up in the first round was Felicia who scored 70 points, followed by Jared with a score of 30, Cameron with 65, Izzy with 15, Matt with 142, and Jag with 102. Because of her lowest score, Izzy was eliminated with the prize of the Veto fish.
8:56 p.m. – For round two, the chair spun faster and they had less time to shoot their three balls up the ramp. This time Jared scored 184, Cameron scored 26, Matt scored 122, Jag scored 91, and Felicia scored 27. That meant that Cameron was eliminated with the prize of the Piggy Pals fish, the annual costume punishment prize. Naturally, Cameron switched with Izzy to get the Veto instead of the Piggy Pals.
9:01 p.m. – In round three, Matt scored 63, Jag scored 17, Jared scored 150, and Felicia scored 47. Felicia was eliminated with the prize of the European vacation fish. She traded Cameron to obtain the Veto instead.
9:10 p.m. – In round four, Jag scored 76, Jared scored 74, and Matt scored 116. Jared was eliminated with the prize of the Kayak Companions punishment fish. He traded Felicia for the Veto prize instead.
9:13 p.m. – In the final found, Matt scored 139 and Jag scored 96. Jag got the next fish, receiving the $5,000 cash prize. He decided to keep it for himself and allow Jared to keep the Veto because he trusted him to not use it. Matt got the final fish, receiving the Duhamel-a-Maniac prize which gave the opportunity to hang out with Duhamel and take selfies with him all week. To everyone else, it was clearly a punishment, but Matt took it seriously and chose to keep the fish. Last, Izzy got to choose her Piggy Pal for the week and she picked Cameron. Felicia chose Cirie as her Kayak Companion. That left the Power of Veto firmly in Jared’s pockets, just as he wanted in order to ensure Cirie’s safety from being backdoored and so that Cameron would have to reveal his plan to him. The only snag in Jared’s plan is that Felicia was fully expecting him to use the power to save her.
9:22 p.m. – Once back in the house, Felicia and Cirie began their punishment as Kayak Companions that made them have to wear helmets and life vests while tethered together in a kayak for 48 hours, unless they’re “docked” in the same room and not moving around the house. They both wanted it to be clear, however, that they “are not floaters” despite having the life vests.
9:26 p.m. – Later, Matt learned the result of his prize which was having to carry around a life-sized cut out of Josh with him all week while wearing camping attire and taking selfies of the two of them with a Polaroid camera.
9:28 p.m. – When Cameron and Jared finally got to speak, Cameron expressed how perfect his plan was shaping up with Jared winning the POV. Cameron asked Jared if he’d be willing to blow the house up by using the POV in order to put Cirie up as a replacement. He explained that Izzy has been Cirie’s eyes and ears in the house and he wants to put them up next to each other by having Felicia removed from the block. Taking out Izzy would leave Cirie “alone on an island.” Little did Cameron know that Jared would be using this information against him, but still took the opportunity to stress that if Cirie is up next to Izzy then Cirie would go home. Cameron thought of Jag as another option, but noticed that Jared was hesitant about Cirie as a replacement.
9:35 p.m. – The last punishment to roll out was Izzy and Cameron’s Piggy Pals costumes and side task. They both had to put on pink pig onesies with the task of transferring 2,000 scoops of dirt to a pig pen in 12 hours or Izzy would be ineligible to compete at the next Veto Competition. Cameron knew that he didn’t need to participate with Izzy, but because he respects her as a person he didn’t want to let her down despite them being at opposite sides of the game as players.
9:46 p.m. – While the rest of the house entertained each other with their punishments, America was on a mission to get her showmance Cory to finally kiss her. Cory was holding back because he knew that his mom would be watching the live feeds and he didn’t want to make out with her watching. Eventually, as they prepared to go to sleep together one night, Cory gave in and allowed for the first kiss to happen, making them an official showmance.
9:49 p.m. – By the next morning just after 6:30 a.m., Cameron and Izzy completed their task, but the final stage of their punishment was to hose down the dirt in the pen and then roll around in the mud. Once they cleaned up, they still had to wear new pig suits the remainder of the week.
9:51 p.m. – Eventually, Jared had to have the conversation with Cirie and Felicia (together in the kayak) about Cameron’s plan to backdoor Cirie. They all understood that if Jared takes Felicia down then Cirie would go up, but Felicia couldn’t plead to Jared to use the POV because she couldn’t lobby against Cirie in front of Cirie, all due to her own decision to bring her along in the kayak.
9:55 p.m. – At the Veto Meeting, Jared announced his final decision to not use the POV on either of the nominees. Jared was stuck in a hard place because he wanted to keep both Izzy and Felicia, but he couldn’t risk his mom potentially going up. Felicia was disappointed, but felt like she had a fighting chance of working around the house in order to get the votes to stay. Izzy expected Jared to not use the POV, so she also knew that it was up to her and Cirie to get the votes to send Felicia home instead of Izzy. Cameron was frustrated that he didn’t get to execute the plan of having Izzy and Cirie up next to each other, but relieved that at the very least one of Cirie’s closest allies would be eliminated.
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