‘Big Brother 25’ episode 23 recap: Jared and Cameron return as zombies [UPDATING LIVE BLOG]
Last Thursday’s double eviction of Cameron Hardin and Jared Fields left just nine people in the “Big Brother 25” house — that is, until host Julie Chen Moonves told both eliminees they would be returning as zombies. (Yes, you read that right.) Since this is “Scary Week,” there will be no Head of Household challenge and no Power of Veto competition, but instead viewers will witness the first ever pair of “BB” zombies fighting for their chance to return to the game. So how did the players react when Jared and Cameron re-entered the house?
Below, read our minute-by-minute “Big Brother” Season 25, Episode 23 recap/live blog to find out what happened Sunday, September 24 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT. Then be sure to sound off in the comment section about your favorite “BB25″ houseguests on CBS’s reality TV show, who annoys you the most and who you think will ultimately join the “Big Brother” winners list. Julie Chen Moonves once again hosts the guilty pleasure series.
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Here are the 11 houseguests still in the running to win the $750,000 grand prize: America Lopez, Blue Kim, Bowie Jane, Cameron Hardin, Cory Wurtenberger, Felicia Cannon, Jag Bains, Jared Fields, Matt Klotz, Mecole Hayes and Cirie Fields.
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Keep refreshing/reloading this “Big Brother 25” live blog for the most recent updates.
10:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 22nd episode, Julie informed the house that it was double eviction night. The fast-paced hour then commenced, with Cameron being evicted first, Cory winning Head of Household and nominating Jared and Blue, Matt winning Veto and opting not to use it, and Jared being evicted second. But instead of interviewing Jared, Julie instead brought out Cameron and told them both they would be returning to the house as zombies. Enough about last time — let’s start “Scary Week”!
10:02 p.m. – Following Jared’s eviction on Day 51, Blue and Cirie were both side-swiped by the loss of their closest ally, but the back-to-back evictions of Cameron and Jared left the rest of the house in good position with their two biggest threats now out of the game. When Cory was forced to make his quick nominations, he was on the fence about nominating Blue next to Jared but ultimately he had to because he didn’t trust that she wouldn’t take him down if she won the veto.
10:05 p.m. – When it came to veto player selection, Jared actually pulled the Houseguest Choice chip and selected Matt to play. When Matt won the veto, he had a quick meeting with Blue where he said he wasn’t going to use it on her. That decision pissed her off because it left her vulnerable, but more importantly ensured that Jared would be the one going home. Jared pitched that he picked Matt to play and that he was solid with him and Cirie. Matt affirmed Jared’s words, but ultimately “stuck to the plan” and left noms the same. In the kerfuffle, Blue admitted to Jared that she knew he was going to be the target this week and that Matt said he’s keeping nominations the same. Jared was hurt that Blue didn’t tell him earlier, but Blue was confused why Jared would be surprised that he’s Cory’s target in the first place.
10:09 p.m. – Once noms were set, Jared knew that if he could convince Bowie to save him that he’d be able to stay with her, Cirie, Felicia and Mecole’s votes. Jared didn’t realize though that he had already put Felicia and Mecole off in previous weeks and so they weren’t even going to vote for him. When Cirie brought the group of women together she tried to get them to see that they’d be the majority if they got together, but they kept saying that “everyone is voting to evict Jared.”
10:15 p.m. – It wasn’t long after the double eviction that a new transmission arrived from the Scary-verse. It told the houseguests that “BB zombies” will be arriving and that one of them will have their game resurrected. In that moment, the doorbell rang and both Jared and Cameron walked through the door in their zombie garb. A second transmission explained that there would be no HOH, no nominations, and no POV. Instead, Jared and Cameron would get to live in the house and on Thursday instead of an eviction, they’d compete for the chance to rejoin the game.
10:19 p.m. – No one was more frustrated by the turn of events than Cory because of how much work he’s put in to send both of the zombies out of the house originally. Matt was worried that Jared would be upset that he didn’t save him from eviction and Blue was concerned that there would be additional fall out because she didn’t let him know he was a target. Almost immediately, Jared was eager to tell both Blue and Felicia that they “did [him] wrong,” but Felicia fought back saying that both he and Cirie did her dirty in the previous week and they lost her trust when they moved to keep Izzy over her. Cirie returned fire with fire at Felicia to insist that everyone was voting against Felicia and then Jared jumped in to remind Felicia that she told him she wanted a final two with him instead of the one she had with Cirie. As voices raised, the rest of the house listened from outside with smiles on their faces.
10:28 p.m. – Matt still trusts Cirie so he pulled her aside to attempt to rebuild trust with her by not saving Jared. He explained that if he saved Jared then he’d be sticking his neck out there and that if he used to veto then she would have went on the block and he couldn’t have that. Later, Cory, Matt and Jag discussed that it’d be better for them if Cameron comes back because he’s a lone wolf compared to Jared who will have a potential army to bring together. Cory also felt like he’d personally be able to work with Cameron more than Jared, which is sentiment backed up by the entire alliance.
10:31 p.m. – Jared was still angry at Blue for not telling him that he was a target of Cory and America. He felt it made her look suspicious and that she was clearly just trying to protect herself. When she apologized, Jared didn’t accept it, but Blue couldn’t understand why she wasn’t able to withhold information when he did it to her already.
10:37 p.m. – Without any standard comps to propel their week forward, the Scary-verse provided new information about how the comp for the zombies to re-enter the house will work. Each player would need to win a “Resurrection Rumble” in order to decide whether they or the other player would compete on Thursday in a do or die competition of their own. And so, Cameron and Jared went to the backyard for their head-to-head competition. In this competition, they’d have to balance the most skulls in a shovel teeter-totter after digging them out of faux graveyards. After the 10 minute timer ran out on the first round, both players had seven skulls in their shovel.
10:49 p.m. – After the first round, Jag decided to help Cameron by giving him advice. He pointed out that Cameron is wasting time watching to see if his balls are going to fall, but if they’re going to fall they will fall whether he’s watching them or not.
10:50 p.m. – For the second round, Cameron had a new outlook and was hoping that in this next 10 minutes he’d be able to get all 23 of his other balls into the shovel so that they wouldn’t even have to go to a third round. A new strategy that Cameron implemented this time was to stay on his shovel rather than getting on and off. Jared went a little too hard and dropped a skull, but so did Cameron shortly after which reset both of them at zero skulls. At that point, Jared was having a tough time recovering while Cameron continued to move methodically to keep more skulls in play. When this round came to a close, Cameron was up by four with 13 total skulls compared to Jared’s nine.
10:56 p.m. – Back in the house, Cirie gave Jared advice to slow down and “remain slow and steady” so that he doesn’t put himself in a position to have to start over. He had his chance to put that to test in the third and final round where it would last until one of them got all 30 balls in their shovel first. As the guys got to work on the skulls and shovel, we were left with an unknown result and would have to find out the winner when the next episode airs on Thursday night.
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