‘Big Brother 25’ episode 25 recap: Who won Head of Household on October 1? [LIVE BLOG]
Scary Week proved to be the nail in the coffin for Jared Fields on “Big Brother 25,” which left just 10 people in the house, including his bereaved mother, Cirie Fields. After the dust settled on Jared’s repeat eviction, the houseguests were informed that all of them would be playing in the impending Head of Household competition, including the most recent winner, Cory Wurtenberger. So who won Head of Household on October 1, and which two people did they nominate for eviction?
Below, read our minute-by-minute “Big Brother” Season 25, Episode 25 recap/live blog to find out what happened Sunday, October 1 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT. Then be sure to sound off in the comment section about your favorite “BB25″ houseguests on CBS’s reality TV show, who annoys you the most and who you think will ultimately join the “Big Brother” winners list. Julie Chen Moonves once again hosts the guilty pleasure series.
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Here are the 10 houseguests still in the running to win the $750,000 grand prize: America Lopez, Blue Kim, Bowie Jane, Cameron Hardin, Cory Wurtenberger, Felicia Cannon, Jag Bains, Matt Klotz, Mecole Hayes and Cirie Fields.
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Keep refreshing/reloading this “Big Brother 25” live blog for the most recent updates.
10:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 24th episode, Cameron and Jared went head-to-head in the “Resurrection Rumble” shovel challenge, with Cameron prevailing. That gave Cameron the option of choosing who would compete in the “Do or Die” competition, and he chose to play. He had just three minutes to maneuver a ball around a zombie board to make it fall into a hole, and he secured victory. That ensured Jared would be leaving the house — again. Now it’s time for all of us to see who becomes the Week 9 Head of Household. Let’s go!
10:05 p.m. – Shortly after Jared’s eviction the remaining houseguests made their way to the backyard to compete in the next Head of Household competition. At this point, the game had divided into multiple new alliances and each was looking to take control of the game. Cory and America had new alliances with Matt and Jag, as well as with Felicia and Mecole. Jag and Matt were also in a newly forged alliance with Cameron. Bowie and Cirie were lone wolves, but on opposite sides of the house. Blue was still in the middle between another alliance with Cory, America, Matt and Jag. At one point in the last week, America was letting Matt and Blue in on the deal she made with Felicia and Mecole, not realizing that Cameron was in the corner in earshot of that conversation.
10:10 p.m. – For the comp, everyone had to reassemble “spaceship pieces” in a block puzzle quicker than everyone else. In the puzzle challenge from the premiere America finished first so she was feeling strong this time around as well while her showmance Cory struggled to figure it out. As the comp continued, Cory realized that Matt and Jag were both doing really well, alongside Cameron and Blue, and thought it would ultimately be best if one of them one because they’d keep him and America safe and they’d have to be the ones to “draw the line in the sand” by nominating other players.
10:18 p.m. – With only a few pieces left to place, Jag was feeling good about his chances to win and Matt was comfortable seeing that it was going to be him, Jag or Cameron claiming the win. Both Matt and Cameron placed their final piece and hit their buzzers within seconds of each other, but Cameron got it in first and claimed another HOH.
10:20 p.m. – Cameron’s win felt okay for players like Blue who found themselves suddenly in his good graces, but it was a bad omen for Cirie who had been targeted by him in the past and Felicia who he nominated and wanted to send home last time he was HOH. Mecole was concerned having Cameron in power because he’s “a wildcard” and has a history of targeting her allies. Cameron let Cirie know that before Jared left he asked Cameron to protect her and that he said he would.
10:22 p.m. – Jag and Cameron felt comfortable with Cameron, but they knew that they’d put themselves in the middle of multiple alliances that would complicate their relationships with certain people in the house. Jag wanted the three guys to get together to discuss their options and how seriously they should take Cory and America as threats.
10:29 p.m. – When Jag, Cameron and Matt finally got some alone time they confirmed the establishment of “The Fugitives” alliance. From Cameron’s perspective, he did “see a solid path forward” with them and he was aiming at who he doesn’t want to be on the jury because they’re not “pro-Cameron.” With that in mind, Mecole, Felicia and Cirie were players they don’t need on the jury, but Cory could be their biggest threat in the house. A strong point against Cory is how easy it was for him to “rally the house” to get Jared out.
10:40 p.m. – In Cory’s conversation with Cameron, Cory felt confident that he was one of the few people who had never betrayed him, but Cameron said he’s going on a “day to day basis.” It was off-putting to Cameron that Cory felt so comfortable with him and didn’t think he’d be a target at all. Privately, Cameron knows that he likes to cause chaos and if Cory is comfortable then he’d be the perfect person to create chaos around.
10:47 p.m. – Blue gave Cameron Cory’s name to “break Matt, Jag and Cory up” and Felicia pointed out that she and Cameron have never talked game with each other. She told him that when she’s asked, he’s never offered anything, but he countered that they were planning things and asking him to follow along. She said that everyone in the house knows he’s the number one player in the house and that’s why he’s on everyone’s lips. Cameron told Felicia that she’s “the great persuader,” but she said she’s not because that role in the house belongs to Cirie. Cameron asked Felicia straight up if she’d ever vote for him to win and she said that “sincerely” she would be on the of the four he would need to win.
10:53 p.m. – Mecole was one of the last to talk to Cameron. She started off with compliments “as a fan and then a competitor,” but when he let her know that he wanted to use her as a pawn she was not feeling that “vibe.” He told her she’s not in danger of going home and that he wouldn’t be putting her up if he didn’t know that “she’s good.” In the Diary Room, Mecole was not happy with Cameron’s decision and that if/when she stays in the house she will be seeking revenge.
10:56 p.m. – At the Nomination Ceremony, Cameron revealed the photos of his two nominees: Felicia and Mecole. He told Felicia that she’s had “many conversations” and that makes her a competitor. He apologized to Mecole for having to nominate her as well. Knowing that he’d already nominated her before, Felicia was his target and he knew that he didn’t want her in the jury house at the end of the game. Felicia was not caught off guard and struggled to understand his angle for wanting to get her out of the house. Mecole felt like Cameron’s reason was bulls*** and she was preparing to do everything in her power to win the Power of Veto.
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