‘Big Brother 26’ episode 6 recap: Who won Head of Household on July 28? [LIVE BLOG]
Heading into the sixth episode of “Big Brother 26,” outgoing Head of Household Angela Murray had just successfully ousted her “crazy eyes” enemy from the game, Matt Hardeman, by an 8-to-3 vote over Kenney Kelley. Besides Angela, the remaining players were all eligible to compete in the impending HOH competition, with the winner being able to nominate three houseguests for eviction. So how did it all play out on Sunday night?
Below, read our minute-by-minute “Big Brother” Season 26, Episode 6 recap/live blog to find out what happened Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT. Then be sure to sound off in the comments section about your favorite “BB26” houseguests on CBS’s reality TV show, who annoys you the most and who you think will ultimately join the “Big Brother” winners list. Julie Chen Moonves once again hosts the series.
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Here are the names of the 15 remaining houseguests: Angela Murray, Brooklyn Rivera, Cam Sullivan-Brown, Cedric Hodges, Chelsie Baham, Joseph Rodriguez, Kenney Kelley, Kimo Apaka, Leah Peters, Lisa Weintraub, Makensy Manbeck, Quinn Martin, Rubina Bernabe, T’kor Clottey and Tucker Des Lauriers.
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Keep refreshing/reloading this “Big Brother 26” live blog for the most recent updates.
9:00 p.m. — “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the fifth episode, Kimo won the first-ever A.I. Arena competition, which saved him from being eliminated. That left just Matt and Kenney on the block, and the house soon voted live to evict Matt from the game. Regarding his feud with Angela, Matt told Julie, “I did not agree with how Angela treated me,” though he ultimately forgave her for her actions. But enough about last week — it’s time to find out who wins the Week 2 HOH!
9:06 p.m. — The house reacts to Matt’s dramatic ouster. In the bathroom, Lisa is lying to Chelsie about her vote to keep Matt, and Chelsie is not believing one word of it. In the storage room, T-Kor and Kimo are trying to determine the “third vote” for Matt, knowing already that Leah and Makensy voted to keep him. Hmm, it’s a mystery … not!
9:08 p.m. — Makensy and Leah are absolutely breaking down about losing Matt. They realize the house did the smart thing by getting rid of such a big threat early on. They both want to keep the Barbershop alliance intact because they know that they need the numbers. “We’re doing this for Matt,” they tell the camera. “And this week, she’s going down,” they add, referring to Angela.
9:13 p.m. — The HOH competition is called “Animal Obsession” and it takes place in the backyard. The players have to answer “true” or “false” questions about animal-related videos that are presented to them. Makensy is “gunning to win” this challenge to avenge Matt. Leah is “so motivated” for the exact same reasons. Angela knows her life is on the line, depending on who ultimately prevails.
9:17 p.m. — Everybody gets the first question correct. Chelsie doesn’t want to “put blood” on her hands, so she’s not sure she wants to win. About half of the houseguests get the second question correct. Cedric knows the answer to the third question, but he answers wrong on purpose to throw the challenge. Only four players are still in play for the fourth question: Leah, T-Kor, Chelsie and Kimo. Kimo gets it wrong, leaving just three in the game.
9:23 p.m. — T-Kor is feeling “pretty hype right now,” and she hopes to secure her first victory of the summer. For the fifth question, all three ladies get it correct. The sixth question results in our champion: Chelsie! She knocks out T-Kor and Leah, and wins her key to the HOH room. “It feels absolutely crazy” to win, she declares. She has gone from a powerless mascot to a Head of Household in the span of a few hours. Leah breaks down in the Diary Room, whining that she keeps getting “top three and not number one.”
9:25 p.m. — Chelsie wants to clean up all of the blood from the prior week and have a clutter-less HOH reign. Kennney is not aligned with Chelsie, so he’s worried he could be put up on the block. Angela feels safe with Chelsie, but she’s “not sure” where her head is at.
9:27 p.m. — Makensy, Brooklyn, Leah and Rubina are talking about what Chelsie might do with her newfound power. Makensy still has the America’s Veto upgrade, so she’s not worried. Chelsie and T-Kor are brainstorming about which three players to nominate. Chelsie’s goal is to make a “calculated decision” based on what everyone else in the house tells her. Cam pops in and suggests putting up the three contestants who voted to keep Matt: Makensy, Leah and Lisa.
9:34 p.m. — Chelsie tells Tucker that he’s not on her radar, and Tucker quickly throws Lisa under the bus. He’s still mad that she interrupted his introduction on day one to tell the house that she’s also a chef, plus several other annoying things in the days that followed.
9:36 p.m. — Chelsie and Kimo have a bonding moment in the kitchen, where Kimo talks about growing up in the church. His family is “incredibly loving” and accepted his homosexuality. Chelsie’s brother came out two years ago and he was terrified because of his Christian upbringing. Kimo’s father passed away before he was able to come out to him, but he knows that his dad “still loves” him.
9:39 p.m. — Chelsie, Cedric and Cam call themselves the “core” group of people. They want to bring in Brooklyn and Quinn to “secure some more numbers.” Cedric tells Quinn that they can be the “final five” and Quinn agrees. Chelsie mentions the alliance to Brooklyn and she’s all in, but she’s worried she’s the “fifth member” and therefore the most vulnerable in the group. Brooklyn comes up with the name of their alliance: The Pentagon. It even has a special handshake!
9:46 p.m. — Tucker is putting sunscreen on Makensy by the pool, but she doesn’t reciprocate lol. Angela has “a lot of game left” so she has a one-on-one with Chelsie. Chelsie wants to “play a smart game” so she’s leaning toward putting Angela up on the block as a pawn. Angela wants to be “a shield” for Chelsie, but claims she won’t retaliate and put her up in response.
9:48 p.m. — Makensy says to Chelsie that there’s a “weird vibe” in the house ever since Matt left. However, she’s “super happy” now because she can play her own game. Chelsie is also worried about the two powers that are still in the game, and Makensy spills the beans to Chelsie that she has America’s Veto. Chelsie can’t believe that Makensy told her the truth, and contemplates nominating her so that the power gets burned.
9:50 p.m. — The Pentagon assembles in the HOH room to discuss “all of the options” available to them. Quinn has gotten to the “point of no return” and realizes he can’t tell them about his Deepfake upgrade now, because it’ll make them see him as a liar for not coming clean earlier. If Chelsie flushes out Makensy’s power, she knows Makensy’s side of the house will come after them in response.
9:56 p.m. — It’s time for the noms! The players gather in the kitchen for the nominations ceremony. The three houseguests Chelsie has nominated are Kenney, Angela and Lisa. She claims in her speech that it’s nothing personal and that she loves them all. “I am nervous!” Chelsie proclaims in the Diary Room. Lisa want to do what she can do to take herself off the block, just like the prior week. Kenney is “not out” and he doesn’t think he’s the target this week. Angela doesn’t want to be counted out because she wants to “live another day” in the house. Find out who will win the Veto on Wednesday night. That’s a wrap for now!
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