Big Brother host Julie Chen on Tyler's biggest competition in the house
Each week, Julie Chen will answer a few questions about the latest events in the Big Brother house.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Scottie gets voted out of the house, comes back in, and immediately gets voted out again. Is there anything he could have done differently to save himself this time?
JULIE CHEN: If you go back in the House after winning the Battle Back competition, and you don’t have enough friends in the house to help protect and keep you, then you don’t have much chance. That’s what happened to Scottie.
So Brett finds out that the one person the jury seems to hate more than him is Angela. But instead of that making him think they she should bring her to the end, it makes him think he should vote her out. Can you explain that logic to me, Julie?
Uh no, I can’t.
You had season 16 champ Derek on the show and he made the case that Kaycee is probably Tyler’s biggest competition in terms of winning this game. Do you agree?
I do. She has won her fair share of competitions (including this week’s HOH) and she doesn’t have any enemies. She is a big threat. Plus, she would have the same friends as Tyler on the jury. But, unlike Tyler, she doesn’t have multiple final two deals. Sooner or later, Tyler will have to answer to all his final two people and explain how/why he did or did not honor each deal.
Now that Kaycee is the new HOH, what would be the best and worst move she could make as HOH?
Best move is to target Tyler. Get rid of him now. But make it seem like that wasn’t her plan. Worst move, targeting Tyler. She would be hated and not trusted by her alliance.
Also read our exit interview with Scottie. And for more Big Brother nonsense, follow Dalton on Twitter @DaltonRoss.
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