Book review: Doors guitarist explores the music, myths and memories

"Set the Night on Fire" by Robby Krieger
"Set the Night on Fire" by Robby Krieger

"Set The Night On Fire: Living, Dying, and Playing Guitar With The Doors"

Author: Robby Krieger

Little, Brown and Company, 432 pages, $29

When one talks about rock legends or icons, none is more enigmatic than Jim Morrison.

Band members Ray Manzarek and John Densmore have already written of their time in The Doors and with their brooding lead singer. Now guitarist Robbie Krieger has added to the beloved band's history with “Set The Night On Fire.”

Krieger has done a marvelous job reconstructing his early days, and how he became fascinated with the guitar and the blues tunes that inspired him to pursue a music career.

He documents how he and school friend John Densmore put together several cover bands and meeting Manzarek. It was Manzarek that brought Morrison into the band, which immediately had a sound all to themselves. Not knowing whether they ever had a shot, they worked for years to build a reputation, making mistakes and getting lucky breaks along the way. No matter how much the musicians grew professionally, it was undeniable that Morrison was the singer who brought them to the top of the charts when "Light My Fire" was finally released and became a megahit.

Krieger recalls the ups and downs of the band — from the beginning, through all of the good and bad times with Morrison as the brilliant but self-destructive personality he was. There is no telling what more they could have attained had Morrison not died under questionable circumstances, leading some to wonder whether he ever died at all.

Charting individual drug and alcohol problems of every member of The Doors is heart-wrenching to read, and we have to wonder why such talent was taunting destruction at nearly every step of the journey.

“Set The Night On Fire,” written with Jeff Alulis, details much the casual listener may never have been aware of, but what shines through every tome written about The Doors is Jim Morrison's legacy, which will never be forgotten.

Richard Klinzman lives in Middleburg.

This article originally appeared on Florida Times-Union: Book review: 'Set the Night on Fire' by Robby Krieger