British Sportscaster Hosts Show in His Underwear

Gary Lineker, host of the BBC show Match of the Day, proved to be a man of his word on Saturday when he hosted his first show of the season in his underwear. Last December, Lineker tweeted that he would host in his undies if Leicester City won the English Premier League, something that was thought very improbable at the time. But Leicester became the unlikely champion of the league for the 2015-16 season, and Lineker had to follow through on his tweet.

He opened the show in his underwear but made no mention of it as his guests laughed behind him. He continued to do the show as if everything were normal, even conducting an interview. But Lineker wasn’t able to keep a straight face for long.

He eventually laughed and said to his guests, “I can’t bear you two looking at me the way you’re looking at me. So enough of this nonsense. I’m going to go get dressed.”

While some applauded Lineker for sticking to his word, others complained that he wasn’t really wearing underwear. One Twitter follower accused him of wearing shorts.

Lineker responded with a tweet saying, “My tweet said undies. Boxers are undies. That was embarrassing enough.”

Watch how one sportscaster dealt with all of the restrictions of covering the Olympics:

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