Bubbles for bucks: WPB Library Foundation salutes donors to 'Food For Thought' evening
Melissa Sullivan opened her Palm Beach home for a reception honoring the major donors to the West Palm Beach Library Foundation's signature fundraiser.
The reception took place Oct. 5 and feted the top-tier supporters of the 2023 Food For Thought evening.
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The night included Champagne, substantial hors d'oeuvres, music and lots of conversation about the crazy weather.
Seen: Michele Heary, Marco Chianese, Diane Myers, Julie and Howard Rudolph, Trey and Lindsay Mahoney, Matthew and Adrienne Raptis, Jeff and Gina Sabean, Carissa and Daren Robinson, Corinne Dandeneau, Dr. David and Donna Dodson, and Nancy Marshall.
Sullivan is chairwoman for the event, which takes place Nov. 4 at the Norton Museum of Art.
Abe and Dianne Bernstein are honorary chairman and honorary chairwoman.
Committee members include Ann W. Brown, Margaret Moraskie, Beverly Myers, Diane Myers, Adrienne Raptis and Julie Rudolph.
The dinner brings supporters, luminaries and members of the community to the table, literally. Each table is hosted by a local personality, who leads the conversation wherever it might go ― but usually accompanied by lots of laughter. Guests make their table choice based on their area of interest.
Carl Hiaasen is the featured table host.
Table hosts include Nancy Brinker, Steven Caras, Leta Austin Foster, Paul Gervais, Julie Gilbert, Isaac Levy, David McClymont, Joseph and Max McNamara, Nabil Meralli, Daphne Nikolopoulos, Michael Reiter, Rob Russell, Kirsten Sanderson, Bryan Walsh, Sybille Welter, RickyWade, David Walker, Christopher Young and the Shiny Sheet's own David Willson.
Proceeds benefit the The West Palm Beach Library Foundation, a nonprofit organization formed in 2000 to help the Mandel Public Library financially sustain its free programs, services and resources for children, teens and adults.
This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Daily News: Palm Beach reception kicks off event to benefit Mandel Public Library
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