Cee Lo Green Replaces Purrfect the Cat with a Cockatoo on The Voice

Who knew Purrfect the Cat would turn out to be a one-season wonder?
The Voice coach Cee Lo Green is replacing his fan-favorite feline sidekick with a cockatoo for the singing competition's upcoming third season, he tells People.
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The salmon-colored Moluccan cockatoo named Lady made her debut earlier this week at The Voice's first blind audition tapings. "Lady's name says it all," Green told the magazine. "She's my little lady with a big opinion. Sometimes whispers inappropriateness in my ear, but always ladylike."
It's unclear why Green, 38, felt the lovable and pun-happy Purrfect needed to be replaced. When asked how he decided on a cockatoo, Green said he "met her flying around in a fantasy of mine. She was wild and free just as I'd like to be! Birds of a feather we are." OK, glad we cleared that up!
Check out Purrfect the Cat and more of our TV MVPs
But how does Purrfect feel about being replaced? "Have to say, [Lady] is pretty...for a bird," she tweeted Thursday. "Don't see HER in Papa Cee Lo Green's lap now do ya?" No word yet on what Purrfect plans to do next.
Fans can get to know Lady better by following her on Twitter at @CeeLosLady.
Watch Cee Lo introduce his new pet partner-in-crime in this video:
Are you sad that Purrfect won't be back for Season 3 of The Voice? Or do you think Lady is up for the job? Sound off below!
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