Chance The Rapper Criticizes ‘Bright’ As a ‘Shallow’ Metaphor for Racism in America

A lot of people are not fans of David Ayer’s “Bright,” including IndieWire’s own David Ehrlich (read his F review calling it the “single worst movie of 2017”), and now we can count Chance The Rapper among its detractors. The rapper has taken to Twitter to express some issues he has with the Netflix tentpole, calling the film shallow in its metaphor for racism in America.
Read More:David Ayer Embraces Extremely Negative ‘Bright’ Reviews: ‘Highest Compliment Is a Strong Reaction’
“Wondering how you guys are feeling about the lynched ork in ‘Bright,'” Chance tweeted. “I found the way they tried to illustrate America’s racism through the mythical creatures to be a little shallow.”
“I always feel a lil cheated when I see allegorical racism in movies cause that racism usually stems from human emotion or tolerance but not by law or systems the way it is in real life,” Chance continued. “The characters in ‘Bright’ live in a timeline where racism is gone… cause we hate ork now.”
“Bright” takes place in a parallel universe where humans live alongside mythical creatures like orcs and and fairies. The orc population is meant to represent a minority group in the universe created by “Bright” screenwriter Max Landis.
Chance feels that because the film depicts orcs “below bottom of the spectrum blackness,” the film indirectly eliminates or at least greatly reduces the oppression and racism blacks still face in modern America.
“Bright” is now available to stream on Netflix.
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