Chris Harrison blogs 'Bachelor in Paradise' episode 7
Paradise found, paradise lost: That’s the best way to describe what took place in the finale of Bachelor In Paradise. I walked into the villa the morning after the final rose ceremony, and there were six couples looking back at me. I knew immediately that most wouldn’t make it or be staying much longer, but I also knew the others were about to be tested well beyond what they expected. Everybody was wondering what the big twist was going to be, how would all this end. Well, the big twist was that there wasn’t one. I love how we essentially put the end of the show on the couples. It was really up to them to put their relationships to the test. I’m sure for some this “test” may have seemed simple, but in my opinion the greatest tests are simple. It gives you no place to hide.
AshLee and Graham were the first couple to really dive in and see if they could make it. They’re a great example of how a simple examination can prove to be complicated and intense. I’m extremely interested to hear what all of you think about what Michelle Money did. What do you think about her going to her friend Graham and giving him her very blunt opinion of AshLee? Was she out of line or was she being a great friend? In all honesty, I don’t think it made much difference. I think Graham was headed in that direction. Maybe Michelle gave him the confidence and that final push he needed, but Graham was not feeling good about their relationship. When Graham and AshLee went home, it really put a dark cloud over the house and it really shook everything up. I think everybody kind of assumed they would at least make this first step. When they didn’t, the others fell like dominos. Christy and Tasos just didn’t have enough time to strike up a deep connection, and they left. Jackie and Zack, well let’s face it, she probably should have stayed with Brooks, right? Anyway, they left as well. Michelle and Cody, Sarah and Robert, and Marcus and Lacy were the three couples that decided to take that next step together.
As I said, I was pleasantly surprised to see Robert and Sarah, but I was extremely skeptical, as there just seemed to be something off with them. Cody and Michelle have shocked me from the beginning probably because it’s shocked Michelle just as much. Marcus and Lacy were a no brainer, we knew they’d be there. So the next step in testing these relationships was ripped right out of the Bachelor playbook, the overnight fantasy suite dates. Again, this is something that seems simple and fun, but as you saw with Robert and Sarah, it proved to be their undoing. All three couples returned home from their overnight dates happy. Two couples were a lot happier if you know what I mean, and I think you do because everybody was very detailed and happy to share their experiences. The more Sarah looked around the room and listened to everybody she quickly realized her relationship and experience didn’t quite measure up. Now I think some might say she shouldn’t have compared and just gone with her gut, but you should know her gut was already telling her something wasn’t right. I also think many will say it was about the sex or lack thereof, but that isn’t the case at all. It’s about chemistry and more importantly intimacy on any level and that has nothing to do with sex.
When a woman comes out to spend an intimate evening with a man, and he is trying to go to sleep and does so with his jeans on, that’s not a good sign. There are major issues there. Again, please don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with Robert not wanting to be intimate, but obviously Sarah and Robert were on different pages here. Honestly they weren’t even in the same library. For Robert to not communicate what he was feeling and to just go to sleep and leave her hanging emotionally is a huge red flag, and on that flag there are bold words that say RUN! What was so startling to me was that when Sarah confronted him, he truly felt it was a great night and everything couldn’t have gone better. How could they feel so different about the same experience? I also found it odd when Robert would say he was feeling an emotion, but I couldn’t see it. It was hard to tell if he was truly feeling those emotions he was talking about. I know later Sarah was second guessing her decision to break it off with Robert, but I hope now that she’s watched the show back she’ll realize she made the right decision.
As for Marcus and Lacy’s overnight experience well what did you expect from an old married couple. They have been falling for each other for weeks now, and it’s been a beautiful thing to watch. Michelle had some questions heading into her overnight date with Cody, but apparently she got them answered and then some. Did she really say out loud “guys with that big a body have a small “beeeeep”, maybe it’s muscular, like the hulk”? This is why you gotta love Michelle Money, there truly is no filter even when maybe there should be. So after starting the final process with six couples we are down to just two. The final test in this process was really more of a coronation, but I very much enjoyed it. It brought back some of my favorite people and bachelor couples. I loved having them around for a few days as it’s always good to catch up on their lives.
Cody and Michelle are easily the most unlikely couple to come out of this franchise. I say this because Michelle didn’t see it coming herself. You here about somebody being swept off their feet, but with Cody you actually saw it happen. He came in and blew her away. It was almost too much for her to take, as it’s hard to believe he could be that genuine but he is. He’s a good man and loves her very much. I was very happy to see them leave paradise together, and I’m even happier to know they are still very much in love and planning a life together. I already promised Michelle I would officiate the wedding, and I plan on keeping that promise. I wish them the best.
It seemed like Marcus and Lacy were barely a part of this show. It almost felt like several weeks ago they checked out and went somewhere else. These two were so into each other that nothing else mattered and nobody else existed. It was incredible to see this love affair grow. That final day I knew Marcus planned to propose. He showed me the ring and we talked about it right before we walked in for that final rose ceremony. He was nervous, but was 100 percent sure he was ready to pop the question. It was exciting for all of us to see all of this end in such an incredible moment. We knew his intention, and we set up a place for him to take her to propose. The funny thing was the other Bachelor couples had no idea and thought something might be wrong. Once I told them the news, we all walked over to the ledge to watch Marcus get down on one knee and propose. Lacy of course said yes and so became our newest engaged Bachelor couple.
I couldn’t think of a better way for this first season of Bachelor in Paradise to end. Congratulations to Marcus and Lacy and Cody and Michelle. I wish them many blessings and an incredible future together. Thank you, Bachelor Nation, for making this the No. 1 show of the summer. Because of you I can say we’ll definitely be seeing you next summer for Bachelor in Paradise 2!
I want to end this season and this blog by thanking the most important member of our team this year, the Bachelor Raccoon. Without you, my friend, it just wouldn’t have been paradise.
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