Chrissy Metz Reveals the Origin Behind Her 'Masked Singer' Costume

Chrissy Metz is unmasked on 'The Masked Singer' Season 11

Chrissy Metz didn't know what a poodle moth was before she came onto The Masked Singer. But the actress saw a kinship in the bug, as she herself had just risen to prominence with her breakout role in This is Us. And so she donned the white fur and 10-foot wings of the Poodle Moth, and like a flame, she drew judges and fans of the Emmy-winning Fox reality series in with her terrific vocals and heartbreaking personal story.

The day after her reveal, Chrissy Metz spoke to Parade about her time on The Masked Singer.

Related: Everything to Know About The Masked Singer Season 11

I know you had just gotten off of the project of your career in This is Us. So how did The Masked Singer come into the picture?

So I was asked while the show was on, and I just couldn't do it. We couldn't hack it with the schedule and all that. And then I also was like, "There's no way I can do this. I cannot be in this costume and sing audibly enough. I can't." And I'm a big sweater, specifically on my face. People have the arms, the pit sweats. I don't get those. Everything is just my face. I literally thought, "If I'm on the show, and I get revealed, I'm going to be sweating my face off. It's not going to be cute."

Anyway, all that to say, I was like, "Well, if something's going to be challenging, I should probably try it." But then I thought, "I don't want to ruin my reputation. Because, if I'm exposing people to me singing, I want it to be good enough." And then in practice, you put the suit on, and there's lights and a live audience, and it's heavy, and the wings are big. And it's hard enough when you're just singing without a costume. It was definitely challenging. But I'm glad that I did. I had a lot of fun doing it. In hindsight, I was like, "Oh, OK, I got through that. I did that." Or when people are guessing me and saying really nice things, I'm like, "Oh, that's so nice!" I want people to know that I sing because it's my first love. And even singing as Kate Pearson on the show wasn't a complete depiction of who I am, obviously, as a vocalist. So there were many reasons why I did it.

So what was your reaction when your worst fears came true, and you were put inside a giant furry Poodle Moth costume to sweat it out?

So I got to work really closely with the costume designer, and I am obsessed with her. She's so talented. And she's like, "Chrissy, I wanted it to be something that like means something to you, or gives you a reaction that you sort of feel drawn to." And it was very sweet because she's like, "People are drawn to you." And obviously, moths are drawn to the light. And so there's all this symbolism. I mean, listen, people didn't even know a poodle moth existed. And so it was something kind of cool about how people didn't know who I was until This is Us. So there was all of this very intentional backstory, which was sweet. But I can't believe they exist. My niece was obsessed with the Poodle Moth and didn't know it was me. I thought that was so sweet. And she's like, "I want to hold it!" Like she wants a stuffed animal. I'm like, "Oh, well, that's what you want. You want the costume to make you feel something."

You were very open about your past in your clue packages about your childhood and the early stages of your career. And it culminated in this beautiful rendition of "The House That Made Me" that had the judges in tears. What was it like to reveal so much about yourself on a show where your identity is disguised?

I think that's what's fascinating about the show. You really have people connect to this very elaborate kind of fantastical costume. But then there's a real person inside with a real life and real heartbreak and real trauma. And I have never shied away from wearing my heart on my sleeve. It's just not who I am. I think I've shared a lot of that in my book that I've written. But I just realized, the more vulnerable I am, the more it connects to people. And the more specific I am, people are like, "I can't believe that you had the same experience I had." So I just know that even though it's uncomfortable, it's also cathartic for me to know I'm not alone and to help people know that they're not alone. So yeah, it was it was cool. But it was also like, "Oh, OK, let's see how this is taken." And then, of course, "The House That Built Me" is one of my favorite songs written by one of my favorite songwriters, Tom Douglas. We happened to be renovating to sell my childhood home while we were shooting the show. I was like, "This is too timely." So I feel like that's what we connect to as people is real life. And that's what I'm happy to share. So that was my favorite.

You talk about facing that devastation. Talk about what it was like to lose the Battle Royale to Clock, and then to get saved by the judges.

Story of my life! Just when you think you're like close to something, "Just kidding. Oh wait." I'm like, "Did I seriously choose the business of rejection? Yeah, I did." So it's not so foreign to me. But it still stings a little. You're like, "Wait, I want to be chosen!" We all want to be chosen. We all want to be loved. We want to be validated. So, yeah, it was a bit of emotional roller coaster. But at the same time. I'm actively thinking whatever happens happens for a reason and not beat myself up like, "Oh, I should have done this. I should have done that." Just have some grace around it. But I wanted to win the whole thing.

What was your reaction to getting compared to such greats as Shania Twain, Faith Hill, Melissa McCarthy, and even your own This is Us co-star Mandy Moore?

I mean, I love all those ladies. Are you kidding? Such a flattering compliment? I was like, "What?" I mean, I love all of them. So it was very surprising.

What about when Jenny guesses you right? Were you happy she recognized you, or mad that you weren't able to evade the judges' guesses completely?

I just feel like she's a great guesser. So if it was going to be anybody, it would be Jenny. It wasn't a surprise to me. But then I'm thinking, "Oh, my gosh, should I have used an English accent? Should I have tried to throw them out?" I get so in my head about it. But, I mean, that's all the fun about the show is guessing and talking to people about what you think of their guesses. So it's all in good fun.

Did you expect to beat Gumball in the Smackdown to make it to the semifinals?

No, I don't expect anything. It could be a song choice. It could be the way someone's feeling that day. Maybe they don't like that song. Or maybe it brings up too much emotion. You just don't know. So I think my ego was like, "I want to win." But at the same time, there's so many great singers on the show. Whatever is meant to be is meant to be.

Well this is certainly not the last we're hearing of your voice anytime soon. I heard that, after showcasing your singing on the national stage, you're going into the studio to record some tracks!

Well, I think part of the reason why I did the show is because there are people who didn't know that I actually sing, or that I love to sing. And it was my first love. So I wanted to sort of just enlighten people. And yes, I've been working on music. It's going to be coming out pretty soon. Everybody's been asking about me doing a cover now of "The House That Built Me." And I'm like, "Well, maybe I should do that." Because it obviously meant a lot to me. It does mean a lot to me. So I'm probably going to do that. But I have original stuff coming out very soon.

Next, check out our interview with Corey Feldman, who was eliminated in The Masked Singer Season 11 Episode 9.