Christine of 'Big Brother' says 'me and my husband have a very secure relationship'
Christine Brecht, a 23-year-old Barista from Tucson, Ariz. was the victim of Big Brother‘s second double elimination of the season last night. And to make matters worse, she was then on the receiving end of boos from the studio audience after being evicted. Was that because of the cuddling, stroking, and hand-holding we saw married Christine taking part in with Cody? Was it because she repeatedly backstabbed friend Nicole? Big Brother host Julie Chen already weighed in on that, but we were able to also get Christine’s take on her time in the house and how she thinks her husband may be reacting to what he saw on the show.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: You formed a friendship and alliance with Nicole very early on but then repeatedly worked against her. How do you think your reunion in the jury house is going to go?
CHRISTINE: I love Nicole to death. She is a great person. In the jury house, we’ll put the game behind us and be great friends.
Did being the only female in an alliance make you nervous that the boys would eventually get rid of you?
Oh absolutely, the entire time I was in the alliance I assumed I was on the bottom of the totem pole.
Anyone who doesn’t win this game will have a regret. What’s your biggest one?
My biggest regret is getting too close to Frankie and doing what he said.
Who at this point do you think is running the house and playing the best game?
Frankie, hands down, has been running the house since day one.
You looked completely shocked when you were voted out unanimously. Why decide not to hug anyone or say goodbye to the other houseguests?
I wasn’t shocked when I got voted out, actually, which is why I didn’t hug anyone. As a superfan, I always hated when people hugged the people who just back stabbed them. I am not a fake person in reality, so I couldn’t hug any of them.
You were very cuddly with Cody in the house. Are you concerned with how your husband might feel watching that all happen?
Me and my husband have a very secure relationship. It was all innocent, Cody and I were just friends.
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