Colbert Dusts Off Herschel Walker Jokes Written a Month Ago
Yesterday Raphael Warnock defeated Herschel Walker, a Trump-backed Republican, in the Senate runoff election in Georgia. The historic moment was a highlight for several talk shows including The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, who used the opportunity to unleash month-old jokes written just for the occasion.
Dusting off an envelope sealed with wax, the host shared a string of election-themed quips including a hat tip to Warnock, who is a pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church (Martin Luther King Jr.’s former congregation): “Warnock has won Georgia. It’s fitting he’s a reverend because when I hear that, all I can say is, ‘Thank God.'”
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Colbert followed by pointing out that Walker is a yet another blow to former president Donald Trump, who endorsed the former football player and whose win-loss record has seen better days. Quoting a GOP insider in a New York Times article, Colbert said that “Georgia may be remembered as the state that broke [Trump] once and for all” and followed it up by group texting a peach and fist emoji.
The host also touched on hardcore sleepovers at Twitter, President Volodymyr Zelensky on the cover of Time’s 2022 Person of the Year, and Germany arrests in a QAnon-linked coup plot.
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